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The TrainingZone LeaningWire – Issue 78


The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 78
6 December 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (c) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.

From the Editor
We invite you to take part in our Tenders 2000 Challenge. The object is to make tendering for training and consultancy contracts genuinely open and transparent. And, in the process, you’ll open your organisation to new influences and different ways of developing people. You can publish Invitations to Tender completely free of charge at
We’ll advertise your Tender for you in LearningWire, and professionals with an ability to match your needs will get in touch with you directly. Shortly, you will be able to post Tenders direct to the page yourself, and receive email notification of all new Tenders. Are you prepared to take up the Tenders 2000 Challenge?

For those interested in the nature and quality of online workshops, have a look at the two reports from last week’s workshops: Mike Kelleher led a session on Creating a Learning Organisation, whilst David Firth led a fascinating discussion on Creating the Next Generation of Health Organisations. Both reports are available at

Tim Pickles, Editor

People Management: This 3 day programme concentrates on the
practical aspects of achieving results through people. Leadership
activities such as organising, delegation & motivation are included
in a series of unique exercises some of which take place out of
doors, and increase in complexity over the three days. All delegates
at some stage act as group leader. Delegates must incorporate their
learning points in action plans to be implemented on their return
to work. BMB Management Training Consultants
Tel/Fax: 0181-884-3494 Mobile: 0403-345325.

4,3121 professionals engaged in training, learning and development will receive LearningWire this week. You too can advertise here.


This week in the TrainingZone community
The next free Online Workshops is:-

Date: Tuesday 7 December
Time: 12.00 UK time
Subject: Making a reality of CPD: how to make best use of
your professional lifelong learning

This is a great learning opportunities which you can join in just by going to

Following our very successful special offer on downloading company reports in November, we have permanently reduced the cost of the prices of all company reports by approximately a third. This is highly valuable information if you’re researching a client company.

The December online Survey poses a dilemma:
“You’re running a training event with 15 participants in the group. You’ve asked the participants to work in small sub-groups on a task which you estimate will take 30 minutes to complete, after which you’re looking for some feedback. After five minutes you notice that three people in one of the sub-groups are not really attending to the task. What would you do?”



Learning Organisations
The European Consortium for the Learning Organisation has issued a final call for papers on the subject to be presented at the next international conference in Germany in May. There is also an opportunity for an experienced learning and development person to join the ECLO staff team working out of Brussells.

Post Graduate Certificate in People and Organisational Development
The Association of Management Education and Development (AMED) in collaboration with Salford University and others are launching this post-graduate certificate which commences next year. Professionals looking to enhance their theoretical and practical knowledge and their qualifications, can read more at

New Outdoor Training discussion forum
At the request of people involved in outdoor training and outdoor management development, we’ve inaugurated a new conference in the Discussion Area devoted to this topic. You can post comments and questions, respond to others, and make contact with like-interested people.

Online Information ’99, Olympia
We’re exhibiting at Stand 18, under the Sift company banner from Tuesday to Thursday this week. If you’re interested in partnering with TrainingZone, do come up to the stand and talk to Ben Heald or David Gilroy, or phone 0117 915 9600 to book an appointment time first.

Launch of Skill Booster resources
BDP Media are launching a new series of highly interactive CD-roms aimed at the individual learner and small business market, each with a specific learning focus. Priced at under GBP 40, these are competitively priced learning products. The first title is ‘Persuasive Presentations’ and we’ll be carrying a review shortly. Further titles will follow early in the new year.

People Management: This programme has proved successful at all
levels from directors to potential supervisors and is suitable for
newly appointed people and those with many years “experience”. Past
delegates include representatives from manufacturing, banking,
retail, service sectors, entertainments & leisure, local government
and NHS. Current clients using this programme for management:- B.B.C
Ford, Macmillan Cancer Relief, Gate Gourment, Castle Cement, Fisher
Rosemount, De Beers and the McLaren Formula One Organisation.
BMB Management Training Consultants Tel/Fax: 0181-884-3494

Any Answers?
You can now post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You’re virtually guaranteed a reply!.

Here are a selection of new questions:

** Can you suggest interesting or original venues with a scientific,
professional or medical connection in the London area?

** Do you have any work to sub-contract around TDLB and management?

** What vendors include Consultancy Skills training as part of
their WBT/TBT product portfolio?

** Do you have any statistics about costs for designing training
strategy and plan for the project with limited time and budget?

** Is anyone using NVQ’s as part of an Employee Development and
Training Needs Plan? – Call Centre/Customer Service Activity

** Can anyone point me in the direction of a good company that
provides professional indemnity insurance?

** Looking for a provider to continue training to CNE in
Novell 5

** How can we give training and learning a new edge?

** How can we open up OLL as a broad training resource?

** Can anyone recommend a finance for non-financial managers
programme/course suited to the Oil & Gas service sector,
especially in the Asia/Pacific part of the world ?

** Does anyone know of any good training videos relating to
“slinging” i.e. lifting objects using wires and ropes?

All the questions and all the answers can be found at


Workshop leaders wanted
We’re planning the January – April 2000 series of Online Workshops and would like to hear from anyone with an interest in facilitating a session on any of these topics (or suggest your preferred alternative):

– Introducing and sustaining Investors in People
– Make role play methods work
– Working towards T&D NVQ levels 3 and 4
– Using neuro-linguistic programming in training and learning
– Coaching and mentoring skills
– Reducing workplace stress
– Techniques and problems in recording learning
– Experiences in online learning
– Improving presentation skills
– Creating and introducing HRD policies into the workplace

Workshops run on Tuesdays from 12:00 noon for up to an hour. All you need is internet access and a web browser. To see how this works, and the current schedule, see

If you would like to lead an online workshop, please send your chosen workshop title and date to


Tenders 2000 Challenge
Publish your training and consultancy tenders openly, online.
Search for new work opportunities.
No charge to either side!


WebWatch brings you information about useful and relevant resources from other Internet sites around the world.

Online course in Online Chats and Discussions
If you’re into using the Internet for learning and conferencing through Chat and Discussion technology, then you might be interested in an online course running from Utah State University which covers all the aspects of this developing field, while encouraging your practical use of them. The course runs online from 7-15 December

Revamp to ASTD website
The excellent American Society for Training and Development website has recently gone through a major revamp in order to make it simpler and easier to navigate. The result is certainly more straightforward. In the process, a number of new features have been added to the site including an regularly updated area focused on current developments and issues in online learning. Well worth a (regular) visit.

Useful sites for managers
A member has strongly recommended this site run by the Harvard Business School from their recent archives. The Ideas for Work page lists a very wide range of topics of interest to managers across all sectors and provides extensive listings of useful information and resource sites within each category. The resulting directory is a highly useful listing of good managerial websites.

People Management: Three days – fully residential at Hemingford Grey
House, Huntingdon, Cambs. The accent is very much on “Learning by
doing”. Learning points coming from discussions, practical exercises
and their subsequent analysis. Physical strength or fitness is not a
requirement when taking part in the exercises, but an open mind &
sense of humour are helpful. BMB Management Training Consultants
Tel/fax: 0181-884-3494 Mobile: 0403-345325.

A whole batch of new book reviews have been published this week including:

‘Averting Aggression’ by Owen Booker, from Russell House Publishing is reviewed by Tony Gibbins

‘Developing Your Career: a condensced self-study system’ created by Lifeskills International for Gower is reviewed by Peter Laws

‘Developing Agile Organisations’ by Mike Woodcock and Dave Francis is reviewed by Leslie Rae

‘The External Consultancy Toolkit’ by Arthur Proud is also reviewed by Leslie Rae

‘The Art of Youth Work’ by Kerry Young, from Russell House Publishing, reviewed by Penny Sharland

‘Managing for Development’ by Lifeskills International, from Gower is reviewed by Mike Falkner

‘Kaizen Strategies for Improving Team Performance’ edited by Michael Colenso – “I like the approach very much and the book rings all
the right bells for me” – Leslie Rae

All these reviews can be found at


This is the area of the site where member companies can publish their news and press releases before a focused professional audience.

Intuition builds virtual campus for finance professionals


How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Please encourage them to register themselves. It’s easy –

To subscribe to LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:

To remove yourself from LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:

By registering you email address at automatically receive LearningWire and the full benefits of the site.

Editor: Tim Pickles
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630

The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 78
6 December 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (c) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.

From the Editor
We invite you to take part in our Tenders 2000 Challenge. The object is to make tendering for training and consultancy contracts genuinely open and transparent. And, in the process, you'll open your organisation to new influences and different ways of developing people. You can publish Invitations to Tender completely free of charge at
We'll advertise your Tender for you in LearningWire, and professionals with an ability to match your needs will get in touch with you directly. Shortly, you will be able to post Tenders direct to the page yourself, and receive email notification of all new Tenders. Are you prepared to take up the Tenders 2000 Challenge?

For those interested in the nature and quality of online workshops, have a look at the two reports from last week's workshops: Mike Kelleher led a session on Creating a Learning Organisation, whilst David Firth led a fascinating discussion on Creating the Next Generation of Health Organisations. Both reports are available at

Tim Pickles, Editor

People Management: This 3 day programme concentrates on the
practical aspects of achieving results through people. Leadership
activities such as organising, delegation & motivation are included
in a series of unique exercises some of which take place out of
doors, and increase in complexity over the three days. All delegates
at some stage act as group leader. Delegates must incorporate their
learning points in action plans to be implemented on their return
to work. BMB Management Training Consultants
Tel/Fax: 0181-884-3494 Mobile: 0403-345325.

4,3121 professionals engaged in training, learning and development will receive LearningWire this week. You too can advertise here.


This week in the TrainingZone community
The next free Online Workshops is:-

Date: Tuesday 7 December
Time: 12.00 UK time
Subject: Making a reality of CPD: how to make best use of
your professional lifelong learning

This is a great learning opportunities which you can join in just by going to

Following our very successful special offer on downloading company reports in November, we have permanently reduced the cost of the prices of all company reports by approximately a third. This is highly valuable information if you're researching a client company.

The December online Survey poses a dilemma:
"You're running a training event with 15 participants in the group. You've asked the participants to work in small sub-groups on a task which you estimate will take 30 minutes to complete, after which you're looking for some feedback. After five minutes you notice that three people in one of the sub-groups are not really attending to the task. What would you do?"



Learning Organisations
The European Consortium for the Learning Organisation has issued a final call for papers on the subject to be presented at the next international conference in Germany in May. There is also an opportunity for an experienced learning and development person to join the ECLO staff team working out of Brussells.

Post Graduate Certificate in People and Organisational Development
The Association of Management Education and Development (AMED) in collaboration with Salford University and others are launching this post-graduate certificate which commences next year. Professionals looking to enhance their theoretical and practical knowledge and their qualifications, can read more at

New Outdoor Training discussion forum
At the request of people involved in outdoor training and outdoor management development, we've inaugurated a new conference in the Discussion Area devoted to this topic. You can post comments and questions, respond to others, and make contact with like-interested people.

Online Information '99, Olympia
We're exhibiting at Stand 18, under the Sift company banner from Tuesday to Thursday this week. If you're interested in partnering with TrainingZone, do come up to the stand and talk to Ben Heald or David Gilroy, or phone 0117 915 9600 to book an appointment time first.

Launch of Skill Booster resources
BDP Media are launching a new series of highly interactive CD-roms aimed at the individual learner and small business market, each with a specific learning focus. Priced at under GBP 40, these are competitively priced learning products. The first title is 'Persuasive Presentations' and we'll be carrying a review shortly. Further titles will follow early in the new year.

People Management: This programme has proved successful at all
levels from directors to potential supervisors and is suitable for
newly appointed people and those with many years "experience". Past
delegates include representatives from manufacturing, banking,
retail, service sectors, entertainments & leisure, local government
and NHS. Current clients using this programme for management:- B.B.C
Ford, Macmillan Cancer Relief, Gate Gourment, Castle Cement, Fisher
Rosemount, De Beers and the McLaren Formula One Organisation.
BMB Management Training Consultants Tel/Fax: 0181-884-3494

Any Answers?
You can now post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You're virtually guaranteed a reply!.

Here are a selection of new questions:

** Can you suggest interesting or original venues with a scientific,
professional or medical connection in the London area?

** Do you have any work to sub-contract around TDLB and management?

** What vendors include Consultancy Skills training as part of
their WBT/TBT product portfolio?

** Do you have any statistics about costs for designing training
strategy and plan for the project with limited time and budget?

** Is anyone using NVQ's as part of an Employee Development and
Training Needs Plan? - Call Centre/Customer Service Activity

** Can anyone point me in the direction of a good company that
provides professional indemnity insurance?

** Looking for a provider to continue training to CNE in
Novell 5

** How can we give training and learning a new edge?

** How can we open up OLL as a broad training resource?

** Can anyone recommend a finance for non-financial managers
programme/course suited to the Oil & Gas service sector,
especially in the Asia/Pacific part of the world ?

** Does anyone know of any good training videos relating to
"slinging" i.e. lifting objects using wires and ropes?

All the questions and all the answers can be found at


Workshop leaders wanted
We're planning the January - April 2000 series of Online Workshops and would like to hear from anyone with an interest in facilitating a session on any of these topics (or suggest your preferred alternative):

- Introducing and sustaining Investors in People
- Make role play methods work
- Working towards T&D NVQ levels 3 and 4
- Using neuro-linguistic programming in training and learning
- Coaching and mentoring skills
- Reducing workplace stress
- Techniques and problems in recording learning
- Experiences in online learning
- Improving presentation skills
- Creating and introducing HRD policies into the workplace

Workshops run on Tuesdays from 12:00 noon for up to an hour. All you need is internet access and a web browser. To see how this works, and the current schedule, see

If you would like to lead an online workshop, please send your chosen workshop title and date to


Tenders 2000 Challenge
Publish your training and consultancy tenders openly, online.
Search for new work opportunities.
No charge to either side!


WebWatch brings you information about useful and relevant resources from other Internet sites around the world.

Online course in Online Chats and Discussions
If you're into using the Internet for learning and conferencing through Chat and Discussion technology, then you might be interested in an online course running from Utah State University which covers all the aspects of this developing field, while encouraging your practical use of them. The course runs online from 7-15 December

Revamp to ASTD website
The excellent American Society for Training and Development website has recently gone through a major revamp in order to make it simpler and easier to navigate. The result is certainly more straightforward. In the process, a number of new features have been added to the site including an regularly updated area focused on current developments and issues in online learning. Well worth a (regular) visit.

Useful sites for managers
A member has strongly recommended this site run by the Harvard Business School from their recent archives. The Ideas for Work page lists a very wide range of topics of interest to managers across all sectors and provides extensive listings of useful information and resource sites within each category. The resulting directory is a highly useful listing of good managerial websites.

People Management: Three days - fully residential at Hemingford Grey
House, Huntingdon, Cambs. The accent is very much on "Learning by
doing". Learning points coming from discussions, practical exercises
and their subsequent analysis. Physical strength or fitness is not a
requirement when taking part in the exercises, but an open mind &
sense of humour are helpful. BMB Management Training Consultants
Tel/fax: 0181-884-3494 Mobile: 0403-345325.

A whole batch of new book reviews have been published this week including:

'Averting Aggression' by Owen Booker, from Russell House Publishing is reviewed by Tony Gibbins

'Developing Your Career: a condensced self-study system' created by Lifeskills International for Gower is reviewed by Peter Laws

'Developing Agile Organisations' by Mike Woodcock and Dave Francis is reviewed by Leslie Rae

'The External Consultancy Toolkit' by Arthur Proud is also reviewed by Leslie Rae

'The Art of Youth Work' by Kerry Young, from Russell House Publishing, reviewed by Penny Sharland

'Managing for Development' by Lifeskills International, from Gower is reviewed by Mike Falkner

'Kaizen Strategies for Improving Team Performance' edited by Michael Colenso - "I like the approach very much and the book rings all
the right bells for me" - Leslie Rae

All these reviews can be found at


This is the area of the site where member companies can publish their news and press releases before a focused professional audience.

Intuition builds virtual campus for finance professionals


How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Please encourage them to register themselves. It's easy -

To subscribe to LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:

To remove yourself from LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:

By registering you email address at automatically receive LearningWire and the full benefits of the site.

Editor: Tim Pickles
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630