The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 50
24 May 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers
and coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is give,
From the Editor
Welcome to the 50th Issue of LearningWire. Subscriber member registrations continue to grow at an ever faster pace – so thanks to all those who’ve added their email addresses recently.
This free virtual community works by having a growing membership who provide us with news, postings, websites, comments and ideas. Your help in growing this user base is always welcome. To mark the fiftieth issue, could you forward this copy to a couple of colleagues and suggest they might join as well? As always there is no cost. Details of how to Subscribe and Unsubscribe are provided at the end.
Last week’s European Consortium on Learning Organisations (ECLO) conference in Glasgow proved to be a stimulating event and it was good to meet so many contributors and members of TrainingZone. If you missed the event, you can always check out ECLO’s activities at
Finally, in next week’s LearningWire we plan to run a special feature on Coaching – so if you know of a website on this issue which you think should be reviewed or featured, please do let me know.
Tim Pickles, Editor, LearningWIRE and TrainingZONE
Web Training Company
225+ online IT training courses now available
Unlimited one year access for just 90 GBP
Invitation to RESELLERS and PARTNERS to join us in promoting
and selling corporate and end-user subscriptions on a fee basis
Mahommad Daudi 0181 575 5679
LearningWire currently reaches 1,600 organisations every week.
Why not put your message before this focused audience of people
engaged in training, learning and development.
Thought for the Week
==================== (thanks to Alan Clayton for this one)
“There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true
nobility is being superior to your previous self.”
– an ancient Hindu proverb…… we could put ‘company’ in place of ‘man’
+ + + + + + + + +
Internet Monitor
A selection of Internet sites and postings from the past week.
What is action learning?
Extract from a recent book on ‘Action Learning: an alternative to traditional training for developing leaders and transforming organisations’ is available online and provides an excellent introduction to this approach with some useful reminders of key practice points.
‘Creating Learning Cultures’
The second report of the National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, subtitled ‘Next steps in achieving the learning age’ was published last week on the Lifelong Learning website. We’re very interested in reviewing this document and would like to hear from members with their views on whether the recommendations are likely to advance lifelong learning. You can add your reactions to the debate by clicking the Comments button at the foot of our reference page.
Summary of responses to ‘The Learning Age’
Also published last week was a summary of responses to the earlier Green Paper on ‘The Learning Age’. It’s available online and in download format. If you didn’t respond to the earlier consultation, why not post your reactions now to the Comments area of our reference page?
21st Century Learning Initiative
An excellent website providing information, briefings and resource material derived from a trans-national programme of research and development into the nature of human learning. Whilst some of the material is academic, much is also highly accessable in helping us to understand the learning process.
The Shelf
This new British site provides a secure online shopping service for managers, leaders and HR professionals offering a range of books, guides, feature articles and interviews. The publishers are seeking to create a one-stop service selling information and resource materials to this audience.
Best practice in leadership development
Helpful summary of a recent bok on the subject by David Giber, Louis Carter and Marshall Goldsmith, includes findings from research studies into effective leadership within organisations.
TrainingZone quick guide to Learning at Work
If you missed some of the links in last week’s issue, you can catch up on our 10-point guide to making learning at work easy for yourself and your colleagues by checking through the suggestions which are now re-posted at
Training analysis
From the Don Clark HRD website comes an excellent tool and accompanying notes on conducting training analysis. The material includes all the necessary forms, process instructions and methods to conduct a training analysis within most organisations.
Learning Skills survey
Published on Learning at Work day, this survey report presents the findings and analysis of Peter Honey’s recent study into learning practices. Amongst the findings: women learn better than men, and learning improves with age. Full report and analysis available from
Working Time Regulations
Recently published IPD Key Factsheet paper is now available as a free download in Adobe Acrobat format containing a full guide to the new regulations and their implementation.
+ + + + + + + + +
Cricket World Cup Links
As light relief from all the serious professional issues, there is World Cup stuff all over the place. The search engines have special sections, as do most of the main newspaper sites. It’s best though to start at sites that specialise in cricket as there tends to be more ‘atmosphere’!
CricInfo’s has live video coverage of all the games. Live audio
you’ll just about manage if you’ve got a decent connection.
Live video of course eats up bandwidth even quicker, and
you’ll really need ISDN or a leased line for it to be effective.
You can also have radio on in the background! That is as long
as you’re not paying for the phone call all day long!
The BBC site has live radio coverage. Live coverage of some of
the early games is exclusive to the Internet!
+ + + + + + + + +
Latest News Stories
University for Industry seeks Learning Centre Hubs
The new University for Industry, officially launched from 1 April, has launched a call from interested parties to provide a network of Learning Centre Hubs across the country. More than a hundred such centres are envisaged, with providers each running a minimum of at least ten. Expressions of interest should be received by mid-July and initial details are available from
DfEE workplan 1999-2000
Priorities and programmes for the Department for Education and Employment in the present year are detailed in their public workplan.
Computers in Personnel Conference and Exhibition
This IPD conference is scheduled for 23-24 June at the Barbican Centre,London. Entrance to the accompanying exhibition is free. Programmes, details and bookings are all available online.
Full steam ahead for Individual Learning Accounts
David Blunkett, Secretary of State for Education, has welcomed recent progress in piloting ILAs and has restated his view that “individuals should be at the heart of the learning revolution.”
Join the protest for Free Internet Access
Sunday June 6 is boycott the net day! CUT – the Campaign for
Unmetered Telecommunications – is calling on all Internet users to
boycott use of the Internet for one day. CUT hopes that by so
doing, the lost profit of the carriers will force them to
reconsider their tariffs to permit free Internet access (i.e. free
local calls). The argument is that the European penalises surfers
in a way that other (eg the USA where local calls are free)
national systems do not. Leaving aside the economics of supplying
telephone systems (which are interesting) the net effect (no pun
intended) of any change would be to merely move the cross subsidy
from one group of users to another- probably a good idea in
itself, given the cost barrier our systems imposes on Internet
based trade.
+ + + + + + + + +
Getting involved in TrainingZone
The choice is yours!
You can SEND US YOUR NEWS and make the website and this digest even more informative for the regular and growing community of training, learning and development professionals who visit every week.
Or you can REACT TO THE NEWS by posting your thoughts and suggestions in the Comments area at the foot of every article posted on the TrainingZone website itself.
+ + + + + + + + +
From the PressZone
Every week we carry news releases in our dedicated PressZone
Here are a selection of recent press releases on the site:
A refreshingly different approach to learning styles – the Mercury Model approach explored in a Brainpool event
+ + + + + + + + +
About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities. Based in
Bristol, Sift has also developed AccountingWEB for the accounting sector,
BusinessZONE (for the SME market), TravelMole for the travel industry and
LawZONE for the legal profession.
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward it to a
colleague or hand it to a friend. Encourage them to register themselves.
It’s easy –
To add or remove a subscription, send a message to
majordomo@sift.co.uk (mailto:majordomo@sift.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire your_e-mail_address
e.g. subscribe learningwire myname@mycompany.co.uk
or unsubscribe learningwire your_e-mail_address
or register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/help/help_wires.html
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:tpickles@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 50
24 May 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers
and coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is give,
From the Editor
Welcome to the 50th Issue of LearningWire. Subscriber member registrations continue to grow at an ever faster pace - so thanks to all those who've added their email addresses recently.
This free virtual community works by having a growing membership who provide us with news, postings, websites, comments and ideas. Your help in growing this user base is always welcome. To mark the fiftieth issue, could you forward this copy to a couple of colleagues and suggest they might join as well? As always there is no cost. Details of how to Subscribe and Unsubscribe are provided at the end.
Last week's European Consortium on Learning Organisations (ECLO) conference in Glasgow proved to be a stimulating event and it was good to meet so many contributors and members of TrainingZone. If you missed the event, you can always check out ECLO's activities at
Finally, in next week's LearningWire we plan to run a special feature on Coaching - so if you know of a website on this issue which you think should be reviewed or featured, please do let me know.
Tim Pickles, Editor, LearningWIRE and TrainingZONE
Web Training Company
225+ online IT training courses now available
Unlimited one year access for just 90 GBP
Invitation to RESELLERS and PARTNERS to join us in promoting
and selling corporate and end-user subscriptions on a fee basis
Mahommad Daudi 0181 575 5679
LearningWire currently reaches 1,600 organisations every week.
Why not put your message before this focused audience of people
engaged in training, learning and development.
Thought for the Week
==================== (thanks to Alan Clayton for this one)
"There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true
nobility is being superior to your previous self."
- an ancient Hindu proverb...... we could put 'company' in place of 'man'
+ + + + + + + + +
Internet Monitor
A selection of Internet sites and postings from the past week.
What is action learning?
Extract from a recent book on 'Action Learning: an alternative to traditional training for developing leaders and transforming organisations' is available online and provides an excellent introduction to this approach with some useful reminders of key practice points.
'Creating Learning Cultures'
The second report of the National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, subtitled 'Next steps in achieving the learning age' was published last week on the Lifelong Learning website. We're very interested in reviewing this document and would like to hear from members with their views on whether the recommendations are likely to advance lifelong learning. You can add your reactions to the debate by clicking the Comments button at the foot of our reference page.
Summary of responses to 'The Learning Age'
Also published last week was a summary of responses to the earlier Green Paper on 'The Learning Age'. It's available online and in download format. If you didn't respond to the earlier consultation, why not post your reactions now to the Comments area of our reference page?
21st Century Learning Initiative
An excellent website providing information, briefings and resource material derived from a trans-national programme of research and development into the nature of human learning. Whilst some of the material is academic, much is also highly accessable in helping us to understand the learning process.
The Shelf
This new British site provides a secure online shopping service for managers, leaders and HR professionals offering a range of books, guides, feature articles and interviews. The publishers are seeking to create a one-stop service selling information and resource materials to this audience.
Best practice in leadership development
Helpful summary of a recent bok on the subject by David Giber, Louis Carter and Marshall Goldsmith, includes findings from research studies into effective leadership within organisations.
TrainingZone quick guide to Learning at Work
If you missed some of the links in last week's issue, you can catch up on our 10-point guide to making learning at work easy for yourself and your colleagues by checking through the suggestions which are now re-posted at
Training analysis
From the Don Clark HRD website comes an excellent tool and accompanying notes on conducting training analysis. The material includes all the necessary forms, process instructions and methods to conduct a training analysis within most organisations.
Learning Skills survey
Published on Learning at Work day, this survey report presents the findings and analysis of Peter Honey's recent study into learning practices. Amongst the findings: women learn better than men, and learning improves with age. Full report and analysis available from
Working Time Regulations
Recently published IPD Key Factsheet paper is now available as a free download in Adobe Acrobat format containing a full guide to the new regulations and their implementation.
+ + + + + + + + +
Cricket World Cup Links
As light relief from all the serious professional issues, there is World Cup stuff all over the place. The search engines have special sections, as do most of the main newspaper sites. It's best though to start at sites that specialise in cricket as there tends to be more 'atmosphere'!
CricInfo's has live video coverage of all the games. Live audio
you'll just about manage if you've got a decent connection.
Live video of course eats up bandwidth even quicker, and
you'll really need ISDN or a leased line for it to be effective.
You can also have radio on in the background! That is as long
as you're not paying for the phone call all day long!
The BBC site has live radio coverage. Live coverage of some of
the early games is exclusive to the Internet!
+ + + + + + + + +
Latest News Stories
University for Industry seeks Learning Centre Hubs
The new University for Industry, officially launched from 1 April, has launched a call from interested parties to provide a network of Learning Centre Hubs across the country. More than a hundred such centres are envisaged, with providers each running a minimum of at least ten. Expressions of interest should be received by mid-July and initial details are available from
DfEE workplan 1999-2000
Priorities and programmes for the Department for Education and Employment in the present year are detailed in their public workplan.
Computers in Personnel Conference and Exhibition
This IPD conference is scheduled for 23-24 June at the Barbican Centre,London. Entrance to the accompanying exhibition is free. Programmes, details and bookings are all available online.
Full steam ahead for Individual Learning Accounts
David Blunkett, Secretary of State for Education, has welcomed recent progress in piloting ILAs and has restated his view that "individuals should be at the heart of the learning revolution."
Join the protest for Free Internet Access
Sunday June 6 is boycott the net day! CUT - the Campaign for
Unmetered Telecommunications - is calling on all Internet users to
boycott use of the Internet for one day. CUT hopes that by so
doing, the lost profit of the carriers will force them to
reconsider their tariffs to permit free Internet access (i.e. free
local calls). The argument is that the European penalises surfers
in a way that other (eg the USA where local calls are free)
national systems do not. Leaving aside the economics of supplying
telephone systems (which are interesting) the net effect (no pun
intended) of any change would be to merely move the cross subsidy
from one group of users to another- probably a good idea in
itself, given the cost barrier our systems imposes on Internet
based trade.
+ + + + + + + + +
Getting involved in TrainingZone
The choice is yours!
You can SEND US YOUR NEWS and make the website and this digest even more informative for the regular and growing community of training, learning and development professionals who visit every week.
Or you can REACT TO THE NEWS by posting your thoughts and suggestions in the Comments area at the foot of every article posted on the TrainingZone website itself.
+ + + + + + + + +
From the PressZone
Every week we carry news releases in our dedicated PressZone
Here are a selection of recent press releases on the site:
A refreshingly different approach to learning styles - the Mercury Model approach explored in a Brainpool event
+ + + + + + + + +
About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities. Based in
Bristol, Sift has also developed AccountingWEB for the accounting sector,
BusinessZONE (for the SME market), TravelMole for the travel industry and
LawZONE for the legal profession.
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward it to a
colleague or hand it to a friend. Encourage them to register themselves.
It's easy -
To add or remove a subscription, send a message to
majordomo@sift.co.uk (mailto:majordomo@sift.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire your_e-mail_address
e.g. subscribe learningwire myname@mycompany.co.uk
or unsubscribe learningwire your_e-mail_address
or register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/help/help_wires.html
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:tpickles@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630