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The TrainingZone LearningWire – Issue 36


The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 36
22 February 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers and
coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for
non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.

Editor's Note
A bumper issue this week - so only a short introduction to hold you up.
Read on for summary briefings on a range of topics including:

*** Mentoring resources - on the web
*** More learning resources - on the web
*** Latest professional journals - on the web

PLUS all the usual internet monitorings, news stories and events.

If this service interests you, please spread the word by forwarding
LearningWire to colleagues and suggesting they subscribe for free as well.

Tim Pickles,
Editor, LearningWIRE and TrainingZONE


Realising Your Potential
Encouraging a Learning Climate in Voluntary Organisations

Murrayfield Stadium Conference Centre, Edinburgh
2/3 March 1999

More than 15 seminars, workshops and briefing with
Accompanying exhibtion for providers and services


If you would like to deliver your content to our audience of
training professionals please get in touch.

A selection of highly useful sites for anyone interested in developing
mentoring approaches at work.

Directory of mentoring arts and mentorship
An American site offering loads of information, links, networks, tips,
examples - and a fascinating page about mentoring myths. This is a great
site to start an exploration of the potential and practice of mentoring

Mentors Forum
This well-designed site has been established by Herts TEC and provides a
range of factsheets and publications to encourage good mentoring practice.
For UK browsers (and others) another useful starting point promoting good

Making the Match - mentoring software
PC-based software to maintain a database within an organisation of people
looking for an appropriate mentor, and those who have the skills, knowledge
and interest to act as a mentor to others. The software allows both sides
to self-assess themselves on a range of characteristics in order to improve
the quality of the match. A resource which would be very useful in larger
organisations where it is difficult to create an overview of the skills and
knowledge which already exist within the company.


Collation of training statistics from around the world
Don Clark's amazing round up of statistics and facts about training and
development from almost a dozen countries including data on numbers,
expenditure, trends and much more. Includes hyperlinks to all the varied

Brookside soap opera fans beware!
Learning Direct is launching an intiative in partnership with Channel 4's
Brookside to promote adult literacy following the episode on 19 February
where this issue starts to feature in the storyline. Viewers will be
advised to call the Learning Direct freephone to receive a 'Brookie-basics'
pack which directs them to advice and help at more than 800 participating
centres around the country

IPD website relaunched in improved version
In LearningWire issue 35, we provided the direct entry URL for the 'latest
news' page of the IPD site which is worth watching. It's at
But if you want the main menu without going through the members login
procedure, you should point your browser at
This page give you easy access to the range of news, briefing papers,
publications, factsheet, links and other resources available on the
comprehensive Institute site.

Each month, we're building more and more interactive features into the site
so that you can enjoy browsing as well as gaining useful and relevant
information from all the postings. Have you tried out the Alerts feature

Alerts allow you to set up categories for any subject which you are
particularly interested in and to identify appropriate keywords for each
category. Every day, our search engine then checks throughout TrainingZone
and our main search sites to find the latest postings which match your key
words. By clicking on each category next time you connect, you are
"alerted" to everything that's new!

Often the most useful websites are those which publish a range of
interesting resources and materials which you can use in your own work.
Here are a selection which we've found recently or been back to revisit.
All are strongly recommended. It's gratifying to see how many of these
great sites are maintained on free homepages rather than being run as
commercial operations.

Changing Times
A Scottish-based site, clearly run by trainers with an excellent training
and development resource area. I was particularly impressed by the
discussion area within the site which is attractinga range of interesting
questions - and replies.

Big Dog's Human Resource Site
We've mentioned Don Clark's site before - but it's well worth promoting
again. If you've not been recently, you really should pay it a visit.
It's an excellent example of what one person can do to publish really
useful training and development resources on a simple website. The
collection reflects Don's own interests, but you're sure to find a
technique, tool or briefing paper of value here.

Virtual Teachers Centre
Although still in its infancy, don't overlook the teachers resource centre
held within the National Grid for Learning website. It will be an
increasingly important source of curriculum-related materials, many of
which will have far wider application.

Canadian Training and Development Site
A site which describes itself as a 'virtual gold mine of resources for
training and development' is maintained by the Canadian company TCM. The
site contains hundreds of links, a business showcase, chat forums,
recruitment pages, and some handy tips. Less good for downloadable
resource materials, but still well worth a visit.


Learning Direct clocks up half-a-million callers in a year
The national freephone enquiry line (0800 100 900) has now received more
than half-a-million calls from enquirers seeking information and advice
about access to further training and learning.

Achieving ICT in the classroom
The schools minister is urging a partnership approach to achieve a huge
injection of resources and a high priority to the rapid introduction of
further ICT

Second round grant awards to Adult and Community Learning Fund
A further round of 96 awards to community, voluntary and educational
organisations has been announced totalling 3.5 million pounds. The grants
vary in size from 3,000 pounds to 118,000 pounds and are designed to
promote innovative adult education. A list of the funded projects is

Newly published in online versions are the February issue of Training
Magazine from the TrainingSuperSite. This issue features a number of
articles including interviews with 15 key thinkers about the importance of
continuous learning to today's busineses, and the importance of evaluation
in the development of training programmes.

People Management - the fortnightly journal of the IPD is also published
simulteously on the web. The issue of 11 February contains a range of
articles although the four feature pieces are usually withheld until the
publication of the subsequent issue. Nevertheless, you can access the news
pages, reviews and all the classified recruitment adverts.

Training and Development Magazine is the title of the journal from the
American Society for Training and Development. The February issue also has
an item on evaluation entitled 'Thinking outside the evaluation box -
further reflections on Donald Kirkpatrick's well know n 4-level model of

If you would like to share your experience before a professional audience,
the current version of the Continuous Professional Development website
includes a 'call for papers' around the practice of lifelong learning.

The February issue of the SHRM Human Resource Magazine features an article
on the development of leaders to take over companies and suggests they are
no longer 'grown' by the traditional route of rising through an

Do let us know about forthcoming events which you would like featured in
this section.

About Sift
Sift plc is a leading developer of online communities. Based in Bristol,
Sift has developed AccountingWEB for the accounting sector, and
BusinessZONE (for the SME market).
At the 1997 Online Information Exhibition at Olympia,
AccountingWEB was voted European Information Product of the
Year (and also runner up as Internet Product of 1997).

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Editor: Tim Pickles
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