Why we need a completely new learning and development approach


Though there’s now some doubt as to whether he actually said it, Einstein’s very useful definition of insanity – to keep doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results – is depressingly relevant for L&D right now. Why do I say that? We know that in learning and development our mission […]

Driving performance through learning in 2020


Learning is, without question, undergoing a renaissance. It wasn’t so long ago that many L&D professionals were bemoaning the relentless onslaught of AI, automation and other emerging technologies as threats to their very existence. Skilled jobs in finance, HR and legal were surrendered to the machines, and L&D looked to be next in line. But […]

Ten Years On … in learning & development


With the next roaring 20s a month away, what has had the biggest impact on the learning industry in the last ten years and what will be the most significant catalyst in the next decade? The rise of user-generated learning content, the Gig Economy, the Internet of Things and cybersecurity have all had an influence […]

L&D of the future: are you ready to adapt to high frequency change?


From the moment Tom Cheesewright publicly declared himself a futurist he was inundated with interest from big companies. These organisations wanted to know how they could better understand what would happen in the next 5-10 years, how they could create a story from this understanding, communicate this story to the outside world and, most importantly, […]

Can digital learning be a catalyst for diversity and inclusion?


While diversity and inclusion have been a strategic business priority for many years now, the focus has largely been on improving recruitment, retention and workplace environments. But research shows that employers need to broaden out their approach because the biggest barrier to diversity and inclusion is now advancement, with women and ethnic minority groups in […]

Measurable training: delivering data-driven L&D through virtual reality


Effective corporate training is becoming ever more critical as organisations adapt to the changing world of work and face the risk of a global talent shortage. Training expenditures for large and mid-size companies are on the rise, pointing to the recognition of the need for continuous learning and the modernisation of training programmes.   Businesses […]

Leadership: are we at the dawn of robot leaders?


Workplace technology has significantly altered the way we work and interact. Digitisation helps us manage workflow, collaborate, generate ideas and stay connected. We can work flexibly and be more productive, but we’re at the dawn of a new era of digitisation and some interesting challenges for the way we lead and manage.   Technology offers […]

AI will improve employee productivity


According to Gartner, Virtual Personal Assistants and chatbots will be used by 70% of organisations within the next two years.  Whether that’s incorporating AI-enabled response mechanisms to streamline incoming queries, to allow 24/7 customer service or to reach out to new customers with ‘chatvertising’, there’s little doubt that AI will be impossible to avoid.   With […]

L&D in 2019: how far have we come?


We’re already over half way through 2019, so it’s a good point at which to stop and take stock of how far L&D has come this year so far and discuss whether our L&D predictions are coming true. At the beginning of each year we are inundated with various predictions on the rising and falling trends […]

How to develop a learning culture for young talent


How can we best develop young employees? This new research on the development of early talent from the Institute of Student Employers shares key insights. Young people can be one of the greatest resources for employers. When you bring young talent into your organisation you’re gaining access to new ideas, enthusiasm and the latest skills from the education […]

Digital transformation: how to help your people navigate through uncharted territory


Digital transformation is not all about technology. It is easy to forget, but a critical element to consider as your company’s tech evolves is how to support your people as you take them along the journey with you… In 2016 it was predicted that global investment in digital transformation initiatives would  reach $2.2 trillion by 2019. […]

Learning analytics: how to be more strategic in your use of data


In part four of a six-part series Trish Uhl argues that learning and development professionals today are awash with data – the challenge, however, is how to access and use it effectively.   We talk a lot about the discipline of workplace learning analytics – but what about the data that fuels it? Collecting the right […]

Learning technology: why do we make it so hard to create e-learning content?


The tools available for creating e-learning content are stuck in the dark ages, which means we’re not delivering the best possible user experience for learners. We need to stop neglecting the needs of e-learning content creators if this is going to change. When online learning took off 20 years ago, part of the reason was […]

Continuous learning: The core of the workplace


On-demand learning may not yet be a matter of instinct for everyone but the time when it must be is upon us. Continuous on-demand learning is the only way we’ll be able to navigate the future that modern working life demands. This is not simply an employee issue, employers need to build a culture that […]

Deep Learning


How influential is the deep learning trend on applied machine learning? How influential is the deep learning trend on applied machine learning?

Digital transformation: taking your first steps doesn’t have to be scary


The digital transformation discussion is dominating today’s business world – yet many organisations remain daunted by the thought of constant change. For those working in such a company, here’s how to avoid panic when taking your first steps on the transformation journey. Even though digital transformation has conceptually been around for almost 30 years, it is […]

Peak productivity: powered by culture & technology


Today’s leaders have a responsibility to invest in technologies that drive engagement and implement inclusive policies. This will help ensure company culture is aligned with the collaboration solutions they employ. Enterprise leaders also need to understand the unique differences across their workforce in order to empower every worker to do their most effective and productive […]

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