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The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 22


The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 22
16 November 1998B
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1998 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers and coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.

In this issue:

  • Education-related matters
  • Declaration on Learning - continued
  • Training news stories
  • Parenthood Education News
  • Institute of Continuing Professional Development News
  • Surf Spots
  • Subscription Information
This issue part sponsored by

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Editor's Note

This week we've started to index some pages from the American Society of Training and Development website to bring you relevant news and developments from across the Atlantic. Also this week there have been several developments in the education field which will be of interest to teachers and lecturers amongst our audience. The debate around the Declaration on Learning seems to be continuing too.

Tim Pickles,
Editor, LearningWIRE and TrainingZONE

Education-related matters

The Department for Education and Employment have moved their website from a sub-directory of the previous Open Government site to their own branded site at:
All the information previously available is now at this new site. We shall watch to see if additional material related to training, learning and development is published.

On the education and training jobs front, two sites you might want to watch are the Times Educational Supplement jobs pages
which is updated every week, and the recruitment service provided by the National Association of Managers of Student Services whose web site provides an index of training and education jobs in several sectors at

The National Grid for Learning has had its own website for some time at
Within this site, there is now an area devoted to developments and announcements concerned with both lifelong learning and the new University for Industry. The page is

Declaration on Learning - continued
The reference to this new Declaration in last week's issue led to responses. This is clearly a significant issue for many people. The original reference is at
The following thought-provoking contribution comes from Ben Akpera at Unicef:

"The subjeect considered on learning is very crucial for the 21st century. The world, through organizations, will continue to discover the place of Human Resources as its most critical resources. Information technology will subsidize operations and work processes as well as enhance the incorporation of control measures in routine tasks. This will make the movers and managers of infotek, i.e. peoplesware, most important especially when well empowered.

Training and learning will definitely continue to grow on to very high proportions that could lead to an explosion in the 21st century. Mangers, leaders of household units and individuals will, day-by-day, find it imperative to save scarce resources and enhance living standards and operations with minimal training. Since the world will be a global village, this phenomenon would soon look as a norm as crude and unrefined approaches to productive activities becomes too costly to bear. The choice will then be glaring.

The other crucial factor to consider in the 21st century will likely be the redefinition of the worth and capability of the human brain. Emphasis will be laid on a better employment of the brain for more value adding exercises. Computer technology will definitely continue to provide an easy bank for information and data that had hitherto been left dormant on the human brain. Training/learning will be required to effect this seemingly inevitable reorientation of humanity. Those left out of this game will pay a very high price.

When this stage is set, the worth of human physical energy and crude operations will be highly undervalued thus further reemphasizing the inevitability of continuous training/learning.

Globalisation on is, today, the peak of man's team-building effort. This, in the 21st century, will unconsciously break the protruding walls that have been built on social-cultural lines. The necessity of cooperation and conformity for survival will be an unbiased umpire to oversee and ensure the prioritization of this huge empire by all. There is no overemphasis to add that the desire to impact, rather than hoard, information will become a keenly contested game. Power and superiority will be proved by this acid test thus making deviants feel out of tune with that which will be generally acceptable as reality.

For those who are already engaged in training and learning development, we all have to look into the future with great expectations and challenges. To the extend to which I perceive of their stand, I agree with the authors of this provocative debate that learning will be the central issue for the 21st century."

Copies of the Declaration are available at

Training news stories

Toolkit for web-based learning
Fastrak Consulting have designed and published resources to assist in web-based learning programmes

November issue of ASTD magazine
This month's issue of the American Society of Training and Development's online magazine carries features about multimedia-based training, piloting web-based training, and trends in workplace learning

Scotia 2 Update
The partnership of companies involved in developing the learning opportunities database as part of the Learning Direct initiative have published a further update to assist groups and individuals whose work relates to this field of programming and information delivery

Parenthood Education microsite news

A new National Family and Parenting Institute
The Government's consultation paper heralded by Jack Straw last week has followed at least one of his brother's recommendations in the Demos Paper on Families published earler this year. You can download a copy of the paper from
You will need Adobe Acrobat to read the text. If you don't have a copy, download this software from any of several sites including the Home Office's own news page at

The new Instititute will co-ordinate efforts by various local authorities, government departments and voluntary sector organisations involved with the family. Recent research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation showed that parents have little knowledge of what parent support is available. Most parents interviewed wanted more support and felt that they would use such a service.

The Institute will :

  • provide authoritative advice to government on family and child policies
  • map and disseminate information and good practice
  • help deliver parenting support programmes
  • influence the research agenda
  • raise public awareness of the importance of good parenting
  • develop a national help line for parents.
Its work will mostly be behind the scenes to support groups already established. Its customers will be service providing organisations and professionals, as well as government.

Theatre in Education awarded grant for parenthood play
Rochdale's M6 theatre company today heard this week that they have been awarded a substantial grant to produce a new play on parenthood from the Gulbenkian Foundation. They will be commissioning a writer to produce a groundbreaking piece to go out to schools and youth groups in the year 2000. Congratulations M6!

ICPD microsite News

Surf Spots
Some websites you may have missed!

Fed up of late trains? Try the GNER site (available from 1 December). No, that's not Great North Eastern Railways - it's the new moan 'Getting Nowhere Early or Reliably' site.

Need to find a train connection faster than National Rail Enquiries? Try

Missed the launch of the Prince of Wales's website? Nevermind, its at:


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Editor: Tim Pickles
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Tim Pickles ***** Designing professional toolkits ***** The learning community