Trainer’s tip: Resistance is futile!


Russell Williams recently asked for advice and inspiration on our Any Answers forum after coming up against the most reluctant client he’d ever trained. Several trainers shared their thoughts on what to do when faced with total resistance… Helen Wyatt has been in the same boat:I’m not a systems trainer, but earlier in the year […]

Trainer’s tip: Calming interview nerves


Jane Hodgson asked readers for exercises to help those suffering from interview nerves as they look for jobs after redundancy. Several trainers offered practical tips and advice. Don’t forget, we also have an audio file of a relaxation exercise recorded for us by Annie Lawler that visitors to the website can listen to. Sue Beatt […]

Trainer’s tip: Getting delegates to show up!


It’s that old chestnut again – just how do you tackle the thorny subject of no-shows? Various trainers offer their wisdom, tell of their experiences and give advice. Sarah Leahey asked: I am new to the company and they have never had an L&D department before so this is a new culture for them. The […]

Trainer’s tip: Listening skills exercise


What’s the secret to good listening skills? Scott Cullen has some surprising, but very practical answers. One exercise which I use which focuses on listening skills is the following:When delegates return from break, start reading an extract from an article, you can do things such as turning your back, covering your mouth, speaking in monotone […]

Trainer’s tip: Team building activities


You’ve suddenly been asked to come up with a team building exercise at the last minute – what do you do? Trainers point to several websites that offer details of great team building exercises, and the beauty is, they’re all free! Carson Warnes asked: I’m two months into a new job & I’ve just been […]

Trainer’s tip: Explaining John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership model


Harvey Bennett suggests an interesting activity to help explain John Adair’s theory, while other trainers offer their perspective as well. Harvey Bennett suggests this activity: 1. Outline the ACL model2. Show the movie ’12 O’Clock High’ (Gregory Peck, c1949, available on DVD) in two parts.3. After the first part, to the point where the CO […]

Best of 2008: Best trainer’s tip


Thanks to everyone who voted in this category. The award for Best Trainer’s Tip goes to “Qualifications or experience: You decide”. Qualifications or experience? You decideRead it hereThe best learning style questionnaire?Read it hereKey skills for a trainerRead it hereMaking leadership training practicalRead it hereDo your homework to beat disruptive learnersRead it hereTeam BuildingRead it […]

Trainer’s tip: Stretch that budget


Sheridan Webb offers five suggestions to keep training alive and kicking during difficult financial times. 1. Adopt a flexible approach. Embrace methods such as distance learning, buddying, secondments, action-learning and coaching to meet clearly specified development needs.2. Go for ‘bite-sized’ learning events. Taking people out of the business for two-to-three hours is cost effective, and […]

Trainer’s tip: Mind your grammar


This proof reading exercise from Rus Slater aims to teach delegates – in this case managers – some lessons in spelling and grammar. Get a relevant piece of written work, for example a report, tender response or sales document, and amend it to have a series of “deliberate mistakes”, some purely spelling and grammar of […]

Trainer’s tip: Making training manuals ‘sexy’


How do you turn a bland knowledge book – which makes even the trainer fall asleep – into a sexy, must-read? Various trainers offer their advice. Sinead Walker asked: I am currently working on redesigning all training manuals for my company. At present these are very bland and unappealing. They are called knowledge books which […]

Trainer’s tip: The magic carpet of change


It’s amazing what you can do with some rolls of felt and some squeakers from used soft toys, says Mike Morrison, who says you can easily save several thousand pounds and make your own ‘magic carpet of change’. Afraid we don’t have any badges Mike… Keith Paine posted a question on our Any Answers […]

Trainer’s tip: Stuck in the middle?


What’s the best way to develop middle managers? The ‘sink or swim’ approach of many organisations can be disastrous. We at TrainingZone particularly liked hearing of Wayne Thomas’ experience of asking stakeholders for their opinion. Read his and other trainers advice. Wayne Thomas suggests – ask the stakeholders:I had a similar problem (admittedly over a […]

Trainer’s tip: Productivity boosters


These six tips from Ehsan Honary to help trainers work smarter come from a thread asking for technology-based time saving tips. Click on the link at the foot of the article to read some more suggestions. There are many possible tips on time management and workflow which is something you need to work on continuously.I […]

Trainer’s tip: Match, pace and lead exercise


This quick pairs’ exercise, from Barbara Babcock, reinforces matching and pacing and demonstrates the effects of mis-matching on rapport building. It’s done in two parts:For the first two minutes person A talks about something they are passionate about (or a previous holiday etc) for two minutes. Person B listens attentively and matches and paces Person […]

Trainer’s tip: The good, the bad and the ugly of tendering


Beware of what you ask for! Margaret Glossop opened a can of worms when she asked for trainers’ experiences of local authority invitation to tender documents. Several trainers gave their honest opinion on the complex and frustrating ITT process, and how it could be better for everyone. Harvey Bennett says his experience has been very […]

Trainer’s tip: Handling disgruntled customers


How to handle difficult people is one of the best read subjects on – although, as Rus Slater points out, customers are usually angry, miffed or disgruntled, rather than difficult! Here, trainers give their advice for training exercises for dealing with those irate callers. Michelle Nickless asked: I am due to deliver a session […]

Trainer’s tip: The first 60 days


What do the first 60 days in a new job look like? Sheridan Webb gives her advice on the induction process. Sheridan Webb advises:I have written a number of self/coach-led induction programmes for various companies. These programmes tend to last between four and 12 weeks, and aim to ensure that the new starter is: Quickly […]

Trainer’s tip: It’s all a question of time


What practical exercises can you do as part of time management training? Angela Brier-Stephenson gives some advice, while other trainers list their favourite websites for resources. Angela Brier-Stephenson advises:I get them to look at time spent now and how it would look in the future, by dividing up a pie chart into the relevant sections […]

Trainer’s tip: Learning needs analysis


Whats the best way to identify learning needs for a small team of retail area managers? David Cooper of Lumus gives his advice. David Cooper replies:Engaging your retail managers in what is expected of them, in order to establish best practice is a great first step. At that early stage, it is also worth inviting […]

Trainer’s tip: Key skills for a trainer


What are the key skills that – ideally – every trainer should posess? Stuart Farmer’s question caught your attention and many trainers replied. Here’s a selection of their advice. Nick Hindley replied:Good trainers have these attributes hard-wired into their muscle memory:1. They know what the learning outcomes are that they want the learners to achieve […]