Take your Brain to Work
recently I attended the Neurobusiness conference in Manchester, where there was debate, controversy and a few 'ah-ha' moments.
The focus of much of the event was the practical application of neuroscience in the workplace, and before you all dismiss this as mumbo- jumbo, what it really means is PEOPLE and understanding how they work.
In a session led by Donnie MacNicol we learned how much time and money is invested by organisation in projects, and project management systems, yet how little attention is given to the people that work on those projects (and who will ultimately decide success or failure).
We learned from Jonathan Downes how people in specific roles are driven by different needs, and how by becoming entrenched in our own perspective, we forget that everyone around the table brings something necessary for success…if only we can tap into it. We need to learn to use natural conflict positively and take a balanced view.
We learned from Jenny Brock that just as the body fails if we don't look after it, the brain also needs nourishment if it is to perform effectively.
All of these things are already known, but it is nice to be reminded that if we look after ourselves physically and mentally (by eating well, exercising, sleeping, taking breaks and getting out of our chairs!), we allow our brain to function well.
When our brain functions well, we are more likely to function well in a system i.e in relationships and organisations. We are better able to take time to get to know our colleagues, build relationships and focus on points of similarity rather than difference. In short, we will work better together if we take time to understand what makes each other tick.
When we work better together we are more efficient, productive, engaged and this has a direct impact on the bottom line.
In our very busy worlds of more, faster and technology we sometimes need to be reminded to go back to basics. As my mum used to say "look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves" She was right. So maybe if we are take time to look after our brain, we will look after the people, the business will take care of itself.
Take your Brain to Work
recently I attended the Neurobusiness conference in Manchester, where there was debate, controversy and a few 'ah-ha' moments.
The focus of much of the event was the practical application of neuroscience in the workplace, and before you all dismiss this as mumbo- jumbo, what it really means is PEOPLE and understanding how they work.
In a session led by Donnie MacNicol we learned how much time and money is invested by organisation in projects, and project management systems, yet how little attention is given to the people that work on those projects (and who will ultimately decide success or failure).
We learned from Jonathan Downes how people in specific roles are driven by different needs, and how by becoming entrenched in our own perspective, we forget that everyone around the table brings something necessary for success...if only we can tap into it. We need to learn to use natural conflict positively and take a balanced view.
We learned from Jenny Brock that just as the body fails if we don't look after it, the brain also needs nourishment if it is to perform effectively.
All of these things are already known, but it is nice to be reminded that if we look after ourselves physically and mentally (by eating well, exercising, sleeping, taking breaks and getting out of our chairs!), we allow our brain to function well.
When our brain functions well, we are more likely to function well in a system i.e in relationships and organisations. We are better able to take time to get to know our colleagues, build relationships and focus on points of similarity rather than difference. In short, we will work better together if we take time to understand what makes each other tick.
When we work better together we are more efficient, productive, engaged and this has a direct impact on the bottom line.
In our very busy worlds of more, faster and technology we sometimes need to be reminded to go back to basics. As my mum used to say "look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves" She was right. So maybe if we are take time to look after our brain, we will look after the people, the business will take care of itself.