‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ – and other resilience myths

It makes sense to upskill your workers to boost resilience. But what you believe to be true about resilience – and what it takes to build it – might be wrong.
The power of reflection time

Reflection can be a very empowering process, if you implement it in the right way.
Widening the window of tolerance: Three ways to lead through discomfort

Leaders must be equipped to help staff build their resilience to deal with moments of discomfort. Karen Liebenguth outlines three ways to approach this by supporting safety, dignity and belonging at work.
Learning and development’s role in menopause support

Raising awareness about menopause at work can cause harm, unless it’s combined with proper education and training. Erica Farmer shares a cautionary tale and offers guidance on how L&D teams can partner with HR (and AI) to provide better support.
Building resilient organisations: The leader’s role in cultivating resilience

Investing in the resilience of leaders can yield significant returns for any organisation. When leaders are resilient, they can inspire and lead their teams through any challenge, ensuring the organisation not only survives, but thrives.
Personal development: 20 tips for tackling imposter syndrome

How to get out of your own way and find the path to success.
Is your leadership style spreading fear?

According to a global study, nearly one-quarter of UK leaders are leading with fear. How can we tackle and alleviate fear and, most importantly, ensure we aren’t propagating it ourselves?
Reckoning with repair: Learning through diversity and inclusion training

When it comes to arguments about language, we need to recognise that repair is the key. In part three of their series on reckoning with DEI, Lior Locher and Dr Christy Allen explore the key components of repair and how we can work with them into diversity training.
How to help your managers create psychologically safe workplaces

Ang Brennan, Head of Learning and Talent at Insights, explains how, by upskilling managers, we can create psychologically safe workplace environments that catalyse learning and innovation.
Help your employees resolve workplace conflict themselves

If clashes can be nipped in the bud by the very people involved, senior intervention or formal action might not be required. Here’s how organisations can empower their employees to resolve their own conflicts.
Training line managers to be wellbeing leaders

When supported by fit-for-purpose health and wellbeing provisions, employees can thrive and be at their most productive. Christine Husbands explores how to achieve this through manager training.
Surviving disruption and L&D redundancies: What really counts?

In the context of personal disruption and redundancy in the L&D industry, how can we rediscover ourselves and reimagine a new future?
10 ways L&D perfectionists can avoid self-sabotage and succeed

L&d professionals need to remember that being ‘good enough’ is good enough.
How leaders can support mental health

Over a third (36%) of workers believing that their organisations have done nothing to help stave off employee burnout. On Mental Health Awareness Week, Thom Dennis, CEO of Serenity in Leadership, urges leader to assess how they support their employees’ mental health.
How to make a difference when nobody’s listening

How can L&D professionals navigate the challenges of limited time, resources and a lack of receptive audience? Joanne Lockwood shares strategies for making a difference in the employee experience, even when no one is listening.
The building blocks of resilience

Are we overusing the word resilience, or do we even know what that means for us as individuals? For Mental Health Awareness Week, let’s look at how we can create resilience.
Suicide awareness training: Six risk factors to pay attention to

Tragically, 6,000 people every year in the UK alone are being lost to something that is now widely described by expert clinicians as preventable – suicide. How can L&D professionals ensure workers are educated on the risk factors and extend a lifeline to those in crisis?
What is a good leader and how do you become one?

In the field of leadership, we often talk about effective leadership, good leadership or great leadership. But how do we know and measure if a leader is good, great or effective?
Reckoning with language: Embracing candid DEI conversations

Language is, arguably, at the foundation of everything. Not least progress in diversity, equity and inclusion. There’s no effective and meaningful DEI training without the vocabulary needed to have transformative conversations. Lior Locher and Dr Christy Allen explore the power of words and their crucial role in growth.
Does your workplace value toxicity over trust?

Does your workplace value toxicity over trust? There are 12 indicators that may suggest this is the case…