UK skills gap: are Institutes of Technology the answer?


The government’s new Institutes of Technology are a step in the right direction for plugging the UK’s skills gap, but there are some key elements missing that must be addressed to ensure their success. The government recently announced that it is creating 12 Institutes of Technology across the country. Backed by a £170 million investment […]

Digital transformation: what does it take to become a digital leader?


Digital transformation is not just about investing in the right technology – it’s also about harnessing the right skills and encouraging employees to think in new ways.   Digital disruption is changing the workplace as we know it but people’s skills and thinking aren’t necessarily keeping pace. It’s a big challenge for employees — who […]

Let’s welcome a new dawn of behavioural learning analytics


With the rise of learning experience platforms, L&D teams will be able to measure and assess the behaviour of employees as they progress through their learning journey, taking learning analytics to a whole new level. Like it or not, the L&D sector is not where it should be when it comes to proving its worth […]

Complex diplomacy: how to deal with conflicting demands and information overload


In today’s fast-paced world of work, there is a constant need to negotiate a compromise between conflicting demands across multiple projects. But by implementing the right strategies and not succumbing to the desire to multi-task, project managers and team leads can successfully rise to the challenges of the digital age. Tight deadlines, limited budgets and […]

Five key features that make an engaging training video


Videos are growing in popularity as a learning resource, but poorly executed materials can do more harm than good. Here are five tips to make sure your videos are the best possible quality. As digital technology has advanced, so too have the opportunities to use them to support learning in the workplace. Training videos in […]

What are the benefits of project-based learning?


Digital technology is offering us more collaborative ways to learn and work together, so could a project-based approach help revive L&D? Project-based learning is the way forward in this digitally-connected age, both for businesses and the people who work within them. Let’s start by looking briefly at why it’s good for business: new ways of doing things […]

Instilling a culture of continuous learning


Imagine a world in which all learning stopped when you reached a certain point. There would be no more training courses, no more personal development programmes; just an endless conveyor belt of repetitive tasks stretching into an unchanging future. But what about promotion, what about moving to new jobs, what about responding to customer demand […]

Digital learning: how L&D can make the most of technology


Digital technology offers many advantages for L&D professionals, enabling them to deliver training more efficiently, to the right people at the best possible time. Here’s how to maximise your success using the tools available.   What does it take to develop a successful L&D strategy during digital transformation? To start with, L&D professionals are ahead […]

Four ways L&D can support digital transformation in their organisations


Digital technology is changing the way we work – and learn. To stay ahead, L&D teams don’t have to become digital gurus, but they do need to change the way they work. ‘Digital transformation’ – you’ve probably heard of it. Digital transformation or DX is a term well-used by business leaders – it’s taking a […]

Employee development technology: staying ahead in the digital age


Too many companies are merely paying lip service to employee development without properly investing. It’s time to truly invest or risk losing the best staff. More employees than ever value development opportunities as an intrinsic part of their job, yet three quarters of UK companies admit they don’t have a learning culture. We live in […]

Fosway’s Digital Learning Realities Research 2019: Interim results revealed


Ahead of presenting Fosway’s interim results on day one of Learning Technologies 2019, David Perring, Fosway’s Director of Research, spoke to TrainingZone about some of the findings that have particularly caught his eye. With approximately 800 L&D practitioners having already taken part in the survey, Fosway has gained good insight into how the results are […]

How to future-proof your career from automation


There has been much discussion centred around the impact of AI, automation, and robots on the future of work. Many people are divided on whether or not it is a good thing that more and more machines are implemented into the workforce at an ever-increasing rate – otherwise known as Industry 4.0 or the fourth […]

LMS recommendations please


I have started the mammoth job of finding an LMS proivder for our business. We are looking to have around 1000 users on the system. We have seen a few demos, and like the look of Docebo. I am wondering if anyone has used them and know if they are good? Their system looks great […]

How technology is transforming mentoring programmes


Mentoring schemes are increasingly being encouraged by companies, and the once manual selection process is being superseded by more accurate innovations in technology. Mentoring is widely recognised as highly beneficial to professionals in industries across the board. HR directors and L&D managers regularly turn to mentoring to improve employee engagement, learning and even employee retention.  Mentoring is on the increase and […]

Training remote workers: four major considerations


To successfully manage the training of remote workers, businesses must overcome practical issues and utilise the latest technology to upskill and train its employees.  With geographical distance becoming more of an inconvenience rather than an insurmountable obstacle, companies everywhere are able to hire people in different countries regions or continents. Especially those that operate in the knowledge-based […]

Five ways to support learners in a digital age


Helping learners to upskill and remain a valuable member of the workforce when distractions, information overload and new technologies abound can be challenging for learning professionals today. Here are some tips to help you on your way… When you’re trying to find a restaurant in an unfamiliar city, do you pull out a folded-up map, or do […]

Transforming L&D in the charity sector


Martin Baker is the founder and CEO of the Charity Learning Consortium and the Clear Lessons video library. As an ambassador for charity sector L&D, we spoke to Martin about how the core challenge around budget can be played as a strength since it requires charities to think creatively, share knowledge and focus on people, […]

Four ways to avoid disappointment in your digital learning programme


Robin is the Head of Learning Innovation for global sales, negotiations and communications training company, Huthwaite International. He has been involved in digital learning in some form or other for more than 30 years and continues to design award-winning learning experiences, using technology and digital learning where these tools add value. When I speak to […]

Tailored training: harness the latest technology


Organisations must embrace the latest technological innovations to remain competitive. A successful learning programme should cover the following aspects: devices, formats, data and personalisation. Robust learning and development (L&D) is essential for companies to build and maintain the skills they need to succeed and for employees to progress and reach their full potential. Providing the right training is a huge […]

Computational thinking: a key skill in the 21st century


In a world increasingly dominated by automation we need to equip employees with skills that complement computer technology and learn to work in partnership with robots. In the decade since computational thinking (CT) was first formulated by then Carnegie-Mellon Professor Jeannette Wing, it has been emerging as a really powerful universal problem solving technique, in particular for helping us all to […]

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