Debunking the myth of knowledge management and organisational learning


An interesting item from the Linkage Inc website:Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning have come to the forefront of the new century. But what exactly is knowledge management? The answer is dependent on whom you ask and what you want to know. Linkage’s Amy Timmins has composed a paper to shed light upon this subject. The […]

Emotional Intelligence conference


Linkage Incorporated, the USA-based company providing corporate education and consulting for HR and training professionals, are hosting ‘Emotional Intelligence: Optimising Human Performance in the Workplace’ at The Commonwealth Institute, London from 15-17 May 2000.Topics to be covered include guidelines on the use of assessment instruments, the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and individual performance and justifying […]

IIP launches new Standard


After a lengthy period of consultation, Investors in People have re-launched their Standard in an effort to make it more user-friendly, more up-to-date, and more distanced from government.The new standard adopts a much simpler form, which should make it easier to understand. The 12 indicators to be met are grouped within the three areas of […]

Are you working in a positive learning climate?


Employees who want to discover how favourable the ‘Learning Climate’ is in their workplace can find out by visiting the Campaign for Learning and completing a free on-line Learning Climate quiz. The first one hundred quiz–takers will receive a CD-ROM version of ‘Effective Leadership Training.’ The Campaign for Learning has developed the quiz to highlight […]

Is Human Performance Technology the way ahead for British companies?


Economic commentators frequently point out the anomaly between the high levels of innovation and low levels of productivity in British industry. A session at HRD 2000 on Human Performance Technology (HPT) looked at ways of resolving this problem and featured one of the world’s leading experts in this new and expanding field, Dr Roger Addison.Dr […]

Getting to grips with cultural diversity in the global marketplace


To avoid culture clashes when working in global teams, we need to discover and understand the values of different cultures, according to speaker Dr Farid Elashmawi, President, Global Success, USA and co-author of Multicultural Management 2000. He adds, “When we are asked about our own culture, often we cannot answer. Our beliefs and values are […]

Are training levels really this bad?


Respected author and trainer Leslie Rae writes:Recently I received a copy of ‘t’ magazine that sets outs to link training, education and employment, and was intrigued by a short report of some research into the training of staff in organizations. I do not know anything about the survey itself, but if it was representative, then […]

Diversity training resources


The Diversity Training University offers a range of resources and services related to all aspects of diversity training.Based in the US, the group provide a range of direct tutoring services. However, the website also offers a free daily diversity tip email and plenty of guidance about good practice in diversity management and training. Worth a […]

‘Tackling racism: a one-day workshop’ by Pamela Brown


Tackling Racism: A one-day workshop.By Pamela Brown. Kogan Page, 1999. A4 ringbinder (boxed); 122 pages£99 plus £2.50 p & p. ISBN 0 7494 3036 2The author is to be congratulated on not only daring to approach a subject as difficult as this and as threaded with minefields as there are races now trying to co-exist […]

Learning at Work day – 25 May 2000


Each year, the Campaign for Learning promotes a Learning at Work Day which this year is scheduled for 25 May as part of Adult Learning Week.There will be events in workplaces across the country. Last year, more than 1,000 employers officially signed up, and many more became engaged in less formal ways.The Day has the […]

Campaign to promote better work-life balance


The Prime Minister, Tony Blair, and Education and Employment Secretary of State, David Blunkett, today launched the Government’s campaign to promote a better work-life balance at a business breakfast at 10 Downing Street. The campaign will encourage employers to introduce flexible working practices which enable their employees to achieve a better balance between work and […]

Is good HR being lost in the new media age?


Did I miss something? Everywhere you look in the new media industry people are demanding increasingly over inflated salaries, and the emphasis on career development seems to be taking a back seat to the short-term development of bank accounts.There was a time, not so long ago, when, if you asked a media executive what they […]

8 principles for learning


An article by Cristina Novicki published on the Fast Company website, which used the findings from a change management study to set out some basic principles of how learning does work in the ‘new age’ explored by Fast Company.There are some old messages here, and also some quite challenging ones. Its thought-provoking stuff intended to […]

Fast Company – “A handbook for the business revolution”


A TrainingZone member brings the Fast Company website to our attention. Fast Company is excited by the way business is changing in a global revolution. Standardised ways of doing things are changing, and new ‘fast companies’ are changing the way things get done.The site aims to be a ‘Handbook for the Business Revolution’. If offers […]

New IPD research into employers’ training budgets


This week’s issue of People Management magazine contains a news feature highlighting some of the findings of a recent IPD-sponsored survey into employers’ attitudes towards training. The main report is scheduled to be launched at the HRD conference in early April, however, this articles trails several of the findings, including –– More companies than ever […]

The Alchemy of Innovation – conference, 22 February 2000, London


Innovation demands that we live with contradiction. Whether we are establishing a new order of things or creating new sources of customer satisfaction, innovation calls for playfulness and experience; inspiration and hard work; expert knowledge and creative unknowing. The alchemist’s quest – the conjunction of opposites in the white heat of transformation – stands for […]

Conference: Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning


Linkage International in association with Microsoft, winners of the 1999 MAKE Award (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise) and KM Partners, are pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning Conference: Developing and Leveraging Your Organisation’s Human Capital, 29 February – 1 March,2000 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London. This international forum will bring […]

Benefits of workplace technology — 8 out of 10 agree


Managing Workplace Technology, a study conducted by the William Olsten Center for Workforce Strategies, reports that eight out of ten executives agree that technology is having a profound and positive effect on workplace productivity. Many companies rely on technologies employed in “e-work”–that portion of a worker’s activities carried out while telecommuting or using desktop productivity […]

Discount places on Trans4mation’s CRISTAL Leadership programme


Trans4mation are running a CRISTAL Leadership seminar on Wednesday 26th January at Ashridge, Berkhampstead, we would like to offer the few remaining places at just £200 (ex VAT) to Training zone readers (disounted from over £400 each).To register your interest, email quoting this TrainingZone special offer.C.R.I.S.T.A.L. Leadership™ will provide the tools to create.…….– Clarity of […]

‘Smart Things to Know about Strategy’ by Richard Koch


Smart Things to Know about StrategyAuthor: Richard KochPublisher: CapstoneDate: 1999ISBN: 1 84112 034 0Price: GBP 12.99Website: read Koch’s The 80/20 Principle and found it enlightening, I expected that this book too would be good – and I was not disappointed. However, it is so packed with good ideas that it gave me a problem […]