How your childhood affects your leadership skills

child in black jacket and blue shorts holding green plastic bucket - childhood leadership

Did you know that early childhood experiences can shape the leaders we become? Leadership expert and consultant Nik Kinley and IMD Business School Professor Shlomo Ben-Hur explain how our understanding of this can help optimise performance under pressure.

Why mission-critical thinking trumps passion

silhouette of person using boat, Person pursuing their passion.

Should L&D teams help employees pursue their passions or focus on meeting business needs? Robin Hoyle suggests you curb your enthusiasm and get on with mission-critical plans.

The future-focused CLO: Building capabilities for tomorrow

silhouette of woman near shoreline. The future-focused CLO: Anticipating and building capabilities for tomorrow

As technology and global markets are evolving, so too is the role of CLO. This article explores the pivotal role CLOs play in steering their organisations towards future success, focusing on the skills and strategies that will define the next generation of L&D leadership.

Why it’s time to ditch the annual appraisal

question mark neon signage; continous performance review

There are some issues when it comes to traditional performance review systems but that doesn’t mean we can stop reviewing performance. Matt Somers suggests a more continuous process revolving around five central questions.

There is no innovation without intrapreneurship

person holding lighted sparklers representing innovation from intrapreneurs and intrapraneurship

Established organisations are increasingly recognising the significance of intrapreneurship as an attractive skill but when it’s hard to quantify it can be difficult to foster without purpose behind it.

How L&D can make an impact during times of financial strain

Broadening horizons and widening perspective

Even the smallest L&D teams can make a difference by thinking about and approaching their work differently. Significant benefits can be reaped from adopting a more strategic approach to what we spend our time on and how it impacts the business.