Why virtual training is now better than face-to-face

Learning remotely offers many more benefits in the modern workplace.
Four key learning trends in 2020

The way we learn is changing – it’s time the industry changed with it.
Digital transformation: How first aid training went online during the Covid-19 pandemic

How eLearning is providing essential first aid training throughout Covid-19 pandemic.
Eight tips for shaping your training strategy around flexible working

Will flexible working obstruct employee development? Not with a blended approach to training.
Virtual training: three lessons from the lockdown experience

Virtual training is here to stay, but we need to be careful and creative with it.
A guide to setting up a podcast for your remote team or company

Everything you need to know to create your own company podcast.
Raising the vendor bar: how to select learning and development providers more effectively

Top tips for L&D professionals on how to select vendors more effectively.
Flexible learning in a changing world

Learning technology: how AR can improve learning transfer for remote workers

AR makes learning more accessible for remote workers.
How to nurture ‘digital dexterity’ to build skills for the future of work

Three ways to ensure your organisation closes its digital skills gap.
Online Courses Help Colleges Recalibrate

The speed at which our world is changing came into sharp focus recently as the evolving pandemic forced the closure of campuses and business around the world. While many businesses were equipped to respond swiftly, colleges scrambled to adjust and the results showed that there is certainly scope for improvement. The realisation that broadcasting classroom-based […]
Delivering Training Remotely 1

The current crisis has led to an upsurge in trainers considering whether they can deliver effective training remotely. Well, having spent a lot of time on this over the last couple of weeks, the good news is that I believe you can, provided you have the right systems to deliver your training, and you get […]
Iconoclastic leaders: how to execute digital innovation

To be truly innovative, leaders need to be willing to break the rules.
Interview: Chris Pirie on adopting a scientific mindset in L&D

Becky Norman, Editor, TrainingZone: Can you begin by telling us a bit about your L&D journey? How did your experience as a CLO at Microsoft inform your views today on the industry? Most of my career I have been working at the intersection of learning technology and the workplace. This includes leading LMS-based marketing and […]
Why on-the-job learning may die at the hands of automation

In Gartner’s 2020 trends report on the future of work, challenges such as the unethical use of employee data, the need for radical transparency and the ever-rising demand for remote work – although significant – may be of little surprise among employers. One more unexpected trend, however, is the elimination of on-the-job learning. Gartner’s research […]
International training: top tips for localising e-learning courses

Adapting your courses for different countries needn’t be a headache.
Creating leadership impact in the digital world: difficult choices

Why leadership is about dilemmas and difficult choices.
Digital transformation: how modern media habits can shape the future of digital learning

The L&D industry needs to innovate to stay relevant.
Four not-so-new learning innovations that still matter today

Whenever I’m asked to write about Learning Innovations it is tempting to create a sneery piece, which effectively says: “Seen it all before.” One of the challenges of being quite so old is that very often I have seen in previous incarnations what is being promoted as new, different and innovative. But I’m determined to […]
5 must-haves for a modern employee recognition pro

Employee recognition initiatives can come in many shapes and sizes, and the majority of US companies say they do have some form of recognition programme in place for their staff. But in the modern working world, which approaches to recognition work best? What features and strategies are now must-haves when it comes to designing your […]