The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 76
22 November 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (c) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
From the Editor
The legislative programme for the new session of Parliament, announced last week, contained details of the bill which will enact the ‘Learning to Succeed’ proposals published in July. This is a major reform of all post-16 education and training affecting students, training providers, vocational qualifications, colleges, TECs, learning accounts and much more. People working in training and education will need to keep a close eye on developments as the bill proceeds over the next twelve months. Further details summarised below.
All news pages on TrainingZone can now be sent by email to a colleague – just click ‘Mail a Friend’.
As always, here are synopses of some of the main stories moving in our professional field in the last few days.
Tim Pickles, Editor
innovative courses from ILLUMINE LTD. For details of public
courses or to discuss in-house training, info@illumine.co.uk
or 01753 719926 or visit http://www.illumine.co.uk
4,100 professionals engaged in training, learning and development
will receive LearningWire this week. You too can advertise here.
WebWatch brings you information about useful and relevant resources from other Internet sites around the world.
How does your salary as a trainer compare?
With a title like that, it’s certain to grab your attention! Whilst this feature article in the current issue of Training Magazine, looks at the situation for US trainers, it could give you some surprises. The average trainer salary across the pond is shown to be nearly 60,000 dollars. You can use their online salary tool to see what you ‘should’ be earning. Unfortunately, it doesn’t provide you with winning tips on how to convince the boss of your extra worth.
The generation gap in the training room
In another interesting article from Training Magazine, the implications of widening age differences in the workforce are explored. In a memorable sentence, the author explains how you might be confronted with four different generations in any one training situation. Do you have the skills to encompass this level of age diversity?
From passive viewing to active learning
The Discovery TV channel (available by cable and satellite) is exploring ways of helping more disadvantaged views to engage in a shift from armchair viewing to engagement in active learning. They’ve mapped out a progression from interactive TV, teletext support, phone assistance, net-based content and postal materials to make learning programmes accessable and affordable for a much wider community of viewers. This has to be the way forward for the future with the capabilities of modern technology.
“Goodbye training, hello learning”
To retain key talent, remain competitive and ensure long-term profitability, organizations are making dramatic changes in the way they develop the knowledge and skills of their workforce. This long but challenging article should open a few minds…
Coaching and mentoring
The topic of Mentoring and Coaching is increasingly being discussed, but it is not always certain that people are talking about the same thing. This week, in a newsletter from FutureStep career consultancy, Adrian Gilpin, Chairman of the Institute of Human Development, and one of the most inspirational speakers on international business platforms, talks about both disciplines.
TRAINING ADMINISTRATION S/WARE – Training Controller the complete
training management system is just launched by RMS – makers of the
best selling Evaluator system. Training Controller manages all
aspects of your training function from training records & course
bookings to evaluation and competency management. For a full run
through Visit our web-site at
http://www.rmsuk.comor call 01923 770077 for details on our introductory price offer.
Any Answers?
You can now post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You’re virtually guaranteed a reply!.
Here are a selection of new questions:
** How do you measure and test underpinning knowledge in NVQs?
** Wanted: an honest evaluation of different CBT packages
** Wanted: training providers for range of topics to support IiP
** Is there a legal minimum formual that can be used when calculating
redundancy payments?
** Do you know of any candidate guidance packs that have been created
specifically for training & development NVQs?
** How can we improve communication with 200+ in-store trainers
working across various locations without electronic access?
** Do you have any resources or questionnaires on defining values?
** Does anyone have a good definition of ‘organisation development’?
All the questions and all the answers can be found at
Special Half-Price Offer
You can obtain full company reports on ANY UK company direct
from the TrainingZone website. They’re invaluable for
researching a prospective client. Company reports are
available at half-price until 30 November
HR News
Please send all relevant HR news postings to Cecilia Bingham
Action Learning and Lifelong Learning
This month’s article in the H R Global Network’s Columnists’ Corner explores the relationship between Lifelong Learning and Action Learning.
Important changes to New Deal
A Millennium bonus for unemployed people was announced by Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett. A new ‘Millennium Jobs Promise’ will make it easier for the young unemployed to take short term Millennium jobs, without losing the chance of help and support under the New Deal.
Bringing Lifelong Learning Into People’s Real Lives
Viviane Reding, the European Commissioner responsible for education and training, delivered one of her first major speeches on EU education policy at a Conference organised by the European Centre for Public Affairs on the 4th November. One of the key themes of her speech was lifelong learning and its important role in both the economic and social policies of the EU.
“Does Your Candidate Fit Your Corporate Culture?”
Faced with a limited pool of candidates from which to draw, many employers make hasty hiring decisions and ultimately live to regret their choices. Why? Because they fail to realize that even in a tight labor market, job “fit” matters. This article from Workforce Online is in part a plug for staffing agencies in general, but makes some important points.
Free course on Mentoring for London businesses
This part-time flexible course aims to help London businesses introduce mentoring into a business environment, and to develop the skills required to successfully run a mentoring programme.
New legislation for post-16 training and education
Following the publication of the white paper in July on ‘Learning to Succeed’ the legislative programme announced by the Queen on Wednesday included references to a detailed bill implementing the main proposals. These include the creation of new Learning and Skills Councils and the closer integration of all routes and pathways for post-16 education and training (except HE). Taken together, these proposals area likely to have a far reaching impact on the delivery of skills, qualifications and training from 2001.
Update on Moser Report
Earlier this month the goverment published its response to the report by the working group chaired by Moser into the future development of adult basic skills in England and Wales. The response is entitled ‘A Fresh Start’ and can be read and downloaded from the web.
English and Welsh concordat
Ministers working in the newly devolved Scottish government structures have agreed a Concordat with their English counterparts relating to cooperation and policy development in all matters relating to employment, education and training. Whilst the two governments operate within different legislative frameworks, this Concordat should go some way to ensuring a relatively consistent approach towards lifelong learning, wider access to education and training, New Deal arrangements, and the like. Whether it can sort out the huge split on student fees in Scotland is another matter.
Association of External Verifiers
This new Association, formed in June this year, is for anyone engaged in S/NVQ external verification. More details are available about how to join on their initial website.
Warning on “BubbleBoy” virus
A new virus has started to appear that can spread itself through a user’s Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express e-mail client. The virus, strictly a self-replicating ‘worm’, called “BubbleBoy” in an apparent reference to a “Seinfeld” episode, is unlike anything that anti-virus software vendors have seen to date, particularly because it doesn’t rely on an attachment. All you have to do is open an e-mail. An embedded Visual Basic Script command attaches itself to the Outlook address book and mails the e-mail to everyone in the address list.
VETNET (Vocational Education and Training NETwork)
The success of Territorial Employment Pacts was examined at a special Conference held in Brussels on the 8th, 9th and 10th of November. The conference was designed to spotlight the various local strategies and job-creation methods successfully applied by the Territorial Pacts for Employment Initiative and thus encourage the uptake of this approach in other regions of the Community.
Special Offer – 15% off list price for all Capstone titles
until the end of November 1999. TrainingZONE and Capstone
Publishers are pleased to announce 15% off all Capstone
titles featured in the Books section of the TrainingZONE Mall.
NEW! Market leading CPD videos from T.E.N now available from
our Multimedia department. We are pleased to announce
availability of a brand new line of training videos from
leading CPD provider, Television Education Network.
As a special promotion TrainingZONE and T.E.N are offering
15% off all T.E.N Videos in the Mall until the end of
November 1999
for all the latest product and services reviews
‘Telephone Service Skills’ by Michael Bartlett and Patricia Tallack, published by Echelon is reviewed by Leslie Rae.
Three announcements from the Institute of Supervision and Management this week:
– ISM welcomes Lichfield Businesses to Stowe House
– Jake Tebbs takes over as Chair at ISM
– ISM training boosts manufacturing in Banbury
To read the online version of LearningWire Issue 76, with activated hyperlinks, paste this link into your web browser:
About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities bringing you TrainingZone, AccountingWeb, BusinessZone, Travel Mole, LawZone and EU Business
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Please encourage them to
register themselves. It’s easy –
To subscribe to LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:
To remove yourself from LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:
By registering you email address at https://www.trainingzone.co.ukyou
automatically receive LearningWire and the full benefits of the site.
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:editor@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 76
22 November 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (c) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
From the Editor
The legislative programme for the new session of Parliament, announced last week, contained details of the bill which will enact the 'Learning to Succeed' proposals published in July. This is a major reform of all post-16 education and training affecting students, training providers, vocational qualifications, colleges, TECs, learning accounts and much more. People working in training and education will need to keep a close eye on developments as the bill proceeds over the next twelve months. Further details summarised below.
All news pages on TrainingZone can now be sent by email to a colleague - just click 'Mail a Friend'.
As always, here are synopses of some of the main stories moving in our professional field in the last few days.
Tim Pickles, Editor
innovative courses from ILLUMINE LTD. For details of public
courses or to discuss in-house training, info@illumine.co.uk
or 01753 719926 or visit http://www.illumine.co.uk
4,100 professionals engaged in training, learning and development
will receive LearningWire this week. You too can advertise here.
WebWatch brings you information about useful and relevant resources from other Internet sites around the world.
How does your salary as a trainer compare?
With a title like that, it's certain to grab your attention! Whilst this feature article in the current issue of Training Magazine, looks at the situation for US trainers, it could give you some surprises. The average trainer salary across the pond is shown to be nearly 60,000 dollars. You can use their online salary tool to see what you 'should' be earning. Unfortunately, it doesn't provide you with winning tips on how to convince the boss of your extra worth.
The generation gap in the training room
In another interesting article from Training Magazine, the implications of widening age differences in the workforce are explored. In a memorable sentence, the author explains how you might be confronted with four different generations in any one training situation. Do you have the skills to encompass this level of age diversity?
From passive viewing to active learning
The Discovery TV channel (available by cable and satellite) is exploring ways of helping more disadvantaged views to engage in a shift from armchair viewing to engagement in active learning. They've mapped out a progression from interactive TV, teletext support, phone assistance, net-based content and postal materials to make learning programmes accessable and affordable for a much wider community of viewers. This has to be the way forward for the future with the capabilities of modern technology.
"Goodbye training, hello learning"
To retain key talent, remain competitive and ensure long-term profitability, organizations are making dramatic changes in the way they develop the knowledge and skills of their workforce. This long but challenging article should open a few minds...
Coaching and mentoring
The topic of Mentoring and Coaching is increasingly being discussed, but it is not always certain that people are talking about the same thing. This week, in a newsletter from FutureStep career consultancy, Adrian Gilpin, Chairman of the Institute of Human Development, and one of the most inspirational speakers on international business platforms, talks about both disciplines.
TRAINING ADMINISTRATION S/WARE - Training Controller the complete
training management system is just launched by RMS - makers of the
best selling Evaluator system. Training Controller manages all
aspects of your training function from training records & course
bookings to evaluation and competency management. For a full run
through Visit our web-site at
http://www.rmsuk.comor call 01923 770077 for details on our introductory price offer.
Any Answers?
You can now post your own question direct to Any Answers? by clicking the Post a Question button on the page. All replies are automatically emailed to you. You're virtually guaranteed a reply!.
Here are a selection of new questions:
** How do you measure and test underpinning knowledge in NVQs?
** Wanted: an honest evaluation of different CBT packages
** Wanted: training providers for range of topics to support IiP
** Is there a legal minimum formual that can be used when calculating
redundancy payments?
** Do you know of any candidate guidance packs that have been created
specifically for training & development NVQs?
** How can we improve communication with 200+ in-store trainers
working across various locations without electronic access?
** Do you have any resources or questionnaires on defining values?
** Does anyone have a good definition of 'organisation development'?
All the questions and all the answers can be found at
Special Half-Price Offer
You can obtain full company reports on ANY UK company direct
from the TrainingZone website. They're invaluable for
researching a prospective client. Company reports are
available at half-price until 30 November
HR News
Please send all relevant HR news postings to Cecilia Bingham
Action Learning and Lifelong Learning
This month's article in the H R Global Network's Columnists' Corner explores the relationship between Lifelong Learning and Action Learning.
Important changes to New Deal
A Millennium bonus for unemployed people was announced by Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett. A new 'Millennium Jobs Promise' will make it easier for the young unemployed to take short term Millennium jobs, without losing the chance of help and support under the New Deal.
Bringing Lifelong Learning Into People's Real Lives
Viviane Reding, the European Commissioner responsible for education and training, delivered one of her first major speeches on EU education policy at a Conference organised by the European Centre for Public Affairs on the 4th November. One of the key themes of her speech was lifelong learning and its important role in both the economic and social policies of the EU.
"Does Your Candidate Fit Your Corporate Culture?"
Faced with a limited pool of candidates from which to draw, many employers make hasty hiring decisions and ultimately live to regret their choices. Why? Because they fail to realize that even in a tight labor market, job "fit" matters. This article from Workforce Online is in part a plug for staffing agencies in general, but makes some important points.
Free course on Mentoring for London businesses
This part-time flexible course aims to help London businesses introduce mentoring into a business environment, and to develop the skills required to successfully run a mentoring programme.
New legislation for post-16 training and education
Following the publication of the white paper in July on 'Learning to Succeed' the legislative programme announced by the Queen on Wednesday included references to a detailed bill implementing the main proposals. These include the creation of new Learning and Skills Councils and the closer integration of all routes and pathways for post-16 education and training (except HE). Taken together, these proposals area likely to have a far reaching impact on the delivery of skills, qualifications and training from 2001.
Update on Moser Report
Earlier this month the goverment published its response to the report by the working group chaired by Moser into the future development of adult basic skills in England and Wales. The response is entitled 'A Fresh Start' and can be read and downloaded from the web.
English and Welsh concordat
Ministers working in the newly devolved Scottish government structures have agreed a Concordat with their English counterparts relating to cooperation and policy development in all matters relating to employment, education and training. Whilst the two governments operate within different legislative frameworks, this Concordat should go some way to ensuring a relatively consistent approach towards lifelong learning, wider access to education and training, New Deal arrangements, and the like. Whether it can sort out the huge split on student fees in Scotland is another matter.
Association of External Verifiers
This new Association, formed in June this year, is for anyone engaged in S/NVQ external verification. More details are available about how to join on their initial website.
Warning on "BubbleBoy" virus
A new virus has started to appear that can spread itself through a user's Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express e-mail client. The virus, strictly a self-replicating 'worm', called "BubbleBoy" in an apparent reference to a "Seinfeld" episode, is unlike anything that anti-virus software vendors have seen to date, particularly because it doesn't rely on an attachment. All you have to do is open an e-mail. An embedded Visual Basic Script command attaches itself to the Outlook address book and mails the e-mail to everyone in the address list.
VETNET (Vocational Education and Training NETwork)
The success of Territorial Employment Pacts was examined at a special Conference held in Brussels on the 8th, 9th and 10th of November. The conference was designed to spotlight the various local strategies and job-creation methods successfully applied by the Territorial Pacts for Employment Initiative and thus encourage the uptake of this approach in other regions of the Community.
Special Offer - 15% off list price for all Capstone titles
until the end of November 1999. TrainingZONE and Capstone
Publishers are pleased to announce 15% off all Capstone
titles featured in the Books section of the TrainingZONE Mall.
NEW! Market leading CPD videos from T.E.N now available from
our Multimedia department. We are pleased to announce
availability of a brand new line of training videos from
leading CPD provider, Television Education Network.
As a special promotion TrainingZONE and T.E.N are offering
15% off all T.E.N Videos in the Mall until the end of
November 1999
for all the latest product and services reviews
'Telephone Service Skills' by Michael Bartlett and Patricia Tallack, published by Echelon is reviewed by Leslie Rae.
Three announcements from the Institute of Supervision and Management this week:
- ISM welcomes Lichfield Businesses to Stowe House
- Jake Tebbs takes over as Chair at ISM
- ISM training boosts manufacturing in Banbury
To read the online version of LearningWire Issue 76, with activated hyperlinks, paste this link into your web browser:
About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities bringing you TrainingZone, AccountingWeb, BusinessZone, Travel Mole, LawZone and EU Business
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Please encourage them to
register themselves. It's easy -
To subscribe to LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:
To remove yourself from LearningWire, send an email to
and in the BODY of the message type:
By registering you email address at https://www.trainingzone.co.ukyou
automatically receive LearningWire and the full benefits of the site.
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:editor@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630