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Seb Anthony

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We are about to develope a Policy relating to home/teleworking. I would welcome any examples of guidance notes produce for either employees or managers relating to this subject.
Denise Johnston

2 Responses

  1. Safe teleworking
    There are four common kinds of hazards to the health and safety of homeworkers that an employer should control (allowing for variations in jobs)
    a. fire and electricity
    b. loads and other sources of musculo-skeletal injury
    c. mental and emotional stress caused or aggravated by work
    d. vocal strain, if the work involves prolonged talking

  2. Policy Guidance
    Parents at Work (Tel No: 02076282128)have a Fact Pack on Flexible Working in which they provide a Policy example and also refer to The Policy Network and Croner Publications for other guidance.
    You may already have made the appropriate plans but I thought it was worth mentioning that it is important that a formal policy is supported in implementation by such factors as the culture of the organisation, management and effective communication etc.
    Good Luck!
    Jill Munden (The Worklife Company – 01672 811170)


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