Are we working longer and not working smarter in L&D?

Is the rise of remote working helping people to work smarter or merely longer? And what impact is this having on your learning and development projects?
Equipping managers of distributed teams: Three lessons from Dropbox

Learn how to successfully equip managers of remote teams with these three golden rules.
Why ‘busy’ is the new ‘stupid’: the problem with workaholics

How L&D can help people stop working ‘harder’ and start working smarter instead.
Time management techniques for WFH

Our lockdown lives are bending out of shape. The unchanging rhythm of the day-to-day can make it hard to remember which day of the week it is. Managing the competing demands of our work and home life can be a challenge and evidence suggests working hours have increased. It looks as though many of us […]
Why we should all strive to be lifelong learners

Learning doesn’t just happen – time needs to be carved out and motivation needs to be sustained.
Learning to Let Go – Why Delegation Matters

Last week, I spent a really enjoyable week with the team in Alston, Cumbria, handing over tasks that I really didn’t need to be doing myself and welcoming back the lovely Dawn, who is returning after a nine-year stint elsewhere to support our customers. (Some of you who have been with us a long time […]
Time management training: five ways to get people to really change their habits

Five ways to manage your time better in 2020.
How can L&D support project managers with setting and managing expectations?

L&D professionals are often responsible for the learning and development of every role within an organisation. Finding the time to go beyond procedures and understand each department’s challenges can prove difficult, yet this is one area where you can truly add value. In this article, we explore the challenges faced by those working in digital […]
How Much Can You Afford To Spend On Marketing?

How do you determine and allocate your marketing budget? Should you consider these dreaded expenses, or should you perceive them as lucrative investments? Who do you hire to manage the job and how do you determine what money goes where? There’s no doubt that talking about the dollars associated with marketing makes even some of […]
Single Tasking – The Most Important Skill For 2019

Want to know the most important skill you will need to master in 2019? It’s got nothing to do with big data, virtual reality, AI, digital learning or any of the other “buzzword” related topics doing the rounds. Yes, master this and you will really get ahead. Want to know what this super power skill is? Well, […]
Learning to file on time

Have you heard the one about the dog who likes to eat homework? It’s an excuse which is now so much part of folklore that you pity the poor child whose canine companion really does have a taste for textbooks. But it’s also an excuse which is so much a part of childhood that we […]
How to end 2018 on a high

If you are feeling overwhelmed and dissatisfied by work then you could benefit from these practical tips to help prioritise your time more effectively for the coming year How’s your year going? Come the 31st December, will you look back on this year and judge it to have been a great year? Or, will you look […]
3 Tips For Creating Marketing Geniuses

Marketing isn’t just a trend, it’s a foundational staple of business. If you want your company to thrive, you need to build a team of professionals that are great at getting results from their marketing. When you want to elevate your business as a whole, it all begins with the way that you market. By […]
Forget Work-Life Balance and Aim for Integration

Being a successful businesswoman in today’s world often means that you have to be able to impeccably juggle your work and life obligations and duties. And dropping even one ball can lead to a whole bunch of problems. In recent years, we have read about and talked about finding the work-life balance, that seemingly intangible […]
How to Train Your In-House Marketing Team

The significance of marketing usually goes without saying, but let’s remind ourselves why exactly you are so interested in training your team. First of all, marketing is there to raise awareness about your products and services. You simply can’t receive any proper revenue unless your brand is known to customers. Not all consumers shop out […]
Why 4-Day Work Weeks Could Transform Your Business

Many businesses are stumbling when it comes to retrofitting their operations to survive and thrive well into the disruptive 21st century. Countless entrepreneurs and business owners have invested untold thousands into modernizing their businesses, but often don’t have anything to show for it. More often, these business professionals are beginning to throw up their hands […]
What Is The Biggest Distraction In The Workplace?

I know that almost everybody is going to say “my phone” or “the internet”, but I’m hoping for more specific things, or things that perhaps we haven’t all heard before. Are there any particular apps that people find eating up their time in work?Is there anything you could change to stop yourself getting distracted?Have you […]
How to Do SEO (When You Have No Time To Do It)

Ready for some real talk? Research shows that 71% (and up to 92%) of all search traffic clicks occur on the first page of Google. Click-bait title aside, learning how to engage, implement, and master the intricacies of SEO is vital for all businesses. After all, if you aren’t anywhere close to that first page, how do […]
Why You Should Take Employee Social Media Training

The most straightforward answer would be: because of social media matters. Anyone who is trying to negate this fact is clearly not from this planet. The obvious can be represented by the figures. Namely, 74% of shoppers tend to rely on social media when making their decisions. 95% of millennials are most likely to follow […]
Building your psyche for financial success

Your personality carries over into the way you think and everything that you do — especially finances. If you’re on the entrepeneur journey and need to be sure that you’re earning profits and growing, it pays to get your spending habits in check. The more that you know about your psyche, the easier it’ll be […]