You know you’ve been a trainer for ages when…


I was in the office today working through a client's training folder and exclaimed at the top of my voice: "Now! THAT'S a quality plastic wallet!" (or polypocket as I call them). I turned to a colleague and said: "I've been doing this job FAR too long!" Have YOU had any nerdy training moments like […]

Top tips for engaging webinars


How often do you engage others via a virtual platform? We live and work in an era where improved communication technology means we no longer need to be in the same room to interact with others. Examples may include: • Internal business meetings• Meetings/sales calls with clients or customers• Training interventions or employee briefings There […]

Five strategies to make compliance training more engaging


Many employees see compliance training as a necessary evil—something that they would willingly avoid at all costs except for the fact that their workplace success often depends on such trainings. To combat this workplace reality, a wealth of new tools and strategies have emerged to take content that is typically considered dry and uninteresting into […]

Getting ready for your elearning project


Hurray! Your project has been approved. The content is ready to go, project team ready, supplier ready. You feel like you’ve been developing the project for weeks already! There can be a rush to get things done. You might be under pressure to ‘get me a screen’ or ‘get a script’. You've not started but […]

What do you think about icebreakers and energisers?


Hi folks, I'm undertaking some research at the moment about how short exercises like icebreakers and energisers are used by trainers. I've pulled together a short, 6 question, survey that is totally anonymous and I would love it if as many as possible of you completed it. Please just click here to be taken straight […]

Great delegation or passing the buck?


Delegation skills are vital for all managers and team leaders. The advantages are immense. However delegation performed poorly leads to de-motivation, stress and low productivity. The delegator often blames the delegatee and tries to 'pass the buck' when very often it's their ability to delegate effectively that lies at the heart of the problem. "If you […]

Optimism as a Skill


Did you know that there are more negative words than positive words in the English language?  The capacity to emphasise the negative, rather than the positive, might be an evolutionary phenomenon stemming from the need to be risk aware. Whatever the reasons, a lot of research, including that carried out by Roy F Bauminster, Kathleen […]

Setting clear goals


What do you hope the outcome of your training programme will be? Are you just going through the motions, ticking the boxes in order to fulfil some kind of internal agenda; or do you see training as the conduit through which your employees become so skilled and energised that they will transform the organisation? Pessimist […]

How to run successful events


There's no two ways about it: putting on events can be inherently stressful. Catering. Content. Coffee breaks. Is everyone having a good time? Are the speakers happy? Argh! In this short video, ex-TrainingZone editor Jon Kennard gives you some tips to help your event run more smoothly and provide more value to your audience. So grab […]

Training attendance sign-off


Hello everyoneI am interested to know how you handle authorisation for going onto training courses.Currently we ask attendees before they enroll into a course to check with their managers that their attendance will not be too much of a burden on their team and their current work load.The problem with this approach is that from […]

How to curate content


Curation, curation, curation – sounds like a television show.. But no, it's an essential skill in today's modern learning environment. Creating everything you need is no longer possible, so the ability to draw in content from other sources is important. But you need to bear the bigger picture in mind — what are you trying […]

Free Images for Training Material


Good morning Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where you find free images to incoporate into your training material? Thanks Judith     Good morningCan anyone point me in the right direction as to where you find free images to incoporate into your training material?ThanksJudith  

How to get the most out of your leadership training


Attending training courses is an essential part of most leadership development plans, but without adequate support, you won’t get the most out of your training. A workplace culture that values learning and development is not only essential for achieving business objectives, but also for retaining motivated and talented staff. Think of it as investing in […]

Tips To Turn Your PowerPoint Presentations into Captivating Decks


I believe delivering in-house employee training is one of the most challenging aspects of being a team leader and manager. Even some of my coaching friends, who’ve been in the industry for decades, admitted their palms get sweaty before some of the sessions. The most common concern to haunt a lot of us is – […]

Presenting a training course with passion


I have recently had feedback that one of my team members is delivering the content of the induction well but there is a lack of charisma and passion about the topic making it come across as monotone. I am looking to enroll them in a presentation skills course, but want to know if anyone has […]

Video: Easy peasy leadership mistakes to avoid


We all need a reminder every now and again of the common leadership mistakes you really shouldn't be making. In sing-song style, take a look at this video from Jon Kennard for Learning Now TV on easy peasy leadership mistakes to avoid. Suitably refreshed, you'll then be able to, er, avoid them! We all need a […]

How to excite your learners


Should learners be looking forward to their training? Should they be primed? Or maybe they should be excited..? Yes, that's it – excited. But how do you excite your learners? Watch Jon Kennard run you through some easy steps to excite your learners, helping them get more from your training and helping you get greater […]

A Simple Question: Which layout would you prefer?


You're attending a training event, you walk into the room, which table layout would you prefer and why? You're attending a training event, you walk into the room, which table layout would you prefer and why?

Learning and Development Stories: The Learning Strategy Story


This story is an excerpt from my forthcoming ebook titled: Larry's First Action. The book uses a story format to explain how to create an organisational learning strategy using Larry's experience. Brian looked at Larry and started talking, "Let me tell you about an experience I had. After we both left Compliance Experts, of course you left one year before […]

The Feedback Loop of Employee Training – Getting Honest Responses


Training and development occur at various times during an employee’s tenure with an organization. There is the initial induction/orientation training for all new hires; there is training that might occur when a new computer system is installed or when new programs or apps are implemented. Then there is the training that occurs as the industry […]