Looking for a trainer/consultant who has experience of training senior staff in the problems that can be encountered when working at home/remotely, covering things such as the solitary nature of remote working, how to delegate work back to colleagues in a central office, etc.
John Chambers
John Chambers
2 Responses
Industrial Society Conference ‘Managing in the Networked World
There is a one-day conference beign held by the Industrial Society on March 13th in London. The topic is Managing in the Networked World’ – how to manage remote workers, motivate staff etc. If you contact the Industrial Society they may be able to help you with your query. Further details on the conference http://www.indsoc.co.uk
Remote Working
My company has just delivered something similar to this for a team of managers who manage field based teams scattered around the UK. You can contact me on natalia@bspecialists.co.uk or in person on 01422 240990.