I am looking to update our current terms and conditions for external trainers and wondered if anyone had any examples they could share
Judith Dudley
Judith Dudley
I am looking to update our current terms and conditions for external trainers and wondered if anyone had any examples they could share
Judith Dudley
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7 Responses
external trainer contracts
You can contact me on 07884070466 and I’ll happily talk you through the indredients you need to have in there.
We have two docs., a letter of agreement with main details of dates, payments, etc, and a longer document we call “Guidance” to be read in conjunction, and which tells them our expectations and what we will do on our side of the deal. I am happy to share if you will anonymize anything you use. PS see earlier posting regarding citric fruit avoidance and draw own conclusions about efficacy.,
in support of George
Hi Judith
I haven’t seen the documents George refers to but there is one specific phrase in his answer that I think is potent:
“.. and what we will do on our side of the deal.”
In my extensive experience as a freelance and associate I have come across a lot of T&Cs that are completely one sided..the associate shall..and..and..and..and..and..
It is important for both sides to know what the “customer” is bringing to the table as well.
(Incidentally most of the organisations with one sided T&Cs are the ones that then find that their associates either quickly leave, pinch their clients or sue them, so it isn’t just nice-to-have-fluffyness)
PS Riddle
What is the difference between a “postponement” and a “cancellation”?
Terms and conditions
You can see sample terms and conditions on our web site at http://www.nationalschool.gov.uk/about_us/index.asp?tab=4
And to address the riddle set by Rus (I am sure I am being drawn in here to some clever ruse by Rus), a postponement is a delay or deferment and a cancellation means it is no longer going to happen. An indefinite postponement is what many freelancers get told when the client is trying to let them down gently or when they lack the courage to tell it like it is. An indefinite cancellation, Rus, means don’t expect a phone call anytime soon!
Here is my motive;
1. a DATE is booked for an EVENT
2. if the event is postponed then the date is cancelled…if the date cannot be resold then the revenue is lost
Downstream Impact
~lost revenue
~lost opportunity of resale of the time
~but you still have to eat!
Terms and Conditions
The one part of the job/ role/ life we all love to hate (except the lawyers)…
For any business to be sustainable it bust operate with a framework, and that must include order acceptance terms and cancellation terms. Sure we know that sometimes the client has had the rug occasionally pulled from under them internally – but this is business not personal. As an agent for an organisation you are signing an agreement or contract – therefore there are costs if the contract is broken – either way!
I have a number of documents in the resources section of my website (http://www.rapidbi.com/resource.html ) or indeed on the T&C page itself..(http://www.rapidbi.com/terms.html )
Also have a look in the downloads section of (TrainerBase ) – there are some there.
wherever you get your contract from it is worth paying a solicitor to go through it to check any changes you make – this after all is a binding contract.
One issue many miss is invoicing and putting the terms of business on the invoices themselves..
Hope this helps
Postponing time
Hi all
What a clever little teaser by Rus (well its got my grey cells firing a bit).
An associate has a ‘Cancellation’ policy in their agreement with their client and it is signed. Let say 50% payment if the course is cancelled within 1 month.
The client rings up three weeks before the course is to run to say that it has been postponed for 2 weeks. Where do you stand?????????
Unless your terms have been well defined and are explicit about what cancellation pertains to (the act of delivery or the date of the delivery) and you have a clause that defines postponements or rescheduling, I would suggest that many of the T&Cs that I see could be found wanting in a court of law.
Good question Judith and and excellent spanner in the works from Rus:)
Right now where is my solicitors number …….
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