Top eLearning Trends For 2016 You Need To Be Aware Of

We now have a firm footing into the 21st century. Although we’re not quite at the Johnny Five stage yet (the robot demonstrated the ability to scan and instantly assimilate information in the 1986 movie, Short Circuit), technology is starting to revolutionize the learning landscape. Here are our four hottest eLearning trends for 2016. 1. Automation […]
Storyline’s secret weapon: using variables to supercharge your interactivity

Understand exactly what variables are and how they can super-charge how you implement your instructional design thinking. In the previous article in this series, I mentioned that some of the most powerful features you can find in an authoring tool tend to be buried away, meaning lots of people simply don’t know they exist. In […]
How you and your colleagues become shareholders in knowledge

Keeping knowledge to oneself gradually becomes replaced by a more open information exchange. But a cultural shift from “keeping” to “distributing” knowledge cannot exist without supporting software. Online training software can empower a new ownership in learning. Many managers are still reluctant to share power and knowledge. However, by holding back information from employees, they […]
Using Storyline: re-imagining tasks and activities with freeform interactions

Use Storyline’s freeform interactions to create virtually any kind of activity you like, with any objects you like and ‘attach’ the interaction functionality you want to that activity In the first article in this series, I mentioned how lots of authoring tools (both good ones and bad) can limit your instructional design thinking and creativity. […]
All in the planning: using Masters & Layouts in Storyline to reduce design time

You have probably heard of master slides. But you might not know much about the layouts sitting just below the master slide. In this article discover exactly what masters and layouts are and how to fully exploit their power in Storyline. Many people are familiar with the idea of a software template. This is a […]
Is your authoring tool holding you back?

For too long, legacy authoring tools have constrained how most people think about e-learning and what it can achieve. With a new breed of authoring tools emerging, now is the time to liberate your instructional design thinking and leave these out-dated restrictions behind. Increasingly, if you are working in a learning and development role associated […]
Five minutes with Mike Leavy, Learning Technology Lead, Virgin Media

Mike Leavy is the Learning Technology Lead for Virgin Media. In this brief interview he talks about what type of employee he wants in the L&D function and how his team help the business identify capability gaps. Mike will be speaking at the CIPD L&D Show in London on May 11th and 12th. Jamie Lawrence, […]
eLearning vs gamification

Our Business Development Manager recently wrote a blog post titled 'eLearning vs Gamification: Which Is Right For You?' which got me thinking if gamification is commercially viable for training companies? I would be interested to hear of any experiences or opinions on this topic. Let me know in the discussion section below or on the blog. […]
Survey Results: Key trends in the training industry

As a training software supplier, it is critical to continuously find out more about how training companies undertake their key business processes and the influence of automation within the training industry. We conducted a recent survey to gauge the current trends in the industry today. The survey was carried out with a selection of training companies […]
Why crowdsourced, peer-to-peer feedback could be the killer tool for L&D

The concept of feedback as a development tool for individuals and organisations isn’t new. But there’s no doubt that one of the clearest messages from experts is the growing importance of making feedback a core organisational value: to enhance learning, engage employees, inform managers and make better organisational decisions. Jo Ayoubi, CEO of Track Surveys, […]
Continuing Professional Development Benefits Employers and Employees

Continuing professional development (CPD) provides a structured approach to workplace training and development. For many professionals, some form of CPD is required to keep skills and knowledge up to date. With limited time both inside and outside the workplace, and with HR and Learning and Development (L&D) budgets under constant pressure, workplace training that meets […]
Does programming language matter when selecting training software or an LMS?

When searching for training or learning software how important is the programming language that it is written in? Is it something that you consider? We have put together a blog post that takes a look at the impact the type of programming language can have on cloud based software security. The full post can be found here: What are […]
When will people learn? – The dangers of untrained staff

According to the Office for National Statistics, UK productivity is lagging behind every G7 advanced economy bar one last year. It estimates that output per hour and output per worker were both 20% lower than the average achieved by the US, Germany France, Italy and Canada. This marks the widest productivity gap since figures began […]
If we can dream it, we can build it: the future of learning technology

Our blog this week is about the future of learning technology. We feel that some versions of the LMS have not supported us well and that we need to demand more from our learning technology providers. We'd love to hear from others who feel the same or have other insights. The full blog post […]
Learning Futures: with Toby White

Continuing our Learning Futures series, today we talk to Toby White from Kallidus about immersive learning environments. Insights include: What's the biggest cause of the failure of elearning? The difference between 'good' and 'bad' elearning content How you can create better-quality elearning content in house If you have any thoughts on Toby's comments or want to […]
MOOCs: The learning solution just a few clicks away

MOOC and online learning expert Sam Burrough tells us about the latest in the evolution of the massive open online course. Much has been written over the past two years about the impact MOOCs are going to have on higher education and, to a lesser extent, workplace learning. However, they are still in their infancy and […]
Content provider for LMS….help and ideas needed

Hi, We are currently in the process (early stages) of finding an LMS provider and content providers alongside it to provide training modules for my company. We have over 1000+ staff who will have access to the LMS and content will vary from off-the-shelf (finance, health and safety, etc…) to fully customised learning using content […]
Email etiquette – does it exist?

Hi all, As someone who runs his own business, I pride myself on my levels of efficiency and customer service. That's why I'm often blown backwards by the way some folk handle themselves over email. If a prospective client makes (what I believe to be) a genuine email enquiry about one of my company's qualification […]
Memory Trick: Improve Your Students’ Learning

Quick: tell me where your keys are right now. (I’ll give you a minute). … How long did it take to recall that information? Was it readily available, like a Google search? Or did it take a second to reach into the recesses of your mind? Your memory, and mine, is an amazingly complex and […]
Byte-Sized Book Review – Jony Ive, The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products By Leander Kahney

Quick Book Review Jony Ive is a product designer who came to the limelight after joining Apple, but his design talent had been apparent well before that, which is what led him to Apple. This books goes into detail about Jony’s rise to design excellence starting with how his father nurtured his design talent […]