Workplace apps are useful in achieving rapid returns and investment growth. Despite the large market for these products, most enterprises are yet to utilize the benefits of these apps. Employees can use business apps to improve their work. Companies can develop a customized app or purchase available ones.
Off-the-shelf business apps are cost effective and easy to use. However, they have limitations as they do not have specific features that relate to the company. Such apps cannot represent the business brand properly in all cases. Conversely, custom apps are specifically developed for an enterprise. They contain job-specific requirements of a business organization. Though custom apps are costly to create, they produce more job satisfaction and efficiency. Developing a custom app allows a company to add features that will benefit its employees as well as the organization.
Custom and existing workplace apps can perform almost the same functions. They can improve productivity, and save time. However, a custom app is developed specifically for a particular business and is more beneficial to the growth of the business. The choice of an app depends on the needs of an enterprise. Most small businesses use off-the-shelf, OTS, apps while their larger counterparts depend more on custom apps. App development companies can develop excellent apps for businesses. Specialized software can facilitate the growth of the companies and ensure enormous returns on investment.
Studies have shown that mobile apps for work are mostly used by tech company employees. However, technological advancement has caused other industries to utilize such tools to some extent. Companies that use workplace apps extensively can build special software to promote their businesses. Such enterprises will benefit from mobile app development as the software increases the efficiency of their workers.
Analysts have predicted a great future for workplace app development. Businesses using OTS apps can still develop custom software specific to their companies. They should consider the problems the app will solve and how to engage its users. It is also crucial to acquire constant users who will exploit the functionalities of the app to increase their productivity at work.
It is a good idea for businesses to consider the following tips before creating a custom mobile app.
Enhanced Efficiency: The mobile app should deliver excellent and improved results. Such custom software can help employees to perform their tasks appropriately.
Short Development Period: A specialized mobile app for a company should be created without much delay. Prompt production will ensure quick introduction to the market.
Data Security: Securing access to information is necessary if the mobile app is for multiple users. Strong authentication is needed to protect data.
Efficient Data Synchronization: It is important for custom apps to have the capability of synchronizing data frequently.
Battery life: Determining the effect of the app on battery life is crucial.
Multiple Network Compatibility: The developed custom workplace app should be tested to ensure that it can work with various networks.
Appropriate Communication Channel: The communication channels enabled for a custom mobile app must be indicated. WAP, SMS and MMS are some of the channels used.
Attractive User Interface: To provide an excellent user experience, custom apps should have an impressive user interface.
Development of workplace apps needs more improvement to create an excellent user experience. With enhanced features, more employees will opt to use these apps to gain job satisfaction.
Mobile App Marketing: 4 Tips to Help You Market Your App Before Its Release
Mobile apps developers in India have taken the development of mobile apps beyond expectations. It looks like they still have a lot to offer. With thousands of apps flooding major app stores daily, users are left with a wide variety of choices of apps in almost all categories. Nonetheless, app developers are at a crossroad, as they may not have what it takes to get the required exposure for their app in the marketplace. The solution to this is not far-fetched, most app developers fail to realize that the process of mobile app marketing starts from the startup stage. It also depends on learning how to market your app in a way that it brings in the right attention it truly needs.
Tip 1
Give Users a Sneak Peek
You can do this by informing your visitors of all your app additions and modifications irrespective of how little they might be. This sends out a message that you are passionate and dedicated to your work. You could even participate in public forums that deal with app development, as this will help you get the much-needed exposure for your app. Additionally, you can ask your visitors to make their contribution about your app, and get app development blogs to feature your app in its early stages of development on their sites. This will help you to get an unbiased opinions from your potential customers.
Tip 2
Tease Your Audience
Making a teaser video of your app is a great way to attract users to your app. But make sure your video measures up to standard as this can drive in traffic. There is no need to showcase the complete version of your video. Just a brief clip that tells your visitors what your app is about and also informs them of your progress in development is enough.
Showcasing a video of your app-in-the-making will keep the audience engaged in your work. Just make sure that your line of narration is captivating with some sort of soothing music at the background.
Tip 3
Create a Splash Page
Creating a splash page is no doubt another great way to drive traffic to your app. Irrespective of what your app is about, building a splash page draws more attention to it. Your app’s splash page should include, basic information about the functionality of your app, device image; it’s uses, links to the major channels of social media, and some aspects of branding.
Tip 4
Invite Beta Testers
Once you’re done creating a splash page, do a follow up by inviting beta testers to help test your app. Beta testers are vital to the success of your app. They help tell their friends and other people about your app, offer promo codes to these friends who may be important people in various media outlets, and they can also give you the much-needed feedback on your app before its release in the app marketplace. Also, these testers provide a free app marketing tool for you.
Mobile app marketing is a process that can start way before you finish your app development project. You do not need to wait for its release date to put these strategies into practice. Start doing it now, and you’ll see great results from your app development efforts.
Workplace apps are useful in achieving rapid returns and investment growth. Despite the large market for these products, most enterprises are yet to utilize the benefits of these apps. Employees can use business apps to improve their work. Companies can develop a customized app or purchase available ones.
Off-the-shelf business apps are cost effective and easy to use. However, they have limitations as they do not have specific features that relate to the company. Such apps cannot represent the business brand properly in all cases. Conversely, custom apps are specifically developed for an enterprise. They contain job-specific requirements of a business organization. Though custom apps are costly to create, they produce more job satisfaction and efficiency. Developing a custom app allows a company to add features that will benefit its employees as well as the organization.
Custom and existing workplace apps can perform almost the same functions. They can improve productivity, and save time. However, a custom app is developed specifically for a particular business and is more beneficial to the growth of the business. The choice of an app depends on the needs of an enterprise. Most small businesses use off-the-shelf, OTS, apps while their larger counterparts depend more on custom apps. App development companies can develop excellent apps for businesses. Specialized software can facilitate the growth of the companies and ensure enormous returns on investment.
Studies have shown that mobile apps for work are mostly used by tech company employees. However, technological advancement has caused other industries to utilize such tools to some extent. Companies that use workplace apps extensively can build special software to promote their businesses. Such enterprises will benefit from mobile app development as the software increases the efficiency of their workers.
Analysts have predicted a great future for workplace app development. Businesses using OTS apps can still develop custom software specific to their companies. They should consider the problems the app will solve and how to engage its users. It is also crucial to acquire constant users who will exploit the functionalities of the app to increase their productivity at work.
It is a good idea for businesses to consider the following tips before creating a custom mobile app.
Enhanced Efficiency: The mobile app should deliver excellent and improved results. Such custom software can help employees to perform their tasks appropriately.
Short Development Period: A specialized mobile app for a company should be created without much delay. Prompt production will ensure quick introduction to the market.
Data Security: Securing access to information is necessary if the mobile app is for multiple users. Strong authentication is needed to protect data.
Efficient Data Synchronization: It is important for custom apps to have the capability of synchronizing data frequently.
Battery life: Determining the effect of the app on battery life is crucial.
Multiple Network Compatibility: The developed custom workplace app should be tested to ensure that it can work with various networks.
Appropriate Communication Channel: The communication channels enabled for a custom mobile app must be indicated. WAP, SMS and MMS are some of the channels used.
Attractive User Interface: To provide an excellent user experience, custom apps should have an impressive user interface.
Development of workplace apps needs more improvement to create an excellent user experience. With enhanced features, more employees will opt to use these apps to gain job satisfaction.
Mobile App Marketing: 4 Tips to Help You Market Your App Before Its Release
Mobile apps developers in India have taken the development of mobile apps beyond expectations. It looks like they still have a lot to offer. With thousands of apps flooding major app stores daily, users are left with a wide variety of choices of apps in almost all categories. Nonetheless, app developers are at a crossroad, as they may not have what it takes to get the required exposure for their app in the marketplace. The solution to this is not far-fetched, most app developers fail to realize that the process of mobile app marketing starts from the startup stage. It also depends on learning how to market your app in a way that it brings in the right attention it truly needs.
Tip 1
Give Users a Sneak Peek
You can do this by informing your visitors of all your app additions and modifications irrespective of how little they might be. This sends out a message that you are passionate and dedicated to your work. You could even participate in public forums that deal with app development, as this will help you get the much-needed exposure for your app. Additionally, you can ask your visitors to make their contribution about your app, and get app development blogs to feature your app in its early stages of development on their sites. This will help you to get an unbiased opinions from your potential customers.
Tip 2
Tease Your Audience
Making a teaser video of your app is a great way to attract users to your app. But make sure your video measures up to standard as this can drive in traffic. There is no need to showcase the complete version of your video. Just a brief clip that tells your visitors what your app is about and also informs them of your progress in development is enough.
Showcasing a video of your app-in-the-making will keep the audience engaged in your work. Just make sure that your line of narration is captivating with some sort of soothing music at the background.
Tip 3
Create a Splash Page
Creating a splash page is no doubt another great way to drive traffic to your app. Irrespective of what your app is about, building a splash page draws more attention to it. Your app’s splash page should include, basic information about the functionality of your app, device image; it's uses, links to the major channels of social media, and some aspects of branding.
Tip 4
Invite Beta Testers
Once you're done creating a splash page, do a follow up by inviting beta testers to help test your app. Beta testers are vital to the success of your app. They help tell their friends and other people about your app, offer promo codes to these friends who may be important people in various media outlets, and they can also give you the much-needed feedback on your app before its release in the app marketplace. Also, these testers provide a free app marketing tool for you.
Mobile app marketing is a process that can start way before you finish your app development project. You do not need to wait for its release date to put these strategies into practice. Start doing it now, and you'll see great results from your app development efforts.