Learning transfer: are old-school training courses dead ducks?


As bite-sized, self-directed online learning continues to evolve, should we be saying goodbye to class-room based learning? Or is there still value in adopting formal training, alongside experiential approaches, for enhancing learning transfer? When I joined the world of work, lengthy, often residential, training courses were the ‘gold standard’ for imparting knowledge and new skills. […]

Learning transfer: why L&D cannot beat the system and effect change through training alone


An unhelpful myth that high-performing organisations are simply made up of talented individuals is preventing L&D from better supporting their learners. Sustaining positive change post-training is a tricky feat if organisations aren’t recognised to be systems embedded with deeply ingrained cultural nuances, processes, strategy and hierarchies that may need to be combated at times.  Great, I thought, […]

Overcoming the training transfer problem by adopting a performance-centric mindset


Training transfer – the extent to which learning is applied back in the workplace – is the cause of many a sleepless night among L&D teams. But is measuring the transfer of learning the wrong thing to be worrying about when a much greater challenge – of better integrating learning within work – lies before us? Training transfer is big […]

Feedback: the gift that keeps on giving


Many people feel uncomfortable giving feedback, but establishing a strong feedback culture is essential for a healthy work culture and, ultimately, for business success.  Feedback – it’s a hot topic across all industries and it’s key for a business to progress and for employees to act effectively and develop. There are many ways to give feedback, using […]

The Lady in the Boat


My partner and I recently spent two amazing weeks on holiday in North Germany and Denmark, where we got married. During our trip we met so many wonderful people, but one in particular had a lasting impact. We’d started our holiday with a short cruise to Hamburg from Southampton. We were lucky enough to be […]

From learning and development to performance and capability: making the shift


Improving business and individual performance isn’t just about training. It’s time for L&D professionals to provide more value and start thinking in terms of performance and capabilities development. Learning and development professionals around the world have become more ambitious and forward thinking in recent years, but many practitioners lack the necessary capabilities to drive growth […]

Transferring learning is obvious – except it’s not


How do we ensure that learners retain and apply the information gained during training sessions? It’s time for trainers to start focusing on embedding knowledge as a core part of the learning process.  Even the best programmes in the world are no use if the learnings themselves aren’t applied, so it’s vital that participants understand from […]

Learning analytics: why it’s time to look at the bigger picture


If L&D is going to embrace 2019 as the ‘year of data’, practitioners need to take a step back and look at learning analytics more strategically to reap the results the industry is hoping for. Learning analytics. There’s no doubt that it’s a big talking point in L&D at the moment. In fact, it may […]

Is ROI the reason talent is missing out on crucial L&D opportunities?


Leadership teams across the country are still failing to invest enough in L&D opportunities for talent, but what is the impact and are we blinded by the acronym that covers all manner of sins: ROI? Arguably, there is a general lack of trust in the motives of leadership and brands today, and the decline of […]

Interview: putting learning application at the heart of your L&D strategy


Without focusing on the end result of performance, your learning solutions will hamper the development of your employees and raise questions among stakeholders. We spoke to Ron Edwards, Head of Learning Solutions at Ashorne Hill, about how to change this approach and create exceptional learning journeys that deliver business results. Is learning application an area in which […]

Learning analytics: why we need to get better at measuring performance


Measuring the impact of learning and development programmes is about so much more than the traditional ‘ROI’. Here are some other ways L&D professionals can prove their worth. We’re at a pivotal moment in UK history. In the face of political uncertainty, a rapidly evolving workplace, and trends like automation and artificial intelligence transforming how […]

Video: putting John Adair’s leadership theory into action


John O’Brien says using an Action Centred Leadership approach to focus on the team, the task and the individual is as relevant today as it’s always been.  In this video John O’Brien explains how using John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership model helped him turn a failing business around: “About 30 years ago, when I was […]

Are L&D professionals ready to transform the industry?


High-performing learning organisations are extremely good at developing the L&D function itself. But among the rest of the industry, the continual professional development of learning practitioners is not seen as a priority. This needs to change if we want to remain relevant to businesses. Addressing the low confidence levels in the L&D profession is first a matter […]

Helping change the role of L&D by changing roles in L&D


Successful organisations are those that change in response to evolving environments. To remain still in a world of change is a recipe for irrelevance. L&D is not an exception. It needs to change in order to avoid irrelevance. But change is often hard and complex. Throughout my entire career I’ve heard L&D leaders call for […]

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