Influencing culture through learning


In the second-to-last article in our series looking at how learning professionals can deliver on five key business outcomes, Laura Overton, CEO and founder of Towards Maturity, provides insights into how the most successful organisations are influencing culture through learning. Creating an organisational learning culture represents L&D nirvana. Organisations that learn are resilient in the […]

Agile: how can Learning & Development get buy-in from CEOs?


Agile has been transforming technology since the early noughties when the birth of the Agile Manifesto gave rise to a new approach for developing software. Now others understandably want to get in on the Agile action – if the significant benefits experienced in IT can be replicated elsewhere, then the potential opportunity for organisations is […]

4 tactics to help learning leaders cultivate agility


In our first article looking at cultivating agility through learning we explored how our latest benchmark report, Unlocking Potential, shines a spotlight on the behaviours of organisations that are achieving efficiency outcomes. Our data shows that organisations that are successful at cultivating agility have a laser-precision focus on engaging staff with 43% of what we […]

How to cultivate agility through learning


In the sixth article in our series looking at how learning professionals can deliver on five key business outcomes, Laura Overton, CEO and founder of Towards Maturity, provides insights into how the most successful organisations are cultivating agility through learning. To survive and succeed in today’s fast-moving, ever-changing world, organisations need L&D functions that are […]

Is there a future for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?


Robin Hoyle is a writer, trainer and consultant. He is the author of Complete Training: from recruitment to retirement and Informal Learning in Organizations; how to create a continuous learning culture both published by Kogan Page. Remember when there were lots of L&D activities which were geared towards gaining Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points? Primarily targeted at the professions such […]

The Best Apps For Higher ROI


Workplace apps are useful in achieving rapid returns and investment growth. Despite the large market for these products, most enterprises are yet to utilize the benefits of these apps. Employees can use business apps to improve their work. Companies can develop a customized app or purchase available ones. Off-the-shelf business apps are cost effective and […]

4 tactics to help learning leaders boost performance


In our article looking at boosting performance through learning we looked at some of the ways organisations are looking to boost performance. Our latest benchmark report, Unlocking Potential, shows that this is a major area of focus for L&D, with 96% of learning leaders wanting to improve organisational performance. This is an ambitious goal and […]

How to boost performance through learning


In the third article in our series looking at how learning professionals can deliver on five key business outcomes, Laura Overton, CEO and founder of Towards Maturity, provides insights into how the most successful organisations are boosting performance through learning. Which one of us doesn’t want to help colleagues do their jobs faster or better? […]

4 tactics to help learning leaders fine-tune processes


In our article looking at driving process improvement through learning we explored the role of managers in transforming formal learning processes. Our latest benchmark report, Unlocking Potential, shows that this group of employees is the key to unlocking more effective learning. We know from our ongoing research with over 35,000 learners that 78% find support from […]

How to drive organisational efficiency through learning


This week we kick off a series looking at how learning professionals can deliver on five key business outcomes. Laura Overton, CEO and founder of Towards Maturity, explores 13 years’ worth of data, collected from L&D professionals in the Towards Maturity benchmark, to provide insights on how the most successful organisations are positively impacting on […]

4 tactics to help learning leaders improve efficiency


In our first article looking at driving organisational efficiency through learning, we explored how our latest benchmark report, Unlocking Potential, shines a spotlight on the behaviours of organisations that are achieving efficiency outcomes.   When we do this we see marked differences in who is and isn’t achieving outcomes related to efficiency. Our data shows us […]

How to Train Your Employees for Better ROI


If there is a key factor you should apply to training your employees for better return on investment (ROI) it’s this: Tap their potential The first step in any employee-training program should be to recognize the skills and experience those employees already have. Then, it’s up to owners and managers to maximize this potential. Do […]

What makes a winning partnership between learning and business?


To unlock potential and impact on performance, people professionals don’t just need to get closer to the business; they need to become integral to the business, says Stephanie Morgan. We often find ourselves attempting to deliver results in the face of challenges from within. Towards Maturity recently found that only 57% of their C-suite respondents […]

Imposed v chosen change: strategically manage change in your business


Human beings are pretty amazing, and one of our many impressive elements is how adaptable we are. In our everyday lives we may find solace in routine or familiar surroundings, and may feel all at sea if our routine is interrupted, but it is evident that it is our ability to undergo significant changes that […]

The case for and against: L&D Accreditation


There are plenty of contentious issues in HR and the workplace, and we think it’s important to get a balanced discussion going on some of the bigger questions out there. In this series, we’ll be asking HR experts and practitioners to give us opposing viewpoints on a key issue, and we welcome your input too! If […]

6 steps to find the ROI of your training program


You have probably heard the standard opinions: even though communication training may help awareness, self-confidence and recognition, it remains something that is ‘nice to have’. Something that you can’t measure and therefore does not deserve priority. However, this is not the case anymore: soft skills can be measurably improved and the Return On Investment (ROI) […]

The Learning and Development Strategy Example


This is the last post in a series of articles i have been writing on how to create a learning and development strategy using six strategy questions. This post shows an example of a completed learning and development strategy. Meanwhile here are links to all the previous posts: Learning and development strategy, not again! What […]

Potholes: The Very Definition of Insanity!


I am going to start by admitting that I have a very particular reason to dislike potholes, having broken my foot many years ago by stepping into one whilst wearing some (oh so beautiful) strappy sandals – but that’s a whole other story.  But, experience tells me that, whilst my tale may be unique, almost […]

Evaluation is a data, not a framework problem


You know those surveys that happen every year? Those ones that talk about what l&d should be doing and they are not or what the top l&d teams do that makes them stand out? Apart from the fact that they make me cringe with envy or I feel inadequate, there is one thing common to these […]

Creating an L&D strategy with the questions-Part 4


In the previous post (access it here), the Head of IT said he can provide Dave with more information to answer question four.  The leadership team (LT) members also gave Dave a list of managers and team leaders who can also help him with more detailed information. for the question. Dave was ready to close […]