A Changing Workplace: Rethinking Talent Management
There’s no doubt about it: our world of work is evolving at breakneck speed. Digital disruption and an explosion of technology is radically transforming the way we work. Talent is still in short supply and roles that didn’t even exist 10 years ago are becoming crucial to fill, yet there is an underlying fear that […]
Employee engagement: three ways to coach a disengaged team
How to transform a lacklustre team into a motivated, high performing one.
Why on-the-job learning may die at the hands of automation
In Gartner’s 2020 trends report on the future of work, challenges such as the unethical use of employee data, the need for radical transparency and the ever-rising demand for remote work – although significant – may be of little surprise among employers. One more unexpected trend, however, is the elimination of on-the-job learning. Gartner’s research […]
The future of L&D: two key drivers to propel the sector forward in 2020 and beyond
L&D needs to radically shift its mindset to survive.
Can Soft Skills Make Businesses More Profitable?
Many international studies on the impact of soft skills in the workplace have found without question that they are skills that employers require across all aspects of business. A good example of this is Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends 2018 research, which surveyed more than 11,000 business leaders and found that future employees most sought-after […]
How to build resilience with high intensity thought training
Did you know you can use high intensity training for your mind as well as your body?
Neuroscience: why employers should invest in brain training
Brain training has proven to create significant gains for employers, when done in the right way.
The adventure mindset: why adventure should be a key component of your career
Adopting a bit of the Indiana Jones adventurer mentality can actually be good for your professional development.
For 12 years, Global Knowledge has been conducting a Skills and Salary survey. Over a decade of insight allows us to see the trends and cycles, helping us predict the training landscape. It’s clear that 2020 is going to be a year where commitment to skills development may separate the wheat from the chaff. Skills […]
Coaching: If you manage people, you’re a coach whether you like it or not!
You may have seen Alister Shepherd’s excellent article on TrainingZone at the end of last year entitled ‘Why coaching is a manager’s job’. Given the time of year, you may even have resolved to be a manager who takes up the coaching challenge or, as an L&D practitioner, have resolved to help your managers accept […]
Sales training games & activities
I’m a sales trainer and I’m looking for activities that I can use when working with clients who need to understand how to Upsell / Cross-sell. FYI, I use this McDonald’s example to explain it: Upsell – Would you like to go large? Cross sell – Would you like fries with that? I don’t mind […]
Holistic learning: how to engage the heart in learning
How engaging learners’ emotions can aid learning transfer.
New year, same you: why aren’t you sticking to your new year’s resolutions?
Why do so few of us manage to keep those New Year’s resolutions?
Lifelong learning: why it matters to the next UK Government
The neglect of adult education has come to the fore given the fierce acceleration of digitalisation in the workplace. Whilst for most businesses the human workforce will always exist, both business and policymakers now recognise the need to prepare for automation and technology, and how it will impact the type of work humans do. A […]
The future of work: empowering people to take charge of their careers
The world of work is changing – it’s time for skills training to change with it.
Ten Years On … in learning & development
With the next roaring 20s a month away, what has had the biggest impact on the learning industry in the last ten years and what will be the most significant catalyst in the next decade? The rise of user-generated learning content, the Gig Economy, the Internet of Things and cybersecurity have all had an influence […]
The management puzzle: why it’s time for organisations to upgrade their ‘accidental managers’
Managers have a huge responsibility within an organisation, and yet very few receive formal training.
The Apprenticeship Levy: the answer to the UK’s diversity and skills crisis?
How apprenticeships can help organisations improve diversity and plug skills gaps.
The third secret of accelerated learning: design with variety in mind
Variety is the spice of life when it comes to learning design.
The diversity challenge? Team cohesion grows from shared goals
Nisha from Finance eyes her lemon meringue cupcake, the topping melting in the sun. Liz from Communications forces a bright grin as she grapples with the microphone. “The winner of the Cupcake King or Queen of 2019 is…” Nisha hasn’t mistakenly entered herself for The Great British Bake Off, she’s just struggling to enjoy the monthly […]