Last week Michael Allen, Julie Dirksen, Clark Quinn, and Will Thalheimer got together to release the Serious eLearning manifesto. The manifesto ( is an attempt to bring focus to the creation of meaningful and effective eLearning. It is a result of the efforts of these four Instigators and several others who have come on board asTrustees.
The manifesto aims to move from the typical eLearning that we tend to see more often than not, to a focus on values and characteristics associated with Serious eLearning, as shown below:
The manifesto goes on to detail 22 supporting principles around which to design Serious eLearning. The principles are not new in themselves, but in my view they could serve as a great starting point for new designers or as a checklist for more experienced ones in their effort to create meaningful and effective eLearning. I do believe eLearning could achieve much more if we could all appreciate the Serious eLearning manifesto and implement it whole-heartedly in our work.
Below is the Google Hangout video of the manifesto launch:
The Serious eLearning Manifesto
You too could get involved and support the initiative by following the hashtag #elearningmanifesto on Twitter and signing the manifesto here.
Last week Michael Allen, Julie Dirksen, Clark Quinn, and Will Thalheimer got together to release the Serious eLearning manifesto. The manifesto ( is an attempt to bring focus to the creation of meaningful and effective eLearning. It is a result of the efforts of these four Instigators and several others who have come on board asTrustees.
The manifesto aims to move from the typical eLearning that we tend to see more often than not, to a focus on values and characteristics associated with Serious eLearning, as shown below:
The manifesto goes on to detail 22 supporting principles around which to design Serious eLearning. The principles are not new in themselves, but in my view they could serve as a great starting point for new designers or as a checklist for more experienced ones in their effort to create meaningful and effective eLearning. I do believe eLearning could achieve much more if we could all appreciate the Serious eLearning manifesto and implement it whole-heartedly in our work.
Below is the Google Hangout video of the manifesto launch:
The Serious eLearning Manifesto
You too could get involved and support the initiative by following the hashtag #elearningmanifesto on Twitter and signing the manifesto here.