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Jon Kennard


Freelance writer

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The November review


"The gloomy months of November, when the people of England hang and drown themselves."
-   Joseph Addison
"November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.
With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring."
-  Elizabeth Coatsworth
Easy Joseph, November's not that bad. Well, maybe it was in the 17th century. November was serious games / virtual learning month on TrainingZone. This is where we got all futuristic on you and talked about Second Life and other immersive technologies. If we take it back to the essentials though, it's all about engagement and behavioural change, however technologically cutting-edge your training and learning environment may or may not be. Still, it was a lot of fun publishing articles and features around the subject and hearing about many industry experts' experiences and predictions. The Serious Games Institute's David Wortley talked to us about global virtual roundtables, Penny Power told us about digital mindsets and Paul Matthews made the area a little less grey around the subject of informal learning
So that's it for the 2010 review. Have a wonderful festive period, indulge yourself in excessive amounts food and drink, and we'll see you in 2011.
Merry Xmas!

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Jon Kennard

Freelance writer

Read more from Jon Kennard

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