Management development or expensive sheep dip?

Philippa Spratt asks organisations whether they give effective management development or simply ineffective sheep-dip training.
Enhancing the brand of L&D

Paul Matthews explores what people say about L&D when the professionals have left the room. And what to do about it…
Training line managers to be wellbeing leaders

When supported by fit-for-purpose health and wellbeing provisions, employees can thrive and be at their most productive. Christine Husbands explores how to achieve this through manager training.
How leaders can support mental health

Over a third (36%) of workers believing that their organisations have done nothing to help stave off employee burnout. On Mental Health Awareness Week, Thom Dennis, CEO of Serenity in Leadership, urges leader to assess how they support their employees’ mental health.
Reckoning with language: Embracing candid DEI conversations

Language is, arguably, at the foundation of everything. Not least progress in diversity, equity and inclusion. There’s no effective and meaningful DEI training without the vocabulary needed to have transformative conversations. Lior Locher and Dr Christy Allen explore the power of words and their crucial role in growth.
Mastering business alignment: A strategic guide for today’s chief learning officers

Cathy Hoy provides a detailed business alignment guide for Chief Learning Officers.
Are there zombies in your leadership programme?

Dani Bacon and Garin Rouch are here to help you ensure zombie notions aren’t undermining your leadership programmes.
Five ways to revolutionise your group training in 2024

Insights practitioner Johnny Craike offers us five tried and tested strategies to demolish training boredom, creating waves of convergent thinking, solving and innovation.