The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 26
14 December 1998
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1998 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers
and coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for
non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
Editor’s Note
This issue offers a selection of current news extracted from the
TrainingZone site. Next week will be a bumper issue reviewing our
first year and offering some (controversial?) predictions for the
coming year from invited contributors. Make sure you reserve your
copy now!!
Tim Pickles,
Editor, LearningWIRE and TrainingZONE
Internet Monitor
Learning Direct
The successful initiative to launch a call centre to assist
anyone who is interested in re-engaging in learning to find an
appropriate course, event or advice has now established a web
presence as well. The Learning Direct programme is funded by
the government as part of its drive to promote lifelong learning.
Learning Direct’s freephone number is 0800 100 900.
Since its launch in February 1998 there have been 361,000 calls
to the enquiry line up to the end of October. A detailed
breakdown of the caller profile has now been published.
Electronic Training Village
CEDEFOP are running a website full of information, resources, news,
programmes, etc concerned with vocational training across Europe.
This should be an essential site for those concerned with
vocational training at any level as it provides regularly
updated information about accreditation, funding, new initiatives,
developments, research, etc.
Visitors are asked to register and indicate which issues they are
most interested in. This information is used to supply users with
further information, and is included on a users database.
Comparison of web-based training solutions
In the editing of Issue 25, the URL link to the comparatative data
about web-based training technologies got lost. Here is what it
should have said:
For organisations and companies wanting to develop learning
without incurring high costs, web-based training is fast gaining
ground. This review article compares the different solutions
presently on the market from around the world. Asymtrix – which
we reviewed in an earlier issue – scores well on many criteria
Which search engines do people prefer?
Most people use search engines to find new sites, but which
search engines are they using? According to Hitometer
we found:
Yahoo 38.8%
Alta Vista 18.2%
Excite 13.9%
Infoseek 13.8%
Webcrawler 6.0%
Hotbot 5.7%
Lycos 3.4%
Other Search Engines 0.2%
Not Christmas again…!
And if you’re fed up with all the hype already, best keep away
from Santa’s interactive site at
where you can post your present wish list, play games, surf
through some seasonal recipes and get into the party mood.
Whilst we’re on the subject, you might also want to disable
your browser (or your childrens’ browsers) from visiting
Training news stories
Learning Organisation News – December 1998
Graham Guest has contributed the latest edition of his newsletter
including items on systems thinking, the structure of a learning
organisation, and the Learning from Experience Trust
Thirteen winners of National Training Awards, 1998
David Blunkett announces the winners of this year’s National
Training Awards with a speech emphasising the benefits of lifelong
learning and its ability to transform people’s lives.
776 million Pounds for Higher Education
The government has announced an additional amount of money over
two years to be spent on increased student numbers, improved quality
and standards, capital improvements, and further research.
Modern Apprenticehips
Modern Apprenticehips are aimed at 16-24 year old young adults who
have been taken on by employers interested in providing them with
work and relevant qualifications at NVQ level 3 and above. Recent
research shows that Modern Apprenticeships are one of the most
popular options for today’s school leavers.
International Conference of the European Consortium for the
Learning Organisation (ECLO) – 19/21 May 1999 – Glasgow.
ECLO99 will focus on the implementation and evaluation
of learning organisation development.
For more details contact Brigitte Casteur
Realising Your Potential – 2/3 March 1999 – Edinburgh
Major event promoting and showcasing training in the voluntary
Contact Celia Carson at SCVO
Searching TrainingZone
Remember that you can search for any news items, or anything else
you have seen on the site and can’t find immediately. You can
search the whole of the TrainingZone site or just the area which
you are interested in.
Getting Involved
If you would like to deliver your information to over 320
training professionals each week via this Newswire, please
get in touch with the editor
Remember too that we run a Discussion Forum on a range of issues
enabling you to contribute to debates about topical issues.
Amongst the subjects currently being discussed are: benchmarking,
learning organisations, and the new Institute of Continuing
Professional Development. You can read and make postings at
About Sift
Sift plc is a leading developer of online communities. Based in
Bristol, Sift has developed AccountingWEB for the accounting
sector, and BusinessZONE (for the SME market).
At the 1997 Online Information Exhibition at Olympia,
AccountingWEB was voted European Information Product of the
Year (and also runner up as Internet Product of 1997).
How to Subscribe
N.B. If you were the original recipient of this message, you do
not need to follow these subscription instructions as you are
already subscribed to the newsletter. However, if someone has
forwarded this newsletter to you, please do follow these
Please invite your friends and colleagues to subscribe by
forwarding them this e-mail. To add or remove a subscription,
send a message to
majordomo@sift.co.uk (mailto:majordomo@sift.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire youre-mailaddress
e.g. subscribe learningwire tpickles@sift.co.uk
or unsubscribe learningwire youre-mailaddress
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:tpickles@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 26
14 December 1998
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1998 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers
and coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for
non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
Editor's Note
This issue offers a selection of current news extracted from the
TrainingZone site. Next week will be a bumper issue reviewing our
first year and offering some (controversial?) predictions for the
coming year from invited contributors. Make sure you reserve your
copy now!!
Tim Pickles,
Editor, LearningWIRE and TrainingZONE
Internet Monitor
Learning Direct
The successful initiative to launch a call centre to assist
anyone who is interested in re-engaging in learning to find an
appropriate course, event or advice has now established a web
presence as well. The Learning Direct programme is funded by
the government as part of its drive to promote lifelong learning.
Learning Direct's freephone number is 0800 100 900.
Since its launch in February 1998 there have been 361,000 calls
to the enquiry line up to the end of October. A detailed
breakdown of the caller profile has now been published.
Electronic Training Village
CEDEFOP are running a website full of information, resources, news,
programmes, etc concerned with vocational training across Europe.
This should be an essential site for those concerned with
vocational training at any level as it provides regularly
updated information about accreditation, funding, new initiatives,
developments, research, etc.
Visitors are asked to register and indicate which issues they are
most interested in. This information is used to supply users with
further information, and is included on a users database.
Comparison of web-based training solutions
In the editing of Issue 25, the URL link to the comparatative data
about web-based training technologies got lost. Here is what it
should have said:
For organisations and companies wanting to develop learning
without incurring high costs, web-based training is fast gaining
ground. This review article compares the different solutions
presently on the market from around the world. Asymtrix - which
we reviewed in an earlier issue - scores well on many criteria
Which search engines do people prefer?
Most people use search engines to find new sites, but which
search engines are they using? According to Hitometer
we found:
Yahoo 38.8%
Alta Vista 18.2%
Excite 13.9%
Infoseek 13.8%
Webcrawler 6.0%
Hotbot 5.7%
Lycos 3.4%
Other Search Engines 0.2%
Not Christmas again...!
And if you're fed up with all the hype already, best keep away
from Santa's interactive site at
where you can post your present wish list, play games, surf
through some seasonal recipes and get into the party mood.
Whilst we're on the subject, you might also want to disable
your browser (or your childrens' browsers) from visiting
Training news stories
Learning Organisation News - December 1998
Graham Guest has contributed the latest edition of his newsletter
including items on systems thinking, the structure of a learning
organisation, and the Learning from Experience Trust
Thirteen winners of National Training Awards, 1998
David Blunkett announces the winners of this year's National
Training Awards with a speech emphasising the benefits of lifelong
learning and its ability to transform people's lives.
776 million Pounds for Higher Education
The government has announced an additional amount of money over
two years to be spent on increased student numbers, improved quality
and standards, capital improvements, and further research.
Modern Apprenticehips
Modern Apprenticehips are aimed at 16-24 year old young adults who
have been taken on by employers interested in providing them with
work and relevant qualifications at NVQ level 3 and above. Recent
research shows that Modern Apprenticeships are one of the most
popular options for today's school leavers.
International Conference of the European Consortium for the
Learning Organisation (ECLO) - 19/21 May 1999 - Glasgow.
ECLO99 will focus on the implementation and evaluation
of learning organisation development.
For more details contact Brigitte Casteur
Realising Your Potential - 2/3 March 1999 - Edinburgh
Major event promoting and showcasing training in the voluntary
Contact Celia Carson at SCVO
Searching TrainingZone
Remember that you can search for any news items, or anything else
you have seen on the site and can't find immediately. You can
search the whole of the TrainingZone site or just the area which
you are interested in.
Getting Involved
If you would like to deliver your information to over 320
training professionals each week via this Newswire, please
get in touch with the editor
Remember too that we run a Discussion Forum on a range of issues
enabling you to contribute to debates about topical issues.
Amongst the subjects currently being discussed are: benchmarking,
learning organisations, and the new Institute of Continuing
Professional Development. You can read and make postings at
About Sift
Sift plc is a leading developer of online communities. Based in
Bristol, Sift has developed AccountingWEB for the accounting
sector, and BusinessZONE (for the SME market).
At the 1997 Online Information Exhibition at Olympia,
AccountingWEB was voted European Information Product of the
Year (and also runner up as Internet Product of 1997).
How to Subscribe
N.B. If you were the original recipient of this message, you do
not need to follow these subscription instructions as you are
already subscribed to the newsletter. However, if someone has
forwarded this newsletter to you, please do follow these
Please invite your friends and colleagues to subscribe by
forwarding them this e-mail. To add or remove a subscription,
send a message to
majordomo@sift.co.uk (mailto:majordomo@sift.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire youre-mailaddress
e.g. subscribe learningwire tpickles@sift.co.uk
or unsubscribe learningwire youre-mailaddress
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:tpickles@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630