Bringing Mindfulness Home


  The basics of interior design teach us that our moods, sleep patterns, and ability to relax will be impacted by colours, lighting, design, furniture placement, materials, and more. But let’s imagine that the old aphorism As Within, So Without holds a Universal truth and that our home environment is also a reflection of our […]

Why every employee needs a work spouse


Research from the University of Bath uncovers the power of the ‘work spouse’. But just like marriage takes hard work, so does the ‘work spouse’ relationship.

What If vs What IS Thinking


Since a child, I’ve sufffered from nerves and anxiety. As I prepare to step outside my comfort zone (which I’ve done countless times with a lot of success), my imggination will show me all the things that could go wrong. I’ll have sleepless nights where my mind plays out a myriad of future possibilities that […]