The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 74
8 November 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (c) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
From the Editor
The main event of the past week has been the launch of two competing services designed to make online learning more attractive and more available. Xtreme Learning (from NETg) and SmartForce (from the company previously known as CBT Systems) both launched their services amid a fanfare of publicity around the world. At the same time, the growth in click2learn’s services is also impressive. We’ve focused on trying to review these developments, some of which are aimed primarily at the large corporate customer whilst others can be used by individual learners working on their own. Our review of the present field is available at
and we would particularly welcome you thoughts, reactions and experiences in this fast moving field. Just add your ideas to the Comments feature on the story, and share your experience with other readers.
Following feedback that LearningWire is too long, we’re going to experiment by focusing on fewer more significant stories in each week’s email. To scan ALL the stories, just look at the News, HR web and WebWatch stories on the main TrainingZone site each week.
Finally don’t forget to complete the current survey into the different forms of staff development in use in your organisation. It’s building into an interesting picture …..
Tim Pickles, Editor
innovative courses from ILLUMINE LTD. For details of public
courses or to discuss in-house training, info@illumine.co.uk
or 01753 719926 or visit http://www.illumine.co.uk
3,800 professionals engaged in training, learning and development request this newswire. You too can advertise here.
WebWatch brings you information about useful and relevant resources from other Internet sites around the world.
Topics for Trainers
The IPD has just launched a new set of pages entitled ‘Topics for Trainers’ which aim to provide practical ideas and resources for front-line trainers. All the documents are available for download in Adobe Acrobat format. The first set of resources are:
– Improving as an appraiser
– Creative problem solving exercise
– Getting teams started
– Safety issues in outdoor training
– Energising exercise
– Theatre for training comes of age
Non-IPD members may have difficulty with access, so be warned!
Standards in Adult Basic Education
The Basic Skills Agency has been working with the Qualifications and Standards Authority to develop some national standards which can be applied across the whole range of adult basic education. This links to some of the recommendations in the Moser Report and developments in core skills and similar fields. Their proposals are out for consultation, and you can view most of the proposed standards online.
Tips for Success
A reader recommends the Dale Carnegie website as having particularly strong content and ease of use. On checking it out, we were attracted to the page of Tips for Success which offered a good series of checklists about nearly a dozen areas of business and management. It’s a good place to start if you’re looking for a refresher in how to deal with some common situations.
New articles on BehaviourBuzz
As always, the quality and interest of articles published each month on the new BehaviourBuzz website attracts our attention. In ‘Delegation – A Fundamental Skill for any Manager’ Michael Morris describes its key elements and what we can achieve by delegation. In another good article, Andrew Gibbons attempts to answer the question ‘What is a Mentor?’ and outlines some of the behavioural competencies involved. Plenty of other good new articles as well. Next week, we’ll review the latest postings on the LearningBuzz site also.
Update to Training and Development Manual
For several years, Don Clark has published a really excellent and comprehensive Training and Development Manual online on his Big Dog site in America. During October, several sections of the manual went through extensive revision to reflect current practice and the latest ideas. It’s an excellent resource – as are most of the other resources on the site – and well worth a visit.
Switching ISP
With the launch of a totally free, no strings attached, new ISP, CallNet 0800 and the parallel launch of what seems like another good deal in the shape of ‘Strayduck’ (launched by Telinco), it might set you wondering whether you are using the right ISP. The problem is that there’s so much choice that it’s hard to know where to begin. Thelist site claims to be the definitive buyer’s guide to Internet Service Providers worldwide. However, well known ISP’s I checked out either weren’t listed, or had not been updated for several months. It may be worth a visit if you want to check out your options, but don’t expect up to the minute information. With so much competition, probably your best bet is a recommendation.
Special Offer – 15% off list price for all Capstone titles
until the end of November 1999. TrainingZONE and Capstone
Publishers are pleased to announce 15% off all Capstone
titles featured in the Books section of the TrainingZONE Mall.
NEW! Market leading CPD videos from T.E.N now available from
our Multimedia department. We are pleased to announce
availability of a brand new line of training videos from
leading CPD provider, Television Education Network.
As a special promotion TrainingZONE and T.E.N are offering 15% off all T.E.N Videos in the Mall until the end of November 1999
Any Answers?
There’s a steady flow of questions to the interactive Any Answers? area. Most questions receive between one and ten replies. All replies are automatically forwarded to the person posting the question. Can you help with any of these new questions?
** How might I introduce Ontological Coaching into Britain?
** Who provides security training for industry?
** How do you monitor and evaluate inter-group Partnerships?
** Would you like to test a learning simulator on Project Estimation?
** Where can I find guidelines for NEBSM Certificate projects?
** Have you any information on Speed Reading and PhotoReading?
** Can you help me develop a model of successful company mergers?
** Are there any small consultancy companies who have experience of Business Appraisal?
To view each question and post your response, just go to
HR News
More than fifteen HR-related stories have been posted to this expanding area of the site in the past week including –
– bullying at work: a growing problem
– international comparisons of school-to-work competencies
– a new future for the Employment Service
– top ways of motivating part-time staff
– sources of help with the Disability Discrimination Act
You can view these and all the other HR stories at
Special Half-Price Offer
You can obtain full company reports on ANY UK company direct
from the TrainingZone website. They’re invaluable for
researching a prospective client. Company reports are
available at half-price until 30 November
Other News
The future of learning organisations
Following this year’s highly successful conference in Glasgow, the European Consortium for the Learning Organisation is holding its next conference in May 2000 in Germany. This week, ECLO has issued a call for papers on the future of learning organisations, and has published initial details of the conference for anyone who might be interested.
Learning and Skills Councils
Since publication of the White Paper on ‘Learning to Succeed’ there have been a series of follow-up announcements covering specific aspects of the proposals. In one speech, Education Ministers have announced that business leaders will be the largest single group represented on the new regional Councils. In another statement, the boundaries for each of the regional Councils throughout England have also been published.
Developments in Action Learning
The Global Anthological Journal on Action Learning is one of the best sites with content related to action learning methods. This month Eric Sandelshaws explores how action learning is challenging classroom-based approaches to management development. The author draws upon experiences gained by International Management Centres Association (IMCA). Among the experiences touched on in this paper is the creation of the world’s first global action learning corporate business school. Also on the site are details of the proposed launch of the Action Learning Institute for the 21st Century – due to commence early next year.
Declaration on Learning
Following its launch a year ago, this controversial Declaration, written by eight leading authorities in the field has received much comment. In the current issue of People Management, Peter Honey reviews what has been happening and looks forward to the publication of a revised statement next January.
An area of the main site devoted to practitioner reviews of products and services.
‘Developing Social Skills’ by Gillian Squirrel, published by Russell House Publishing receives a review from Judith Usiskin.
From the PressZone
This is the area where organisations can publish details of their own news and developments for this focused audience.
Asymetrix changes its company name to click2learn.com in a reflection of the rapidly growing importance of online learning.
NETg launches feature-rich online learning service for businesses
To read the online version of LearningWire Issue 74, with activated hyperlinks, paste this link into your web browser:
About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities bringing you TrainingZone, AccountingWeb, BusinessZone, Travel Mole, LawZone and EU Business
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Please encourage them to
register themselves. It’s easy –
To subscribe to LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:
To remove yourself from LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:
By registering you email address at https://www.trainingzone.co.ukyou
automatically receive LearningWire and the full benefits of the site.
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:editor@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 74
8 November 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (c) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
From the Editor
The main event of the past week has been the launch of two competing services designed to make online learning more attractive and more available. Xtreme Learning (from NETg) and SmartForce (from the company previously known as CBT Systems) both launched their services amid a fanfare of publicity around the world. At the same time, the growth in click2learn's services is also impressive. We've focused on trying to review these developments, some of which are aimed primarily at the large corporate customer whilst others can be used by individual learners working on their own. Our review of the present field is available at
and we would particularly welcome you thoughts, reactions and experiences in this fast moving field. Just add your ideas to the Comments feature on the story, and share your experience with other readers.
Following feedback that LearningWire is too long, we're going to experiment by focusing on fewer more significant stories in each week's email. To scan ALL the stories, just look at the News, HR web and WebWatch stories on the main TrainingZone site each week.
Finally don't forget to complete the current survey into the different forms of staff development in use in your organisation. It's building into an interesting picture .....
Tim Pickles, Editor
innovative courses from ILLUMINE LTD. For details of public
courses or to discuss in-house training, info@illumine.co.uk
or 01753 719926 or visit http://www.illumine.co.uk
3,800 professionals engaged in training, learning and development request this newswire. You too can advertise here.
WebWatch brings you information about useful and relevant resources from other Internet sites around the world.
Topics for Trainers
The IPD has just launched a new set of pages entitled 'Topics for Trainers' which aim to provide practical ideas and resources for front-line trainers. All the documents are available for download in Adobe Acrobat format. The first set of resources are:
- Improving as an appraiser
- Creative problem solving exercise
- Getting teams started
- Safety issues in outdoor training
- Energising exercise
- Theatre for training comes of age
Non-IPD members may have difficulty with access, so be warned!
Standards in Adult Basic Education
The Basic Skills Agency has been working with the Qualifications and Standards Authority to develop some national standards which can be applied across the whole range of adult basic education. This links to some of the recommendations in the Moser Report and developments in core skills and similar fields. Their proposals are out for consultation, and you can view most of the proposed standards online.
Tips for Success
A reader recommends the Dale Carnegie website as having particularly strong content and ease of use. On checking it out, we were attracted to the page of Tips for Success which offered a good series of checklists about nearly a dozen areas of business and management. It's a good place to start if you're looking for a refresher in how to deal with some common situations.
New articles on BehaviourBuzz
As always, the quality and interest of articles published each month on the new BehaviourBuzz website attracts our attention. In 'Delegation - A Fundamental Skill for any Manager' Michael Morris describes its key elements and what we can achieve by delegation. In another good article, Andrew Gibbons attempts to answer the question 'What is a Mentor?' and outlines some of the behavioural competencies involved. Plenty of other good new articles as well. Next week, we'll review the latest postings on the LearningBuzz site also.
Update to Training and Development Manual
For several years, Don Clark has published a really excellent and comprehensive Training and Development Manual online on his Big Dog site in America. During October, several sections of the manual went through extensive revision to reflect current practice and the latest ideas. It's an excellent resource - as are most of the other resources on the site - and well worth a visit.
Switching ISP
With the launch of a totally free, no strings attached, new ISP, CallNet 0800 and the parallel launch of what seems like another good deal in the shape of 'Strayduck' (launched by Telinco), it might set you wondering whether you are using the right ISP. The problem is that there's so much choice that it's hard to know where to begin. Thelist site claims to be the definitive buyer's guide to Internet Service Providers worldwide. However, well known ISP's I checked out either weren't listed, or had not been updated for several months. It may be worth a visit if you want to check out your options, but don't expect up to the minute information. With so much competition, probably your best bet is a recommendation.
Special Offer - 15% off list price for all Capstone titles
until the end of November 1999. TrainingZONE and Capstone
Publishers are pleased to announce 15% off all Capstone
titles featured in the Books section of the TrainingZONE Mall.
NEW! Market leading CPD videos from T.E.N now available from
our Multimedia department. We are pleased to announce
availability of a brand new line of training videos from
leading CPD provider, Television Education Network.
As a special promotion TrainingZONE and T.E.N are offering 15% off all T.E.N Videos in the Mall until the end of November 1999
Any Answers?
There's a steady flow of questions to the interactive Any Answers? area. Most questions receive between one and ten replies. All replies are automatically forwarded to the person posting the question. Can you help with any of these new questions?
** How might I introduce Ontological Coaching into Britain?
** Who provides security training for industry?
** How do you monitor and evaluate inter-group Partnerships?
** Would you like to test a learning simulator on Project Estimation?
** Where can I find guidelines for NEBSM Certificate projects?
** Have you any information on Speed Reading and PhotoReading?
** Can you help me develop a model of successful company mergers?
** Are there any small consultancy companies who have experience of Business Appraisal?
To view each question and post your response, just go to
HR News
More than fifteen HR-related stories have been posted to this expanding area of the site in the past week including -
- bullying at work: a growing problem
- international comparisons of school-to-work competencies
- a new future for the Employment Service
- top ways of motivating part-time staff
- sources of help with the Disability Discrimination Act
You can view these and all the other HR stories at
Special Half-Price Offer
You can obtain full company reports on ANY UK company direct
from the TrainingZone website. They're invaluable for
researching a prospective client. Company reports are
available at half-price until 30 November
Other News
The future of learning organisations
Following this year's highly successful conference in Glasgow, the European Consortium for the Learning Organisation is holding its next conference in May 2000 in Germany. This week, ECLO has issued a call for papers on the future of learning organisations, and has published initial details of the conference for anyone who might be interested.
Learning and Skills Councils
Since publication of the White Paper on 'Learning to Succeed' there have been a series of follow-up announcements covering specific aspects of the proposals. In one speech, Education Ministers have announced that business leaders will be the largest single group represented on the new regional Councils. In another statement, the boundaries for each of the regional Councils throughout England have also been published.
Developments in Action Learning
The Global Anthological Journal on Action Learning is one of the best sites with content related to action learning methods. This month Eric Sandelshaws explores how action learning is challenging classroom-based approaches to management development. The author draws upon experiences gained by International Management Centres Association (IMCA). Among the experiences touched on in this paper is the creation of the world's first global action learning corporate business school. Also on the site are details of the proposed launch of the Action Learning Institute for the 21st Century - due to commence early next year.
Declaration on Learning
Following its launch a year ago, this controversial Declaration, written by eight leading authorities in the field has received much comment. In the current issue of People Management, Peter Honey reviews what has been happening and looks forward to the publication of a revised statement next January.
An area of the main site devoted to practitioner reviews of products and services.
'Developing Social Skills' by Gillian Squirrel, published by Russell House Publishing receives a review from Judith Usiskin.
From the PressZone
This is the area where organisations can publish details of their own news and developments for this focused audience.
Asymetrix changes its company name to click2learn.com in a reflection of the rapidly growing importance of online learning.
NETg launches feature-rich online learning service for businesses
To read the online version of LearningWire Issue 74, with activated hyperlinks, paste this link into your web browser:
About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities bringing you TrainingZone, AccountingWeb, BusinessZone, Travel Mole, LawZone and EU Business
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Please encourage them to
register themselves. It's easy -
To subscribe to LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:
To remove yourself from LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:
By registering you email address at https://www.trainingzone.co.ukyou
automatically receive LearningWire and the full benefits of the site.
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:editor@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630