I am looking for some feedback on what organisations do in terms of tie in of employees to a certain time period once the organisation has funded any further development. This is anything outwith the essentials of the role. Do you tie in? What are the timescales? Your help on this would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

One Response
Hi Lezz
Hi Lezz
We recommend to our clients that they get employees to sign a training agreement which states that if they leave within a given time they pay back all or some of the training fee, especially if it is an external programme that the company has been charged for. The amount to be paid back decreases the longer they stay. How long the agreement is in force is very much determined by the length and cost of the course. For a short course it would be no more than 6 months. For long term/degree courses it could be up to 2 years following completion of the course.
Hope that helps