We are looking to expand our list of suppliers offering out of office teambuilding events.
Typically looking for events to encourage teamwork in a highly stimulating, memorable environment improving leadership and management skills, self awareness and awareness of others’ strengths and weaknesses, confidence building and working together to acheive a set goal etc
Please respond with course details and prices – I can be contacted on 01628 638282 to discuss further.
Thank you.
Natalie Milner
Typically looking for events to encourage teamwork in a highly stimulating, memorable environment improving leadership and management skills, self awareness and awareness of others' strengths and weaknesses, confidence building and working together to acheive a set goal etc
Please respond with course details and prices - I can be contacted on 01628 638282 to discuss further.
Thank you.
Natalie Milner
18 Responses
Check the Trainers Directory
Don’t forget to check the Trainers and Consultants Directory at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/cgi-site/tzprov.cgi
where you can search by Team Working category and by region of the country to find new training providers.
Tim Pickles
Team Building Eventers
Dear Natalie
I HIGHLY recommend Jon Toulson (tel: 01283-711155; mobile 07860-338630). He’s been in this business for years, and can do away events (with or without caving / abseiling etc), and is himself based on an 1800 acre estate in the Midlands which provides numerous facilities. I recommend you give him a quick ring, and I shall also pass his number on to you. I have not yet met anyone who can really make these kinds of events as meaningful, thorough, safe and enjoyable. (And this is from one who used to HATE said events – I am converted!)
Best regards
Team building day or 2 day events.
Whilst we don’t provide the outdoor activity type events, we can arrange one or two primarily indoor team building events that are fun and stimulating. Our teambuilding events tend to focus on co-operation, communication and collaboration within teams and use our own internally developed games and exercises. Each event is tailored to individual requirements but typically a one day event in a hotel venue organised by us for say 8 people would cost about £1,995. For more information visit our website at http://www.pdc-online.co.uk or telephone me on 01423 546958.
Team Building
Do please contact us for details of our exceptionally effective and successful team building events. Held in private facilities in the countryside between Bath/Bristol.
Whole facility for exclusive use and programmes tailored to your specifically unique needs.
Indoor/Outdoor or a mix entirely for you to decide.
Do call if you are interested in dialoguing and perhaps visiting the site:
01844 238775
fax 01844 238814
e-mail: info@thesuccessgroupintl.com
best regards
acumen team building events
acumen is a well known training company founded by Ian Whitehead in 1995. We provide team building events all over the country, for clients including The Royal Albert Hall, Sony….etc. Although we often deal with large companies, we aim to maintain a personal approach, tailoring our events to suit the exact requirements of the organisations we deal with. we can provide all sorts of outdoor and indoor teambuilding activities (e.g. abseiling, rope courses, archery, rock climbing, walking, etc.) in locations such as The Lake District, The Peaks or the Brecon Beacons – or we can provide in house teambuilding project days . Please call us on 01646 636991 for more information, or visit our web site at http://www.acumenltd.com
Team Building one our our strengths
Hi Natalie
The Allen Partnership is experiences at delivering customised teambuilding events to a wide range of clients. We are a team of two with over 20 years experience between us. We can deliver indoors as well and out and use external venues if required. I have taken team up to Yorkshire and down to Bristol for teambuilding. We are listed in the training directory if you want further information. Typically a daily rate would be £1000 not including hotel or location costs, however we prefer discuss costings if you found us sutiable. Please call me on either 01902 560427 or mobile 07977036215
Effective Team Dynamics
Hi Natalie!
Well, what can I add to the glowing report from Catherine Seress!
We created the Effective Team Dynamics process around 5 years ago, to reflect a culmination of 11 years work in the field of team working and leadership. As it suggests, this is a process, not a training programme. It enables us to design a tailored programme for any given team / organisation scenario using a tried and tested method.
We have proven successes with this process on numerous events, ranging from 5 to 68 people, and in all types and sizes of organisations.
Our prices start at £650, but a typical programme, making full use of the Effective Team Dynamics process, usually costs around £1000 a day for up to 18 people.
Due to our reputation and the relationships that we have developed, we can also provide venues all around the country at particularly competetive rates (from £45 per person per 24 hours, for 3 star ensuite single occupancy accommodation). Our own site at Catton, which is between Lichfield and Derby, is also available at competetive rates.
Please e-mail or call if you would like more information or perhaps to meet up and discuss your requirements.
Best Regards
Jon Toulson
Our approach to teams
Hi Natalie,
At Castleton Partners we hold strong views as to the effectiveness of team building events and as a result have developed a process we call TeamTalent. This offers a series of escalating challenges for teams to undertake. The challenges begin at the level of action, move on to strategy and planning, then to building alignment and then to creating new shared knowledge. The challenges start tough and get tougher, both for the team and for the facilitators. Our belief is that by working through these challenges together, the team will build its capacity for ongoing learning.
Please visit our website: http://www.castletonpartners.co.uk where you can download a powerpoint file with more info.
ACUMEN – a users view
Natalie, if you want a word regarding Acumens approach I would be willing to discuss their excellent record. Call me on 01924 448304. So far I ve yet to see anyone deliver better and more fun!
We may be able to help
Hi Natalie
We are running more and more non classroom events to address the sorts of issues you describe. As examples, we run events on Round-the-World Yachts out of Southampton over one or two days, for teams at any level, or stress management or even senior level executive leadership objectives.
We also put together events involving the writing, rehearsing, performing and recording of Music CD’s. Similarly, we can offer events requiring teams to perform their own play.
If this sounds like the type of thing you had in mind, please call me on 01295 256161, or email me at mbrown@jmlnet.com
Team Building by Outlook Associates
Hi Natalie
Outlook Associates specialises in team building and team development with private companies, voluntary organisations and community groups. With staff teams we use group dynamics to develop a process of understanding the blockages to constructive team work and build upon the strengths of participants. With community groups we use a variety of ‘hands-on’ methods to develop constructive participation and empowerment to develop capacity building. We also facilitate voluntary organisations and community groups with Committee and Management skills. Prices start at £500 per day for private companies and £350 for community groups/resident associations etc.
We are based in the West Midlands, but are prepared to travel.
Thanks, Brian Goredema-Braid
Outlook Associates
Fun whilst learning
Natalie, MPower are a training & development company who specialise in the develpment of staff. We have an exciting exercise which can be used stand alone or as part of a training course for all of your requirements. Treasure Seekers – Journey of Discovery is set in a hostile & dangerous environment where characters like Indiana Jones would feel at home. Major fun is had by all whilst learning so much about yourself and fellow work mates. Please contact me on 01371 856778 or email sally@mpoweruk.co.uk Hope to hear from you oon. Sally Eades
musical team building
Hi Natalie
I’ve developed a team building process with a string quartet and a voice coach. The day involves improvising with voice and instruments, tapping into people’s natural creativity, and offering them an opportunity to move beyond their comfort zone. Novel, refreshing, and fun.
James Butcher, (01303) 863581
The key Network
Hello Natalie
The key Network has been designing focussed team building and team development programmes since 1992 often working in partnership with training and personnel managers/consultants. We prefer to deliver team training rather than the jollier side of team building, though we have a division of the network called Key Adventures, which specialises in corporate jollies of the high energy outdoor type. All our events are designed to do just what you need them to do, and so cost is dependant upon your requirements. Each is based around one or more active projects, from designing building and flying mini hot air balloons to multi-task business projects designed for optimising available leadership slots, from two hours to eight days and we work throughout the UK, occasionally in Europe. Our clients include Barclays, Peugeot, Nokia, US Dames & Moore,etc.. Would you care to call me on 01539 730890 or use my e-mail above to discuss your requirements more precisely.
Simon McElroy
Network Director
Response to enquiry
We offer the type of services you describe amonst our portfolio of team development programmes. If you are still seeking possible suppliers, you might be interested to visit our web site at http://www.tbl.uk.com.
Regards Oliver Crane
Unique Combination
Hi!, we provide a unique combination of indoor and outdoor activities. We use a number of techniques including NLP and action learning to create a stimulating enviornment which will challenge and entertain.
Events are tailored to fit your organisation and can include leadership, team development, communication skills and coaching skills.
Huiras & Associates International Training
Huiras & Associates International Training is a United States based company specializing in the Management Development and Teambuilding workshops. We have recently expanded our scope to include Insights Learning and Development. This program was developed in the UK and has a teambuilding assessement program that is the best we have seen. You can contact us at dhuiras@insightsaustin.com or at 281-486-9044.
Teambuilding Events
Motiva Corporate Development specialise in offering both managment and personal development courses. Our particular strength is teambuilding events and we can put together an exciting and stimulating event to achieve your aims. You can contact us on 01242 706742 or e-mail us at neilmc@seneca14.freeserve.co.uk