We are all forced daily to trundle through reams of written content to get to the information we want. We have learned to quickly scan text, pick out the points of interest and ignore the rest. Today we’ll tell you how you can use graphics to highlight which information is most important for your learners and to help them to memorise it.
Why are graphics so great?
Graphics are amazing because they can easily summarise huge amounts of written information in a small space, not to mention in a memorable and aesthetically pleasing way! The rise of the infographic and the popularity of memes are just small indicators of the potential in graphics to capture learners’ attention and act as a platform for our bright ideas and learning materials.
It would be a shame for the instructional designer to put together killer learning content, for the web development team to create a robust and multi-functional platform to deliver the content on and then to fail to think through how the content will appear to users visually. Without great UX design and appealing graphics, learners will simply switch off. So we’ve created six golden rules for using graphics in E-Learning:
This infographic is available to download here.
1) Graphics should simplify learning content, not complicate it.
2) Choose graphics that will be memorable and make learning content memorable.
3) Consistency in style is key to creating beautifully designed E-Learning.
4) If graphics aren’t self-explanatory, be sure to include a caption or explanation.
5) Avoid including graphics just for the sake of it – they should add to the learning, not distract from it.
6) Always use high quality graphics.
Please let us know your comments or share with others who you think may benefit from this. Visit aurionlearning.com or follow us on twitter @aurionlearning for our latest blog articles and updates.
We are all forced daily to trundle through reams of written content to get to the information we want. We have learned to quickly scan text, pick out the points of interest and ignore the rest. Today we’ll tell you how you can use graphics to highlight which information is most important for your learners and to help them to memorise it.
Why are graphics so great?
Graphics are amazing because they can easily summarise huge amounts of written information in a small space, not to mention in a memorable and aesthetically pleasing way! The rise of the infographic and the popularity of memes are just small indicators of the potential in graphics to capture learners’ attention and act as a platform for our bright ideas and learning materials.
It would be a shame for the instructional designer to put together killer learning content, for the web development team to create a robust and multi-functional platform to deliver the content on and then to fail to think through how the content will appear to users visually. Without great UX design and appealing graphics, learners will simply switch off. So we’ve created six golden rules for using graphics in E-Learning:
This infographic is available to download here.
1) Graphics should simplify learning content, not complicate it.
2) Choose graphics that will be memorable and make learning content memorable.
3) Consistency in style is key to creating beautifully designed E-Learning.
4) If graphics aren’t self-explanatory, be sure to include a caption or explanation.
5) Avoid including graphics just for the sake of it - they should add to the learning, not distract from it.
6) Always use high quality graphics.
Please let us know your comments or share with others who you think may benefit from this. Visit aurionlearning.com or follow us on twitter @aurionlearning for our latest blog articles and updates.