Agile development training tips to follow in 2019


Over the years, the concept of data has been altering, indeed it has become a dynamic movie and companies are continuously bringing up new methods of implementation to introduce new things. The usage of self-service analytics is increasing rapidly and the IoT and Cloud have been emerging up with the generation of data. Technologies are […]

E-learning help


Hi – Does anyone have any experience in sourcing an e-learning company who can design and host some short e-learning modules? We don't have our own internal LMS or platform that could host therefore would need an external platform that we could ask users to log in to. Regarding the design, we can provide the […]

Let’s get critical – here are the priorities for L&D in 2019


With the skills gaps an ever-growing concern, businesses are putting corporate learning back on the agenda. But what needs to be prioritised by L&D to ensure success? There is no question anymore: the lack of relevant skills is consistently cited as a critical issue that can directly impact business growth. Fears of lost revenue, poor […]

A guide to starting a small manufacturing business


People might have a notion that the manufacturing industry is dwindling in the United Kingdom. However, manufacturing still makes up sixth of the country’s economy. Though it may be true that cheaper operating costs have damaged some opportunities in the United Kingdom, it remains a significant hub for innovative ideas, which creates plenty of room […]

Why emotional intelligence is essential in the age of artificial intelligence


It has long been known that AI will affect workforces and markets. Robotic production lines will continue to erode manufacturing jobs. Self-driving vehicles will force drivers of trucks, trains and buses to look for alternative forms of employment that can utilise their skills. As AI improves, which is happening quickly, a much broader set of […]

How can technology encourage teamwork?


The foundations of great collaborative work are cemented by a shared purpose, clear goals and cohesive team behaviour, but what if these could be enhanced by incorporating digital technology? The American Dream is a lie. It’s not about you, your hard work, your tenacity and your smarts. Humanity’s greatest achievements remind us that individuals contribute but teams are what make […]

How to meet the training demands of remote workers


There is growing evidence that a workforce consisting of remote workers and contractors is here to stay. Managing the learning and development of a workforce that is globally distributed presents a challenge to traditional training practices, so what are the solutions? A remote workforce is by no means more difficult to train if the right approach […]

How Studying IT will Boost Your Career Opportunity


Information Technology is one of the most important and fastest-growing industries in Australia. This constantly changing industry is very diverse, and almost anyone can get in on the action. IT is considered by some to be a niche industry reserved for computer geniuses and math whizzes. This couldn’t be any farther from the truth. In […]

Using Instagram for training businesses


How many training businesses are using Instagram? What are the most effective ways you have found that help generate new leads or encourage job applications?  Things I’ve found that work are: 1. Making posts and profile different 2. Making it personal  3. Encouraging interaction 4. Hashtags and location tagging 5. Using video  How many training businesses are using […]

Enough online promotion of training?


Online, Print and Face-to-Face can all play a role but my perception is that training professionals and providers are less likely to exploit the online aspect of promotion than other industries. Are there any grounds to this perception? What is your experience? Are there any challenges/barriers that are preventing you from using online and how does this impact […]

Tips for Training Better Sales Managers


Cold-calling. If you’re any type of salesman, then you know what the word means. It is the solicitation of business from potential customers who have had no prior contact with the salesperson conducting the call. It means that you’re contacting strangers and asking them if they need a new car. Studies show that only 2% […]

How Much Can You Afford To Spend On Marketing?


How do you determine and allocate your marketing budget? Should you consider these dreaded expenses, or should you perceive them as lucrative investments? Who do you hire to manage the job and how do you determine what money goes where? There’s no doubt that talking about the dollars associated with marketing makes even some of […]

Three Topics to Boost Employee Digital Literacy


Modern businesses rely on technology in ways that would have been unthinkable only a few short years ago. If you think about it, it’s hard to come up with a single profession that has remained untouched by technological change. Even manual laborers are beginning to feel the effects of the encroachment of robotics and AI […]

Can You Retrain Your Workers In The Age Of AI?


Today’s dizzying market is all-but defined by constant change, making it imperative for companies of all shapes and sizes to have a comprehensive strategy for retraining their workers on the fly. Retrofitting your employees with new skills and the knowhow needed to succeed in a digital economy is easier said than done, however, and many […]

E-learning/Online learning for MS Office 2016


Hi, I’m looking for an online learning supplier for our employees to use to fill any skills gaps they may have in using MS Office 2016 including Teams.  Has anyone got an experience of using any particular supplier succesfully?  Would ideally include some level of testing so that our people can identify where the gaps […]

Tips for training your staff on how to use POS


It’s an undisputed fact that many businesses are evolving with the digital era and they are making use of modernized tech solutions to process payments. Most businesses have abolished the use of the traditional cash register system for the use of tablets, smartphones, Ipads, and cloud-based POS. Although almost all your employees may understand how […]

How Technology Is Changing On The Job Training


Equipping your workers with the digital skills they need to success is more important than ever, but on the job training seems more difficult than ever before. Many of today’s managers and business owners who are hoping to train their employees don’t have the know-how to succeed, and make crucial mistakes when it comes to […]

The fuel to ignite Company Growth


Business Success= Growth + Profit A straightforward equation by the looks of it, however in real terms not that easy to achieve, especially if one is chief, cook and bottlewasher tied up with operationally working in your business instead of strategically working on your business. For SME’s, growth aspirations are often surpassed by the continuous […]

L&D’s changing role: now is the time to be brave, bold and fearless


Didn’t get the chance to attend World of Learning 2018? Here’s what I took away from the event on L&D’s changing role. My first time at World of Learning was an energising and thought-provoking experience. Robin Hoyle was a fantastic chair (with a fantastic suit!), and the programme offered something for everyone. Topics ranged from […]

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