The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 65
6 September 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
Editor’s Note
Thanks to Heather Serdar who sat in the Editor’s chair last week. This week’s issue of LearningWire reflects her searching and surfing around the web to bring you news, information and ideas about training, learning and development. Thanks to Heather for keeping the show going.
Tim Pickles, Editor
Addressing critiques of ideas and practices of organisational
learning. For information or to offer a session contact
Tom Boydell mailto:lcp@eflow.demon.co.uk
LearningWire currently reaches over 2,900 professionals every week. Put your message before this focused audience of people engaged in training, learning and development.
Browsing from the Guest Editor
Gower Training
A great training site is Gower, based in Aldershot, Hampshire. Their Web site offers quick and up-to-date information on training resources. Click a virtual room in the Gower office to see what they have to offer in terms of information, products and services. First time visitors to the site are offered a collection of free training materials that can be downloaded when you sign the visitors book. The site has a list of over 960 activities, games and exercises published by Gower. Prices, which are quite reasonable, start at 5 UKP. Subjects covered icebreaking, mentoring and problem solving.
Training and Development
The American Society for Training and Development have launched a call for presentations for the ASTED TechKnowledge Conference and Exposition which will take place 19 – 22 September 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Deadline for submissions is 12 November 1999. There are six areas for submission: analysing and evaluating training, designing and developing training for the desktop, designing and delivering word-class training, training management in the digital age, training on the net and presenting the case for learning technologies: a federal perspective.
Ideas into Action
The September issue of Training Journal has a short – but interesting – article on turning ideas into action: something of concern to everyone who works in the field of training. The article touches on what a trainer can do if the trainee simply doesn’t want to learn.
Mentoring is a term which has gained a considerable amount of prominence recently. If your organisation subscribes to the idea of mentoring – or if you are intrigued by the idea of how mentoring can benefit you and your organisation – take a look at the article which appears in the current issue of Continuing Professional Development. The article, which has free access, is entitled The Dynamics of Mentoring Relationships: towards an understanding of how mentoring supports learning by Richard Hale.
Campaign for learning
Are you a pragmatist, activist, reflector or theorist? If you’re not sure, take a look at the article by Peter Honey featured in the Campaign for Learning Web site. And, once you’ve cracked the code, why not discover the role families play in learning? The Campaign for Learning is coordinating a Family Learning Weekend 1 to 3 October.
Tips for safe business travelling
It may have happened to you – you’re so worried about getting to the airport on time and making sure you have your tickets and passport that you’ve forgotten something just as important: your laptop. Or you put your briefcase down for a minute – just one short minute – only to find it has disappeared. TrainingSupersite has a helpful article on how to travel not just hopefully, but safely. And, if you’re thinking of changing jobs, take a look at the section on hot jobs in the training industry.
Lifelong learning
In the past few weeks, the newspapers have been full of stories about A level results – some spectacular; some tragic. But it’s never too late for adults who didn’t go on to university. And even for those who did, learning shouldn’t stop when you leave university. The UCAS contains a database of over 1,000 access courses for adult learners. It can be found from the NGfL site.
Organisational Development
If you haven’t seen the Organization Development Network Web site, take the time to have a look around. The OD Network is considering developing a compensation survey for OD and OD-related internal positions. If this interests you, contact them at mailto:jobexchange@odnet.org. In the site you can also find information about upcoming OD Network events, workshops and seminars.
Training with pizzazz
Why not try a little pizzazz in your next training session? We’ve all been on dry, tedious training sessions where the trainer, despite his or her best efforts, never seems to motivate the participants. Or perhaps that’s happened to you. Peter Grazier gives one-day sessions on how to spice up your classes. Grazier believes that adults learn best when they are enjoying their learning experience and uses visual props, gags, humour and insights to get his message across.
Skill Building
What does it take to be a great technical trainer? What are the most important skills and what skills will become more valuable? Is it necessary to be an expert on NT programming in order to teach NT? Do you need to be an expert in HTML to teach how to use the Web? These and other questions about technical training can be found in an informative article by Leane Eline entitled A Trainer’s Guide to Skill Building.
Training Analysis
Donald Clark has written an outstanding article on training analysis. The article is well organised, succinct and easy to follow. While perhaps of more use to the beginning, rather than the experienced, trainer, there is a wealth of information about listening and observation. The article can be accessed at
Multimedia Training
While most training is still done using the traditional classroom approach, CBT (computer-based training) is becoming increasingly popular. But before companies spend money on this type of training, they need to know what the return on investment (roi) is. Rex Allen has some insights into what companies can expect for the training money. Take a look at the article at
Dealing with stress
Stress shouldn’t be like the weather: everyone talks about it but no one does anything. If you’re stressed take a second to sit down, relax and read about how your temperament affects your stress levels.
If you enjoy reading LearningWire, please tell a friend or colleague
about it. Anyone can sign up for a free subscription on our Web site
HR News
HR Web is our new area for posting news, resources and updates of interest to the HR profession. It includes personnel, employment and human resource management material.
New Deal update
The Government has announced a boost of 123,000 jobs from the New Deal as well as an additional boost to arrangements for the New Deal Gateway arrangements.
Investors in People
A new Chairman has been appointed to chair Investors in People – the organisation established to promote higher standards in organisational management and development of employees.
HR Magazine
The September issue of this magazine from the Society of Human Resource Managers has just been published with several articles available online. Two of the featured articles focus on workaholism – what it is, how to recognise it, and what to do about it. If other people in your life sometimes describe you as a workaholic, maybe it’s worth a read.
ConneXions Strategy
When the Government’s White Paper ‘Learning to Succeed’ was published in June, there was much emphasis upon a more integrated approach to training and education for young adults. There were several references to the proposed ConneXions Strategy which would seek to bring this about. Now there is an area of the DfEE website devoted to the ConneXions Strategy. It does not, as yet, add much to what has already been announced, but it suggests that more information will be published this autumn and is obviously the site to watch for further announcements.
Are you looking for a consultant or training provider?
You can advertise your full specification in our new
Tenders area and reach a huge audience of companies and
freelancers capable of responding to your needs
Any Answers?
Your questions to the Editor on any aspect of training and development are posted here. If you have an answer, please visit the story and add your Comment at the end.
Do you know any activities to facilitate group consensus decision making?
Three or four years ago whilst running Recruitment Assessment Centres I used some Workbooks to facilitate group consensus decision making activities. Based upon survival in the wilderness the group was given a number of questions with multiple choice answers – the purpose of the exercise being to observe individuals within the group and analyse how decisions were agreed upon. I can’t remember who the publisher was – has anyone used such workbooks or could recommend other materials they may have used?
Jerry Grafton
Can I find a better Internet Service Provider?
Loads of responses to one of last week’s questions – covering people’s experience of Demon, Easynet, Cable and Wireless, AOL, Netcom, free ISPs, mail forwarding services, etc. Given the hacking problems at Hotmail this week, there’s plenty more to run on this subject.
Keep sending new questions to the Editor
New postings in the PressZone
The PressZone contains details of all the latest news and releases from training suppliers and providers. To become a member, see
Emotional Intelligence forms the basis of success for other competency programmes – news from Buckholdt Associates
To read the online version of LearningWire Issue 65, paste this link into your web browser:
About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities bringing you TrainingZone, AccountingWeb, BusinessZone, Travel Mole and LawZone.
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Please encourage them to
register themselves. It’s easy –
To subscribe to LearningWire, send an email to
subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk (mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire
To remove yourself from LearningWire, send a message to
unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk (mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
unsubscribe learningwire
By registering you email address at https://www.trainingzone.co.ukyou
automatically receive LearningWire and the full benefits of the site
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:editor@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 65
6 September 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
Editor's Note
Thanks to Heather Serdar who sat in the Editor's chair last week. This week's issue of LearningWire reflects her searching and surfing around the web to bring you news, information and ideas about training, learning and development. Thanks to Heather for keeping the show going.
Tim Pickles, Editor
Addressing critiques of ideas and practices of organisational
learning. For information or to offer a session contact
Tom Boydell mailto:lcp@eflow.demon.co.uk
LearningWire currently reaches over 2,900 professionals every week. Put your message before this focused audience of people engaged in training, learning and development.
Browsing from the Guest Editor
Gower Training
A great training site is Gower, based in Aldershot, Hampshire. Their Web site offers quick and up-to-date information on training resources. Click a virtual room in the Gower office to see what they have to offer in terms of information, products and services. First time visitors to the site are offered a collection of free training materials that can be downloaded when you sign the visitors book. The site has a list of over 960 activities, games and exercises published by Gower. Prices, which are quite reasonable, start at 5 UKP. Subjects covered icebreaking, mentoring and problem solving.
Training and Development
The American Society for Training and Development have launched a call for presentations for the ASTED TechKnowledge Conference and Exposition which will take place 19 - 22 September 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Deadline for submissions is 12 November 1999. There are six areas for submission: analysing and evaluating training, designing and developing training for the desktop, designing and delivering word-class training, training management in the digital age, training on the net and presenting the case for learning technologies: a federal perspective.
Ideas into Action
The September issue of Training Journal has a short - but interesting - article on turning ideas into action: something of concern to everyone who works in the field of training. The article touches on what a trainer can do if the trainee simply doesn’t want to learn.
Mentoring is a term which has gained a considerable amount of prominence recently. If your organisation subscribes to the idea of mentoring - or if you are intrigued by the idea of how mentoring can benefit you and your organisation - take a look at the article which appears in the current issue of Continuing Professional Development. The article, which has free access, is entitled The Dynamics of Mentoring Relationships: towards an understanding of how mentoring supports learning by Richard Hale.
Campaign for learning
Are you a pragmatist, activist, reflector or theorist? If you're not sure, take a look at the article by Peter Honey featured in the Campaign for Learning Web site. And, once you've cracked the code, why not discover the role families play in learning? The Campaign for Learning is coordinating a Family Learning Weekend 1 to 3 October.
Tips for safe business travelling
It may have happened to you - you're so worried about getting to the airport on time and making sure you have your tickets and passport that you've forgotten something just as important: your laptop. Or you put your briefcase down for a minute - just one short minute - only to find it has disappeared. TrainingSupersite has a helpful article on how to travel not just hopefully, but safely. And, if you're thinking of changing jobs, take a look at the section on hot jobs in the training industry.
Lifelong learning
In the past few weeks, the newspapers have been full of stories about A level results - some spectacular; some tragic. But it's never too late for adults who didn't go on to university. And even for those who did, learning shouldn't stop when you leave university. The UCAS contains a database of over 1,000 access courses for adult learners. It can be found from the NGfL site.
Organisational Development
If you haven't seen the Organization Development Network Web site, take the time to have a look around. The OD Network is considering developing a compensation survey for OD and OD-related internal positions. If this interests you, contact them at mailto:jobexchange@odnet.org. In the site you can also find information about upcoming OD Network events, workshops and seminars.
Training with pizzazz
Why not try a little pizzazz in your next training session? We've all been on dry, tedious training sessions where the trainer, despite his or her best efforts, never seems to motivate the participants. Or perhaps that's happened to you. Peter Grazier gives one-day sessions on how to spice up your classes. Grazier believes that adults learn best when they are enjoying their learning experience and uses visual props, gags, humour and insights to get his message across.
Skill Building
What does it take to be a great technical trainer? What are the most important skills and what skills will become more valuable? Is it necessary to be an expert on NT programming in order to teach NT? Do you need to be an expert in HTML to teach how to use the Web? These and other questions about technical training can be found in an informative article by Leane Eline entitled A Trainer's Guide to Skill Building.
Training Analysis
Donald Clark has written an outstanding article on training analysis. The article is well organised, succinct and easy to follow. While perhaps of more use to the beginning, rather than the experienced, trainer, there is a wealth of information about listening and observation. The article can be accessed at
Multimedia Training
While most training is still done using the traditional classroom approach, CBT (computer-based training) is becoming increasingly popular. But before companies spend money on this type of training, they need to know what the return on investment (roi) is. Rex Allen has some insights into what companies can expect for the training money. Take a look at the article at
Dealing with stress
Stress shouldn't be like the weather: everyone talks about it but no one does anything. If you're stressed take a second to sit down, relax and read about how your temperament affects your stress levels.
If you enjoy reading LearningWire, please tell a friend or colleague
about it. Anyone can sign up for a free subscription on our Web site
HR News
HR Web is our new area for posting news, resources and updates of interest to the HR profession. It includes personnel, employment and human resource management material.
New Deal update
The Government has announced a boost of 123,000 jobs from the New Deal as well as an additional boost to arrangements for the New Deal Gateway arrangements.
Investors in People
A new Chairman has been appointed to chair Investors in People - the organisation established to promote higher standards in organisational management and development of employees.
HR Magazine
The September issue of this magazine from the Society of Human Resource Managers has just been published with several articles available online. Two of the featured articles focus on workaholism - what it is, how to recognise it, and what to do about it. If other people in your life sometimes describe you as a workaholic, maybe it's worth a read.
ConneXions Strategy
When the Government's White Paper 'Learning to Succeed' was published in June, there was much emphasis upon a more integrated approach to training and education for young adults. There were several references to the proposed ConneXions Strategy which would seek to bring this about. Now there is an area of the DfEE website devoted to the ConneXions Strategy. It does not, as yet, add much to what has already been announced, but it suggests that more information will be published this autumn and is obviously the site to watch for further announcements.
Are you looking for a consultant or training provider?
You can advertise your full specification in our new
Tenders area and reach a huge audience of companies and
freelancers capable of responding to your needs
Any Answers?
Your questions to the Editor on any aspect of training and development are posted here. If you have an answer, please visit the story and add your Comment at the end.
Do you know any activities to facilitate group consensus decision making?
Three or four years ago whilst running Recruitment Assessment Centres I used some Workbooks to facilitate group consensus decision making activities. Based upon survival in the wilderness the group was given a number of questions with multiple choice answers - the purpose of the exercise being to observe individuals within the group and analyse how decisions were agreed upon. I can't remember who the publisher was - has anyone used such workbooks or could recommend other materials they may have used?
Jerry Grafton
Can I find a better Internet Service Provider?
Loads of responses to one of last week's questions - covering people's experience of Demon, Easynet, Cable and Wireless, AOL, Netcom, free ISPs, mail forwarding services, etc. Given the hacking problems at Hotmail this week, there's plenty more to run on this subject.
Keep sending new questions to the Editor
New postings in the PressZone
The PressZone contains details of all the latest news and releases from training suppliers and providers. To become a member, see
Emotional Intelligence forms the basis of success for other competency programmes - news from Buckholdt Associates
To read the online version of LearningWire Issue 65, paste this link into your web browser:
About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities bringing you TrainingZone, AccountingWeb, BusinessZone, Travel Mole and LawZone.
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Please encourage them to
register themselves. It's easy -
To subscribe to LearningWire, send an email to
subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk (mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire
To remove yourself from LearningWire, send a message to
unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk (mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
unsubscribe learningwire
By registering you email address at https://www.trainingzone.co.ukyou
automatically receive LearningWire and the full benefits of the site
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:editor@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630