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Garry Platt


Senior Consultant

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The Cost of Infringing Copyright? In this tale 10 Years for a Training Manager!


4 Responses

  1. copyright or trademark?

    this is a slightly different case in that its a trademark… but having said that the term "situational leadership" is also a trade mark and protected in the same way!

  2. guilty as charged?

    Interesting lots of clicks but no comments here… this could mean one of two things:

    1) squeeky clean me

    2) oh s*it


    Please boss let me buy the materials I need to deliver the learning you require legally…..

  3. actually it could have a third possible meaning……

    ……."yeah, who cares?"

    Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your viewpoint) many people break the rules everyday just to get by…the general attitude is that if we didn’t, life would become virtually impossible. (For example the Conservatives are proposing an increase in the Motorway speed limit to 80 mph citing reduced journey times (and therefore greater productivity) as a rationale… pressure group has objected to the proposal on the grounds that most people already travel at 80 mph (ie break the law) so the real benefit would be virtually nothing.  

    IF your case study had been a real life event (rather than a fictitious case study) then I’m sure that it would have caused something of a change of heart in many people, but since it was a hypothetical account, many people will ask the question; what is actually the likelihood of it happening for real? They will then decide, rightly or wrongly, that the likelihood is very low……….. and they will carry on breaching copyright……which is their own choice.

    Personally I think you have done a great job in highlighting the issue, but I simply don’t think people will stop breaching copyright simply because it is such a pain in the bum to actually comply TOTALLY; as you point out, even the words "situational leadership" are protected but to actually have to give a full attribution and credit everytime the words passed your lips would render a one day course two days long.

    The opinions above are those of the author and the website accepts no liability for their content, the value of investments may go down as well as up, smoking can damage your health, the management accept no liability for damage to readers whilst in this carpark, your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up payments on a loan secured on it, not suitable for children under 36 months due to small parts, "Motorway" is a registered Trademark of the Tarmac Corporation, my tongue is firmly in my cheek as I write this.

