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The TrainingZone LearningWire – Issue 39


The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 39
8 March 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers and
coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

Editor's Note
In the past week, we've put around 40 new items on the TrainingZone site -
but we've no room to feature many of them in this week's issue. However,
one item does merit special attention. MCB University Press are hosting a
virtual conference throughout March at
Entitled 'Attitudes to continuous professional development: Establishing a
culture of lifelong learning at work', the site offers a fresh discussion
paper each week with plenty of opportunity to join in debate on pertinent
issues through a discussion forum around the issues. Registration as a
conference delegate is free. Already in its first week, the conference is
producing a mine of useful ideas and hints.

Tim Pickles,
Editor, LearningWIRE and TrainingZONE


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For informtion about promoting your news and message to our focused
audience of people engaged in training and learning, see

Our Discussion Forum has had several questions posed in it recently from
users. Could you help with any answers?

1 One user offers an example of a simple technique which he uses
as an opener when first engaging people in a change
management programme within an organisation. He asks whether
other people can recommend similar opening activities?

2 Another user asks for feedback on people's experience of
undertaking NVQ Level 3 in Training and Development. Have you
done this VQ? - or tried and failed? Why not offer your

We've also posted a couple of proposals from users to gauge demand:

3 How much interest is there amongst users for creating and
maintaining a Learning Organisations discussion area to share
ideas, experience and practice?

4 How much interest is there amongst users for another discussion
area around the issues which are common to freelance trainers
and consultants?

You can let me know your responses either by emailing direct, or posting
replies to

This week we take a broader view of the Internet Monitor to bring in some
training resource sites from around the world.

With the majority of websites currently reflecting American interests, it's

no surprise that you can find a good selection of resource sites across the
Atlantic. We've praised this site before, but it really is an excellent
place to start. The American Society for Training and Development's
website at
is an enormous mine of information, links, resources and discussion groups.
Every couple of weeks there is a special theme on the site, with associated
briefing papers, a chat forum, discussion groups and other networking
events. ASTD have grasped the potential of online virtual communities to
make them real and fully inter-active. Not only that, but the site is
fully accessable to non-members so that the level of participation is high.
A 'What's New' page is also a really useful feature directing you to new
postings on the site.

>From Canada, a user directed me recently to the Training and Development
Resource Centre run commercially by TCM but with free access.
The site describes itself as "a virtual goldmine of resources for the
training and human resource community". Certainly there are some good
features - several discussion forums, a useful business showcase,
directories, a careers and recruitment area, etc. but I felt that it lacked
sufficient added-value features in the form of practical papers and tools
for use by the person in the field.

Australia too has been featuring in my electronic in-tray with Internet
sightings reported by several contributors. We recently mentioned the
excellent site which aims to link training and consultancy providers with
potential customers
Although there are plenty of sites which offer directories, this is the
first time I've seen a site which aims to achieve in matching in quite this
way (excluding dating sites!)

Another recent Australian find is the Computer Based Training Systems site
CBTS is a distributor, agent and reseller for several computer-based
training applications throughout Australia and South East Asia. They
feature a number of interesting demonstrations on their site which give you
an excellent idea of how the systems work. I was impressed with TLM - The
Learning Manager - an extensive system which is capable of storing
curricula, building course maps and routeways, delivering content to
individual learners, testing and assessing students, and maintaining
records on both learners and their performance.

The Australian Human Resource Institute site at
is a much improved facility (which used to be restricted to member-only
access). There's plenty of news and information, but again, less
toolkit-style resources and briefing papers. The site also lacks a What's
New facility which is always useful in a fast changing website.

Do you have an International sites to recommend? Please do let us know and
we'll review them in a future issue.

A selection of new resources available for downloading from the Toolkit in
Word 6 format. If you would like to see some of your training and learning
resources published here, please see

Trainer methods
Role plays and simulations
An introduction to the use of role plays and simulations, particularly
within youth programmes and other gaming contexts, but with some thoughts
about wider usage. From 'The New Youth Games Book' by Alan Dearling and
Howie Armstrong.

Organisational development
One step beyond the familiar Smart objectives is this revised idea of
making goals Smart-er

Personal Development
Decision making has been made into a 'technical' area The intellectual
process is neatly expressed, but there has been far less work on on
emotional aspects of decision-making which is crucial to very different
ways in which individuals react.

Manage yourself and relationships
A reflective exercise from Sam Ashton which, while it won't prove anything
or solve any problems offers a method for analysis in order to manage
relationships. Even if the issue is not a relationship but, for example, a
personal habit, this kind of questioning is still applicable

Learning methods
Learning Skills survey
A self-assessment survey designed by Peter Honey to help you reflect on
your own learning skills - and point towards some areas for development.

The next issue will be the 40th edition of LearningWire. Already it's
built a substantial archive of news, updates, reviews and features. There
is a mass of information contained in past issues. We're fascinated by
what people do with each week's issue. Some people print off a copy,
others copy it around the office, whilst yet others file it for posterity !

There's no need. All back issues are archived and accessable on the
website. You can also use a search function through the archive to find
particular references. All you need to do is go to


New selection of learning-related quotes:

Latest statistics on New Deal programme outcomes:

Update on CEPEFOP:

60,000 articles databank about management:

David Blunkett calls for 'Revolution in Learning':

A Japanese approach to team building:

Digest of ancronyms about training, performance and learning:

Contributors review of BETT '99 show:

A levy on employers to pay for training?:

Technical Training magazine online:


'The Write Stuff: A guide to effective writing in social care and related
by Graham Hopkins, 1999,
11.95 GBP. Russell House Publishing (Tel: 01297 443948)

My recollection of trying to tutor material on "effective writing" is that
it is frequently dry, tedious and uninspiring. Consequently, I always
decline any such invitations - even though I love the process fo writing.

This 120 page book may change my mind. It's fun, punchy, accurate, lively,
entertaining, direct, personal, witty, effective, well-designed, readable,
brilliantly illustrated ... what more can I say! It's so well written that
I even found myself reading way beyond the section I intended to read - and
then read it in bed!

Ignore the sub-title. This guide is about the art and practice of good
writing, with examples drawn from the social care context. It considers
letters, reports, memos, templates, emails and a range of other forms. It
looks at all the questions people have but never ask: best layout, forms of
address, tone and language, references, styles, editing, plain English, etc.

It's a joy to read and should find it's way alongside the desk of many of
struggling report writer for everyday thumbing.

We're looking at providing a jobs and recruitment facility within
TrainingZone and encouraging users to post their own vacancies before our
specialist audience. What do you think?

Here's a recent recruitment posting to TrainingZone:
A major private banking organization, is seeking a Director -
Organization & Management Development Specialist London, UK for their
European operation.

About Sift
Sift plc is a leading developer of online communities. Based in Bristol,
Sift has also developed AccountingWEB for the accounting sector,
BusinessZONE (for the SME market), and TravelMole for the travel industry.
At the 1997 Online Information Exhibition at Olympia,
AccountingWEB was voted European Information Product of the
Year (and also runner up as Internet Product of 1997).

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Editor: Tim Pickles
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