Hope you can help me this one! I’m charged with introducing personal development plans/logs/folders for all staff in our organisation by Christmas. I do have some ideas as to what I’m going to do. However, to save me some time, what with everything else I have to do before Christmas, I wondered if anybody out there has a template or a contents list for an effective development log. In essence, we are looking to staff to capture and maintain personal evidence and recognition of their development in the company and keep it in a log/folder. Thanks for reading my question
Sean Kirk
Sean Kirk
5 Responses
I’ve got one!
Send me a mail on info@supremacytraining.com and I’ll send you a copy
Hi Sean,
I’d be happy to share with you some PDP templates I have rolled out with organisations such as BAA/Egg/Prudential/AWTX.
Please email me directly,
kindest Regards
Template for Personal Development Logs
A big thank you to the people who have responded so quickly and positively. You have pointed me in the right direction and offered me lots of great ideas and tips. You also reminded me why I’m in this profession and what it’s all about. Thank you very much.
Hi there, I work for a care organisation and I’ve devised a “core” development programme this is backed up with a specific development programme depending on the needs of the person(s) that the staff member works with, if you drop me an email on g.howley@vamw.org I’ll send you a copy.
This could be applied to any industry and a different one should be devised for each role within an organisation. It is most effective when it is discussed on a regular basis with the individual, usually by the line manager, it also helps with staff taking responsibility for their own development.
There are so many sources in
There are so many sources in the internet regarding that matter.
Thanks for posting anyway!
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