I am currently working with over 100 longterm unemployed clients who are on a ten week pre-work training programme. Can anyone help with some interesting and fun team building exercises ?
Jane Morrison
Jane Morrison
I am currently working with over 100 longterm unemployed clients who are on a ten week pre-work training programme. Can anyone help with some interesting and fun team building exercises ?
Jane Morrison
Jane Morrison
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2 Responses
team building exercises
There are lots of team building exercises in”Games Teams Play” by Leslie Bendally McGraw Hill 1996 , about 70 in total. I’ve used a number from there so I’m sure you would find some you could use. It cost me about £18-£19 so it’s also good value
Derek Adams
Team Building
I recommend you contact Adrian Bennett at Broadwater Training (www.broadwatertraining.com). He has some useful and fun team building exercises which are well tried and tested. I’m sure Adrian won’t mind me referrng you to him.
The company for which I work, Sterling Consultancy (based in Nottingham), also specialises in this kind of activity so if you would like to discuss further, please get in touch with me at: chriscordery@sterlingconsultancy.co.uk.
Chris Cordery