I'm reviewing our TnC's that are part of our booking confirmation paperwork and hoping that someone would be kind enough to send any examples they may have that we may even use some of the content (ensuring no reference at all to those who supplied it, obviously).
Specifically needs to include cancellation & postponement.
Please do email spencer@deafwise.co.uk
Thank you in advance
3 Responses
trainers contracts
Hi I have put some sample contracts up on both the resource zone of TrainerBase.co.uk and on my own site RapidBI.com
they include such terms HOWEVER we would always recommend talking to a laywer to write these as if you get it wrong things can be very expensive for you!
Thank you very much Mike,
I will certainly be having someone look over our terms from a legal point of view, I just wanted to get familiar with terms and conditions to consider.
Thanks again for taking time to reply.
Kind regards
Terms & Conditions
Here is an example: