The NHS and digital skills – the new generation


A recent NHS review has revealed that in order for the sector to maintain a high standard of patient care, a significant increase in investment for training in technology is needed. Director of National Skills Academy for Health, Candace Miller, looks at what this means for the sector and how new recruits will need a […]

Coffee Break: Collaboration, cultural fit and what makes a great mentor


Here's your lovingly-crafted list of news, blogs and opinion from across the L&D world. Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and don't forget to tell us what you've enjoyed reading this week too. Culture – Why you should care about emotional culture (Talent Culture) – 11 crucial interview questions to […]

So, you think you’re SMART enough?


We all need to know the direction in which we are headed; what is required of us to get there; how well we are doing in  terms of progress and achievement along the way. Task based objectives are frequently set.  Managers sometimes assume  staff know how well they are doing or what to do in […]

Coffee Briefing: Gratitude, micro-learning and visualising skills


Put the kettle on and minimise your emails for five minutes – it's time for another of our weekly updates on the news, opinion and blogs from across the world of L&D. Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared below, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading too. Learning – Why […]

Fair’s fair – Copyright Matters


We've attended two HR/Training Exhibitions (World of Learning and the Annual CIPD event in Manchester) and we are flabbergasted by how many people are still using an illegal version of Belbin. I was going to write this article but my RI/SH couldn't be tamed. I asked Stuart Kelly to use his ME/TW strengths instead. Copyright […]

Is Artificial Intelligence in learning an oxymoron?


It really is only a matter of time before virtual assistants are so advanced we may eventually be educated by them. Once enough data on language processing, reasoning, planning and cognitive modelling has been collected and appropriately arranged, tracking learning behaviours, giving personalised feedback, prescribing level-specific tasks and genuinely tailored course material in an instant […]

How to sell yourself as a business coach or trainer on LinkedIn


Let’s be clear from the start – LinkedIn is primarily a relationship and reputation building platform, not a sales vehicle. The word “sell” in the title is used in the sense that one would sell oneself in an interview as opposed to selling one’s services. Using LinkedIn as a sales megaphone for promoting and advertising […]

A social media skills gap will no longer wash


The UK is in need of digital skills. In fact, according to a government report, the UK is on the verge of falling behind on the global stage if we don’t address the skills shortfall. We don’t need everyone to become a computer scientist overnight, but when you bear in mind that 12.6 million adults […]

Coffee Briefing: Millennials, digital natives and ‘big pie thinking’


It's time to set aside some five minutes to catch up on the week's L&D news and opinion over your morning (or afternoon, or evening) coffee – we hope you're sitting comfortably… Let us know what you think the pieces we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading too! Skills – Your sensitivity is […]

Bringing MBTI alive!


I have a 30 minute slot at an away day to do a short activity on MBTI. The participants will have knowledge of their profile and will be getting 121 feedback at a later date. Has anyone got a short activity that could be run to understand the styles and what it means when working […]

Book Review: The Step-Up Mindset for New Managers


This self development guide for new managers has been written by Margo Manning asnd will prove very helpful not only to the new manager but as a reminder or refresher to any manager. It is well strucutured and can be used as a self development tool working methodically from Chapter one through to Chapter 11, […]

What could personal resilience training look like?


Mental health issues received unprecedented levels of media, political and health service attention during 2015, and will continue to do so, not only into 2016, but for the foreseeable future. The Health and Social Care Act 2012, secured explicit recognition from the Secretary of State for Health, to work towards ensuring 'parity of esteem' between physical […]

Voice & body language exercises


Has anyone got any unusual voice and body language exercises / activities. (Particular emphasis on Sales and Customer Service training) Has anyone got any unusual voice and body language exercises / activities. (Particular emphasis on Sales and Customer Service training)

Coffee Briefing: Brain training, learning spaces and the fall of Twitter


We've spent a week gathering the articles and blogs we think are the most interesting and useful from across the L&D community for your reading delectation. Let us know what you think of the pieces we've shared, or  Learning – The science of effective learning spaces (Edutopia) – Why is Twitter no longer No 1 on […]

Presenting to win: personality, skill and technology


The art of presenting has always been held as a key business skill. Whether it is a Steve Jobs style delivery in the auditorium, or a team delivering an intimate new business pitch — getting it right counts. While this may not be surprising, what is, according to new research by global technology company Barco, […]

Why Do Coaching?


If you’re a provider of leadership and management training as we are, you’ll no doubt recommend coaching as a key ingredient in the recipe for successful leaders and managers. But what can you say if someone asks the king of the open questions: “Why?” This article will spell out some of the amazing benefits of […]

How Language Training Impacts the Bottom Line


Globalisation has made acquiring language skills really important at all levels of the organisation and across business functions. Complex business challenges demand an international understanding and a level of cooperation never before seen. The ability to communicate with clients, potential customers, partners, and employees across multiple regions is critical. For this reason, language training shouldn’t […]