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Martin Couzins

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The future of learning at work series


Following from IITT chairman Donald H Taylor's five-part series on the future of learning at work for TrainingZone, I have aggregated all the links to the articles in one place, which I hope you will find useful.

The future of learning at work: part 1 - setting the scene
Why and how L&D practitioners must help the organisation develop people in line with business aims.

The future of learning at work: part 2 - skills management
Understanding and addressing the short- and long-term skills needs of an organisation.

The future of learning at work: part 3 - personal learning support
How to help people learn for themselves, rather than training them.

The future of learning at work part 4 – performance support
How organisations can help people do their jobs better while they are still at their place of work.

The future of learning at work part 5 – capability building
A look at medium and long-term skills development.

Donald H Taylor is chairman of the IITT and is responsible for the Institute’s LearningLive conference in Birmingham on 13-14 September. He blogs at

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