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Jon Kennard


Freelance writer

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The February review


"Late February days; and now, at last,
Might you have thought that
Winter's woe was past;
So fair the sky was and so soft the air."
-  William Morris

February. The short month. The month where people are maybe still feeling the pinch from Xmas, but also there's an air of expectation where the new year has bedded itself in and you finally manage to stop writing '2009' on your 2010 bank deposit slips. That sort of thing.

It's also sometimes Superman's birthday (February 29) and the month of the retail scam/annual-chance-to-be-all-romantic (delete as applicable) that is Valentine's Day (February 14).

In February our theme was 'trainers on the move and mobile training', and featured, amongst many others, articles about McDonalds, the positivity of Tension and One Young World.

Peruse them and enjoy.

Author Profile Picture
Jon Kennard

Freelance writer

Read more from Jon Kennard