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The different institutes


Hi all

I have made a comment in another feature on TZ and do not want to drag that feature off topic so I am asking in here:

What is the difference between the current UK based (HR, training, learning and development) Institutes?? In particular I am asking about the remit and thereby the constitution (reason for being) of: CIPD, IITT, ITOL and BILD.

How are these entities different from each other?

I am excluding TrainerBase as we are NOT an Institute and made a concious decision not to become one even though we were asked (and before anyone considers suggesting that an Assoication is less than credible than an Institute I would suggest that this may be an indicator of lack of understanding of what Associations are about:))

Onwards and upwards.

Chief Executive
The Association for Learning Practitioners
Peter Mayes

3 Responses

  1. Institute remits
    Hello Peter,

    From the websites this is what the four say about themselves – their remit.

    The Institute of IT Training is the world’s first professional body for IT training professionals
    Certification, Membership, Accreditation and Consultancy through the Institute not only establishes the quality of training individuals, organisations and programmes, but sets our members and client organisations on the path to sustained business improvement.

    The Institute promotes the status of its members and their commitment to quality and good practice.
    It is also part of a process by which the BILD seeks to encourage its members to adopt a more formal approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement with the overall aim that members seek on site verification of their learning services and the achievement of the Institute’s Quality Mark.

    ITOL is the first UK Professional Institute for Trainers and HRD Professionals to trust its members to design and deliver excellent training, and back their professionalism with a personal accreditation scheme.

    To lead in the development and promotion of good practice in the field of the management and development of people, for application both by professional members and by their organisational colleagues.
    to serve the professional interests of members
    to uphold the highest ideals in the management and development of people

  2. Take away the headings …

    And if you were to take away the headings that identified the institute, would we be any the wiser as to which one was which?

    IITT of course is sector specific but given a certain metaphore for doing what they say on the tin; could there be a case that the tin has a different image on the outside but the content is the same ????

    And no I am not suggesting that each of these should not be present in the market I am merely considering the differece: paint or varnish or oil etc:)

    Cheif Executive
    The Association for Learning Practitioners

  3. Paint, varnish or oil
    Well Peter, I guess that is the answer some will paint their wooden fence panels, some may varnish them and some will oil them.

    It may depend on variables such as availability, ease of acess and use, cost, effectivness of the chosen option and the sort of appearance that is required at the end of the job?
