Over The Land Is April by Robert Louis Stevenson
Over the land is April,
Over my heart a rose;
Over the high, brown mountain
The sound of singing goes.
Say, love, do you hear me,
Hear my sonnets ring?
Over the high, brown mountain,
Love, do you hear me sing?
By highway, love, and byway
The snows succeed the rose.
Over the high, brown mountain
The wind of winter blows.
Say, love, do you hear me,
Hear my sonnets ring?
Over the high, brown mountain
I sound the song of spring,
I throw the flowers of spring.
Do you hear the song of spring?
Hear you the songs of spring?
Spring is nature’s way of saying, "Let’s party!"
– Robin Williams
Er, two contrasting views of April there. I would guess that Robin Williams quote came from his 70s/80s Mork and Mindy days when he was ‘partying’ a lot.
In the USA, April is National Manatee Awareness Month (not a creature that I, for one, think about very much so thank goodness for a whole month devoted to raising their profile), on a more spiritual tip it’s also Buddha’s birthday (8 April fact fans), and closer to home it’s St George’s day on the 23rd.
Either way, there’s always a lot going on in April, as TrainingZone’s release schedule testifies. Articles featured in April included pieces on 80s business trends, more about the prospect of learning in the cloud and an article from Robin Hoyle on bad leadership; the theme for the month was centred mostly around live events, as we geared up for the very first TrainingZone LIVE. Which was a resounding success, I think you’ll agree. Here’s to more of the same in 2011.
Over The Land Is April by Robert Louis Stevenson
Over the land is April,
Over my heart a rose;
Over the high, brown mountain
The sound of singing goes.
Say, love, do you hear me,
Hear my sonnets ring?
Over the high, brown mountain,
Love, do you hear me sing?
By highway, love, and byway
The snows succeed the rose.
Over the high, brown mountain
The wind of winter blows.
Say, love, do you hear me,
Hear my sonnets ring?
Over the high, brown mountain
I sound the song of spring,
I throw the flowers of spring.
Do you hear the song of spring?
Hear you the songs of spring?
Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"
- Robin Williams
Er, two contrasting views of April there. I would guess that Robin Williams quote came from his 70s/80s Mork and Mindy days when he was 'partying' a lot.
In the USA, April is National Manatee Awareness Month (not a creature that I, for one, think about very much so thank goodness for a whole month devoted to raising their profile), on a more spiritual tip it's also Buddha's birthday (8 April fact fans), and closer to home it's St George's day on the 23rd.
Either way, there's always a lot going on in April, as TrainingZone's release schedule testifies. Articles featured in April included pieces on 80s business trends, more about the prospect of learning in the cloud and an article from Robin Hoyle on bad leadership; the theme for the month was centred mostly around live events, as we geared up for the very first TrainingZone LIVE. Which was a resounding success, I think you'll agree. Here's to more of the same in 2011.