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The TrainingZone LearningWire – Issue 59


The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 59
26 July 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (c) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers
and coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for non-
commercial purposes as long as attribution is given

From the Editor
This is my week as the guest editor of TrainingZone and I feel
excited and amazed at what this technology is allowing our
training community to do. The speed at which the Internet and
cyber technology is growing is frankly outpacing our imagination
to use and exploit it. We are only limited by what we can dream
off. Its seems only a little while ago that we talked about
what technology was going to do for us and what next year’s
computer would be capable of, we talked always in the future
tense. It feels to me that the wait is over, the technology has
caught up with us and has opened doors we have yet to pass
through. I still cringe when I hear workers and managers alike
talk almost with a sense of pride that they do not understand
computers and speak contemptuously of the Internet and all things
cyber or virtual. The dinosaurs must have stared up into the sky
and blinked unknowingly at the explosion and flare of the
meteorite which heralded their destruction. These backward
facing managers and workers do not know it yet but that’s
exactly what they are doing. Ladies and Gentleman, the IT ship is
about to sail. All Aboard!

Although being technologically orientated myself and a self
confessed gadget freak all training and development has one thing
in common; human beings. Human beings are not machines and do
not run like clockwork machines. To this end although technology
can support and enhance our lives it is still the interaction
between people that leads to best and most powerful development
and education. To this end I have themed the Web Watch section
of this weeks LearningWire. There are two sections; one looks at
Transactional Analysis (TA) and Neuro Linguistic Programming
(NLP). Both these disciplines can be powerful tools for our
relations and interactions with others. There are more than 30
sites detailed which relate to these disciplines. This should
come as a useful and relevant resource to anyone who utilises or
wants to learn more about these fields of study.

Tom Peters stirred up a hornet’s nest at the Society for Human
Resource Management’s 51st annual conference. His main message
appears to be that we should neglect everyone who works in our
organisations except those who are exceptional or high flyers.
The sound bite he appears to be pushing for this piece of chronic
advice is: “If we are smart, we are agents of destruction.”

I would make the observation that Mr Peters is an independent
consultant who sits at the top of his own highly successful
organisation. If he ever joined an organisation at the bottom of
the feeding chain and was placed on the receiving end of this
kind of approach I wonder how long he would continue to hold this
view? With so much influence it’s a shame that what he now talks
about is merely dramatic and engaging but with little practical
use. Tom Peters was once in search of excellence, all he seems
to have found here is rubbish.

Garry Platt
Guest Editor


AMED Conference
The Association for Managment Education and Development

Working Communities : The shape of future organisations

Key themes – colloborative working, knowledge management,
ethics and governance
25/26 August 1999, Cranfield School of Management

LearningWire currently reaches over 2,750 training professionals
every week. Put your message before this focused audience of
people engaged in training, learning and development.

Quotes of the Week
1. The ultimate leader is one who is willing to develop people to
the point that they surpass him or her in knowledge and
– Fred A. Manske, Jr.

2. Tutor to his class; ‘Chaos theory in layperson’s terms is the
fact that a butterfly beating its wings in Peru can cause a
typhoon off the coast of Japan. What conclusion can we draw
from this?’

Students response; ‘Insecticides are not all bad?’

The morale of this story: The message sent is not necessarily
the message received.

Other News

World Class Training A Top Priority – Blunkett
Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett today welcomed
the first independent report on vocational training from the
Training Standards Council with a promise that world class work-
based training is a top priority, as demonstrated by the recent
White Paper “Learning to Succeed.”

Learning about Organizational Learning
By documenting participants’ experiences and feeding back through
the researchers’ analysis learning histories help develop a
process whereby participants begin to understand how others came
to their own perspectives. As a consequence everybody involved
in the project learns something new. In addition the final
documents contribute towards the development of an organisational
memory. This interesting article was written two years ago and
was the first to articulate the theories and techniques involved.

Creating Learning Cultures
The Chair of NAGCELL (National Advisory Group for Continuing
Education and Lifelong Learning) Professor R. H. Fryer introduces
the latest research on supporting and furthering the cause of
life long learning in the UK. The report provides interesting
reading on the subjects of family and learning and developing
effective learning partnerships.

Damages awarded for excessive workloads
For the first time in Britain an individual was awarded damages
for having excessive workloads imposed upon them. People
Management reports in depth the results and implications of this
test case.

Government WhitePaper on Post 16 Learning
The government’s formal white paper on the structure and form of
learning for the post 16 year olds is detailed on the DfEE web

Civility in the workplace under decline?
A recent report published by ‘TRAINING’ highlights the problem
many people face in the workplace of rude or obnoxious work
colleagues. Chris Lee looks at this growing problem and how it
might be addressed:

Education and Training Development Agenda: Towards 2000
The home pages of the Education and Training Development Agenda:
Towards 2000 – a strategic overview of initiatives in policy
areas across the DfEE. The site carries information about
development initiatives and programmes which will underpin and
help to deliver the Government’s education and learning
priorities during 1999 and into the Millennium.


Edward de Bono Lateral Thinking CD

This unique 195 pound package provides multimedia training on
Lateral Thinking together with Idea Pro, a mind mapping
application based on Lateral Thinking. If you want a free
demo CD please email




Transactional Analysis Related Web Site
Julie Hay is one of the countries foremost practitioners of TA in
its application to Management, Organisational Development and
Interpersonal Skills. She runs AD International. The site offers
details of services for sale but also lists books and some
questionnaires that can be used in conjunction with TA training.
She offers a free! 77-minute consultancy on organisational,
training and development issues. No freebie articles however. (In
addition Julie Hay is a qualified NLP practitioner).
Book Shop – Books relating solely to TA
Book Shop – A good detailed listing of books and videos available
about TA
The Alan Chapman Consultancy – Basic background information about
TA and details of service for sale.
The International Transactional Analysis Association home page.
Information about the society and some basic background
information. Not overly informative about the topic its self.
The Institute for Transactional Analysis UK Web site. Similar
basic information as provided by the International site. However,
it does list practitioners and therapists who work in the UK so
useful for that resource.
The European Association for Transactional Analysis European Web
site. As well as basic information this has an online discussion
group/forum. So you can ask your questions about TA here and be
sure of a response.
A site dedicated to TA based in Ireland. Contains more than just
basic facts its slightly more in depth view of TA. There is also
an annual newsletter together with some monthly newsnotes.
This is a discussion group on TA to which you can subscribe. Odd
route to get there though: Click on the picture that appears,
then on English Text. Then link to the TA List Archive is at the
end of the page.
The Manchester Institute for psychotherapy runs a more local
discussion group. There’s not much else here that’s immediately
useful other than background about the Institute, pity, it’s a
nicely designed web site.
The Transactional Analysis web based journal. A really useful
site for news, information and a wonderful range of interesting
articles. There is also an online discussion group.
The Berne Institute operates out of central England and has a web
site that advertises their services. That’s all it provides
The USA TA association has a very interesting on line article
that looks at dealing with difficult people. Worth visiting.

NLP Related Web Sites
Marlin NLP – A Provider’s web site with some basic information
and background about NLP.
The Northern School of NLP – A providers web site with some basic
information and background about NLP.
Synergy Online Bookstore. It contains some detailed reviews of
NLP books and literature.
Sensory Systems – A provider’s web site with some basic
information and background about NLP.
The Developing Company – A provider’s web site with more than
just basic information. It has a mass of interesting articles and
further links.
Roberts Dilts home page one of the founding fathers of NLP.
Rather disappointing. It provides lecture schedules, products,
basic background information and some further links. It also has
a monthly article written by Dilts and some archived material.
Diane Beaver – A provider’s web site with some basic information
and background about NLP.
McKenna Breen – A provider’s web site with some basic information
and background about NLP.
A web site run by NLP Ednet. Unusual in that it looks at the use
and application of NLP from an educators or trainers point of
view. It has some interesting articles and content.
Great web sites run by NLP Resources. Contains masses of
information and lots of informative banter. Most of the links I
am detailing here were located from this site. Worth visiting.
An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) forum exists and this site contains
transcripts from some of the discussions that take place. It is
also a commercial web site advertising and selling NLP related
products and services. A great site worth visiting.
The Essential Skills Group run this web site. It contains lots of
information about NLP together with some very interesting
articles that are worth reading. A good site to visit.
Honest Abe’s NLP emporium contains lots of book reviews an
informative FAQ section and further links. It doesn’t appear to
be a commercial site with but some courses are detailed.
A fascinating site with lots of unusual NLP related links and
information. It also has some information on Emotional
Intelligence and its links with NLP. It provides a review of more
than 100 NLP books. A good site to visit.
The Verstek Group – A provider’s web site with some basic
information and some fairly detailed articles on NLP.
A good place to visit if you have no idea what NLP is. Run by the
NLP Information Centre, its name says it all. It provides and
introduction and information about NLP.
A great resource site with various NLP Modelling maps and
structures being held and available for download. Run by The
Experiential Dynamics(tm)
Believe it or not there is a NLP web ring, to start your journey
go to this web site first.
Primarily a source site for locating NLP books and literature it
has some interesting articles available to read.

Unless otherwise referenced, further information about all these
sites, and hundreds of others, can be found at

From the PressZone

The Force Is Everywhere!
For reasons I cannot fathom The Stars Wars press release made it
on to Training Zone.

New Accreditation
ISM has announced approval for the Fielden House-Cegos “New
Trainer” programme for accreditation under its Quality Assured
Awards scheme

Helping the Drop Outs Drop Back in
David Blunket announced new measures last week to help those
youngsters who have dropped out of the educational system.

Find out about the PressZone service at

About TrainingZONE
TrainingZONE is a service for training professionals developed by
Sift plc, the award-winning UK developer of online communities
bringing you TrainingZONE, AccountingWEB, BusinessZONE,
TravelMole and LawZone.

How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Encourage them to
register themselves. It’s easy –

To add or remove a subscription, send a message to (

and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire your_email_address
e.g. subscribe learningwire
or unsubscribe learningwire your_e-mail_address

or register at

Editor: Tim Pickles
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel: +44 117 915 9600 Fax: +44 117 915 9630

The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 59
26 July 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (c) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers
and coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for non-
commercial purposes as long as attribution is given

From the Editor
This is my week as the guest editor of TrainingZone and I feel
excited and amazed at what this technology is allowing our
training community to do. The speed at which the Internet and
cyber technology is growing is frankly outpacing our imagination
to use and exploit it. We are only limited by what we can dream
off. Its seems only a little while ago that we talked about
what technology was going to do for us and what next year's
computer would be capable of, we talked always in the future
tense. It feels to me that the wait is over, the technology has
caught up with us and has opened doors we have yet to pass
through. I still cringe when I hear workers and managers alike
talk almost with a sense of pride that they do not understand
computers and speak contemptuously of the Internet and all things
cyber or virtual. The dinosaurs must have stared up into the sky
and blinked unknowingly at the explosion and flare of the
meteorite which heralded their destruction. These backward
facing managers and workers do not know it yet but that's
exactly what they are doing. Ladies and Gentleman, the IT ship is
about to sail. All Aboard!

Although being technologically orientated myself and a self
confessed gadget freak all training and development has one thing
in common; human beings. Human beings are not machines and do
not run like clockwork machines. To this end although technology
can support and enhance our lives it is still the interaction
between people that leads to best and most powerful development
and education. To this end I have themed the Web Watch section
of this weeks LearningWire. There are two sections; one looks at
Transactional Analysis (TA) and Neuro Linguistic Programming
(NLP). Both these disciplines can be powerful tools for our
relations and interactions with others. There are more than 30
sites detailed which relate to these disciplines. This should
come as a useful and relevant resource to anyone who utilises or
wants to learn more about these fields of study.

Tom Peters stirred up a hornet's nest at the Society for Human
Resource Management's 51st annual conference. His main message
appears to be that we should neglect everyone who works in our
organisations except those who are exceptional or high flyers.
The sound bite he appears to be pushing for this piece of chronic
advice is: "If we are smart, we are agents of destruction."

I would make the observation that Mr Peters is an independent
consultant who sits at the top of his own highly successful
organisation. If he ever joined an organisation at the bottom of
the feeding chain and was placed on the receiving end of this
kind of approach I wonder how long he would continue to hold this
view? With so much influence it's a shame that what he now talks
about is merely dramatic and engaging but with little practical
use. Tom Peters was once in search of excellence, all he seems
to have found here is rubbish.

Garry Platt
Guest Editor


AMED Conference
The Association for Managment Education and Development

Working Communities : The shape of future organisations

Key themes - colloborative working, knowledge management,
ethics and governance
25/26 August 1999, Cranfield School of Management

LearningWire currently reaches over 2,750 training professionals
every week. Put your message before this focused audience of
people engaged in training, learning and development.

Quotes of the Week
1. The ultimate leader is one who is willing to develop people to
the point that they surpass him or her in knowledge and
- Fred A. Manske, Jr.

2. Tutor to his class; 'Chaos theory in layperson's terms is the
fact that a butterfly beating its wings in Peru can cause a
typhoon off the coast of Japan. What conclusion can we draw
from this?'

Students response; 'Insecticides are not all bad?'

The morale of this story: The message sent is not necessarily
the message received.

Other News

World Class Training A Top Priority - Blunkett
Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett today welcomed
the first independent report on vocational training from the
Training Standards Council with a promise that world class work-
based training is a top priority, as demonstrated by the recent
White Paper "Learning to Succeed."

Learning about Organizational Learning
By documenting participants' experiences and feeding back through
the researchers' analysis learning histories help develop a
process whereby participants begin to understand how others came
to their own perspectives. As a consequence everybody involved
in the project learns something new. In addition the final
documents contribute towards the development of an organisational
memory. This interesting article was written two years ago and
was the first to articulate the theories and techniques involved.

Creating Learning Cultures
The Chair of NAGCELL (National Advisory Group for Continuing
Education and Lifelong Learning) Professor R. H. Fryer introduces
the latest research on supporting and furthering the cause of
life long learning in the UK. The report provides interesting
reading on the subjects of family and learning and developing
effective learning partnerships.

Damages awarded for excessive workloads
For the first time in Britain an individual was awarded damages
for having excessive workloads imposed upon them. People
Management reports in depth the results and implications of this
test case.

Government WhitePaper on Post 16 Learning
The government's formal white paper on the structure and form of
learning for the post 16 year olds is detailed on the DfEE web

Civility in the workplace under decline?
A recent report published by 'TRAINING' highlights the problem
many people face in the workplace of rude or obnoxious work
colleagues. Chris Lee looks at this growing problem and how it
might be addressed:

Education and Training Development Agenda: Towards 2000
The home pages of the Education and Training Development Agenda:
Towards 2000 - a strategic overview of initiatives in policy
areas across the DfEE. The site carries information about
development initiatives and programmes which will underpin and
help to deliver the Government's education and learning
priorities during 1999 and into the Millennium.


Edward de Bono Lateral Thinking CD

This unique 195 pound package provides multimedia training on
Lateral Thinking together with Idea Pro, a mind mapping
application based on Lateral Thinking. If you want a free
demo CD please email




Transactional Analysis Related Web Site
Julie Hay is one of the countries foremost practitioners of TA in
its application to Management, Organisational Development and
Interpersonal Skills. She runs AD International. The site offers
details of services for sale but also lists books and some
questionnaires that can be used in conjunction with TA training.
She offers a free! 77-minute consultancy on organisational,
training and development issues. No freebie articles however. (In
addition Julie Hay is a qualified NLP practitioner).
Book Shop - Books relating solely to TA
Book Shop - A good detailed listing of books and videos available
about TA
The Alan Chapman Consultancy - Basic background information about
TA and details of service for sale.
The International Transactional Analysis Association home page.
Information about the society and some basic background
information. Not overly informative about the topic its self.
The Institute for Transactional Analysis UK Web site. Similar
basic information as provided by the International site. However,
it does list practitioners and therapists who work in the UK so
useful for that resource.
The European Association for Transactional Analysis European Web
site. As well as basic information this has an online discussion
group/forum. So you can ask your questions about TA here and be
sure of a response.
A site dedicated to TA based in Ireland. Contains more than just
basic facts its slightly more in depth view of TA. There is also
an annual newsletter together with some monthly newsnotes.
This is a discussion group on TA to which you can subscribe. Odd
route to get there though: Click on the picture that appears,
then on English Text. Then link to the TA List Archive is at the
end of the page.
The Manchester Institute for psychotherapy runs a more local
discussion group. There's not much else here that's immediately
useful other than background about the Institute, pity, it's a
nicely designed web site.
The Transactional Analysis web based journal. A really useful
site for news, information and a wonderful range of interesting
articles. There is also an online discussion group.
The Berne Institute operates out of central England and has a web
site that advertises their services. That's all it provides
The USA TA association has a very interesting on line article
that looks at dealing with difficult people. Worth visiting.

NLP Related Web Sites
Marlin NLP - A Provider's web site with some basic information
and background about NLP.
The Northern School of NLP - A providers web site with some basic
information and background about NLP.
Synergy Online Bookstore. It contains some detailed reviews of
NLP books and literature.
Sensory Systems - A provider's web site with some basic
information and background about NLP.
The Developing Company - A provider's web site with more than
just basic information. It has a mass of interesting articles and
further links.
Roberts Dilts home page one of the founding fathers of NLP.
Rather disappointing. It provides lecture schedules, products,
basic background information and some further links. It also has
a monthly article written by Dilts and some archived material.
Diane Beaver - A provider's web site with some basic information
and background about NLP.
McKenna Breen - A provider's web site with some basic information
and background about NLP.
A web site run by NLP Ednet. Unusual in that it looks at the use
and application of NLP from an educators or trainers point of
view. It has some interesting articles and content.
Great web sites run by NLP Resources. Contains masses of
information and lots of informative banter. Most of the links I
am detailing here were located from this site. Worth visiting.
An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) forum exists and this site contains
transcripts from some of the discussions that take place. It is
also a commercial web site advertising and selling NLP related
products and services. A great site worth visiting.
The Essential Skills Group run this web site. It contains lots of
information about NLP together with some very interesting
articles that are worth reading. A good site to visit.
Honest Abe's NLP emporium contains lots of book reviews an
informative FAQ section and further links. It doesn't appear to
be a commercial site with but some courses are detailed.
A fascinating site with lots of unusual NLP related links and
information. It also has some information on Emotional
Intelligence and its links with NLP. It provides a review of more
than 100 NLP books. A good site to visit.
The Verstek Group - A provider's web site with some basic
information and some fairly detailed articles on NLP.
A good place to visit if you have no idea what NLP is. Run by the
NLP Information Centre, its name says it all. It provides and
introduction and information about NLP.
A great resource site with various NLP Modelling maps and
structures being held and available for download. Run by The
Experiential Dynamics(tm)
Believe it or not there is a NLP web ring, to start your journey
go to this web site first.
Primarily a source site for locating NLP books and literature it
has some interesting articles available to read.

Unless otherwise referenced, further information about all these
sites, and hundreds of others, can be found at

From the PressZone

The Force Is Everywhere!
For reasons I cannot fathom The Stars Wars press release made it
on to Training Zone.

New Accreditation
ISM has announced approval for the Fielden House-Cegos "New
Trainer" programme for accreditation under its Quality Assured
Awards scheme

Helping the Drop Outs Drop Back in
David Blunket announced new measures last week to help those
youngsters who have dropped out of the educational system.

Find out about the PressZone service at

About TrainingZONE
TrainingZONE is a service for training professionals developed by
Sift plc, the award-winning UK developer of online communities
bringing you TrainingZONE, AccountingWEB, BusinessZONE,
TravelMole and LawZone.

How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Encourage them to
register themselves. It's easy -

To add or remove a subscription, send a message to (

and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire your_email_address
e.g. subscribe learningwire
or unsubscribe learningwire your_e-mail_address

or register at

Editor: Tim Pickles
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel: +44 117 915 9600 Fax: +44 117 915 9630