Scrounger continues his irreverent look at the training show year by turning a critical eye to last week’s Training Solutions show.
Here, he revives the Scrounger awards ceremony from the CIPD show at Harrogate – read on to find out who gets the gongs this time around!
It was delightful to visit so many old friends at the recent binge in the NEC, and in between casting artificial pearls before …. ahem …. Scrounger dutifully judged the fun and freebies to be had. Here then are the Scrounger Awards for Training Solutions 2001.
Scrounger will be out and about again at CIPD Harrogate in the Autumn, if he can get the stain from this cheap ball pen out of his only suit……
“Modern Management”
Scrounger continues his irreverent look at the training show year by turning a critical eye to last week's Training Solutions show.
Here, he revives the Scrounger awards ceremony from the CIPD show at Harrogate - read on to find out who gets the gongs this time around!
It was delightful to visit so many old friends at the recent binge in the NEC, and in between casting artificial pearls before …. ahem …. Scrounger dutifully judged the fun and freebies to be had. Here then are the Scrounger Awards for Training Solutions 2001.
Scrounger will be out and about again at CIPD Harrogate in the Autumn, if he can get the stain from this cheap ball pen out of his only suit……
"Modern Management"