Are you ready for industry 4.0 and learning through technological change?

Technology is moving fast, which means its more important than ever before to upskill your team and ensure your business is ready for industry 4.0. We’re currently in a period of rapid technological and social change, where artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and automation are fast becoming cornerstones of the new working environment. In manufacturing, […]
Using SEO to grow your training business

When it came to marketing courses and generating new business, SEO (search engine and PPC (pay per click ads) were surprisingly low on the agenda for training companies our industry benchmark report showed. This post focuses on how SEO can be leveraged to increase your course bookings and grow your training business. What is SEO? […]
How social learning impacts the learner experience

The digital revolution has expanded our capability for social learning, but it’s up to trainers to make the best use of the tools available to engage their learners. Social learning theory suggests that learning can occur from observing and imitating the actions of others. IT has transformed our world in the sense that we now […]
10 Ways to Monetize Your Website

Making income with your blog or website is not that hard as it seems. Everyone can easily achieve this with some persistence and fresh ideas. Depending on your motivation and dedication, your hobby blog can become a full-time job, or at least generate enough revenue to pay for domain and hosting. Feel free to take […]
Why usability is important in digital learning

It doesn’t matter how many great digital learning resources you provide if your learners can’t get their hands on them easily. A poorly designed user experience is like a child in a sweet shop finding they can’t reach any of the sweets they want on the shelves. Disheartening and frustrating to say the least! We […]
Developing your mobile learning strategy

If your organisation has yet to embrace mobile learning, the time is now – but being there is only half the job. In order to be truly successful, businesses need to understand learners’ online habits and cater to them. When e-learning first appeared in the workplace, it was an innovative new way of reaching people. […]
Virtuoso communication: training or talent?

Communication is an art, people say. One can really be a talented communicator. Some of us really are natural speakers, who can get the audience on the edge of their seats at every presentation. Others are at their best in social situations, they can appease every conflict. This a nice and romantic view, but it […]
Learning technologies for the social media age

The world is changing and in order to get the most from learning technologies, organisations need to need to relinquish some control in order to truly feel the benefits. The thing about learning technology is that it isn’t really about technology. Sure, it’s superficially about devices, systems and licences, but really it’s about engagement, community […]
Social media: help or hindrance?

To share, or not to share? That is the question today, and it’s one that affects us all, as social media is becoming an increasingly pervasive part of our personal and professional lives. For some reason, people now feel it’s necessary and relevant to share elements on their personal life on social media that […]
Learning innovation and strategic intent: moving L&D to the next level

In the third and final article of this three-part series on digital learning realities in 2018, Director of Research at Fosway Group, David Perring, draws on new research conducted in partnership with Learning Technologies to see how digital transformation is impacting the effectiveness of learning. Reflecting on the results of this year’s Digital Learning Realities […]
Is L&D doing enough to create truly effective learning?

In the second article of this three-part series on digital learning realities in 2018, Director of Research at Fosway Group, David Perring, draws on new research conducted in partnership with Learning Technologies to see how digital transformation is impacting the effectiveness of learning. After over 15 years of talking about blended learning and over eight […]
What’s the reality of digital learning transformation today?

Digital transformation is coming to learning, whether you’re ready or not. A massive 71% of organisations are currently in progress with their transformation journey. Based on new research conducted in partnership with Learning Technologies, director of research at Fosway Group, David Perring, explores the reality of what that means for L&D in the first of […]
How predictive analytics can revolutionise enterprise learning

In the past, predicting how employees’ careers were going to pan out was more of an art form than an exact science, but this is changing. We are on the cusp of being able to gather a great deal of information about all the ways your employees engage with their learning content, such as what […]
Digital technology: how to encourage employees to embrace change

Ensuring your business is future-proof relies on having a team who are prepared to stay ahead of technological advances. We are in a world of constant change – much of it driven by digital technology. Employers need to embrace all that change offers to help their staff keep pace and to maintain their competitive edge. […]
How to Use Data to Improve Your Content Marketing

You’ve probably heard it a million times but numbers never lie. It is when we learn how to utilize them in our favor that they become our best friends. Especially when it comes to marketing strategies. If marketers didn’t rely on data to track and monitor the trends in marketing, then they would certainly misjudge […]
Is The Cloud-First Approach Right For You?

We all know that cloud computing represents the technology of both the present and the future. It creates flexibility, enhances and streamlines technological processes, and can actually save organizations significant money. But, is the cloud-first approach, which is anticipated to explode in corporate growth within the next few years, right for all business infrastructures? Or, […]
Three popular IT technologies: tips and trainings

As the pivotal link between technology and a company’s personnel, service management would be expected to always be on the cutting edge of new trends in technology. The latest and greatest tech can often completely transform the way a company operates, introducing better tools, efficiency, and profits. Often the opposite can be true for IT […]
Technology for trainers: tailored learning solutions

Today’s technology offers more opportunities than ever to tailor training for individual learners. Tailoring your training to meet an individual’s needs has long been recognised as the best way to deliver positive outcomes for learners. When faced with many requirements and abilities, it can be a challenge for trainers to offer bespoke learning. However, recent […]
Why All Employees Should Learn To Code

Coding is becoming a central facet of contemporary life, enabling the wonderous machines and software that helps us as we go about our personal lives and business pursuits. Learning coding has thus become more popular in recent years, particularly since it’s becoming financially lucrative to do so, but more could be done when it comes […]
Training needs assessment – for your company

Training needs assessment is the bedrock of a training program. For something as critical as employee training, planning to develop a training program begins with the needs assessment. Whether there is a new technology that needs adoption by skilled engineers or an updated process, assessing the need for a training program sets a clear directive […]