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Time Management Exercise


Can anyone recommend a fun exercise to use in a Time Management course?
Lesley Sully

10 Responses

  1. Time Management Game
    Try Time Management 1 from Connaught.
    Lots of fun with serious learning points.

    Involves cutting out, sticking things on card and recording a radio advert. Well recommended

  2. Desert Island Time management
    Lesley – Try the ‘desert island’ activity. participants have to decide what activities they would do in what order when stranded on a desert island. Gets across the idea of ‘progress’ activities and ‘maintenance’ activities. E mail me on for the materials

  3. Desert Island Time management
    Lesley – Try the ‘desert island’ activity. participants have to decide what activities they would do in what order when stranded on a desert island. Gets across the idea of ‘progress’ activities and ‘maintenance’ activities. E mail me on for the materials

  4. Calculating the cost of wasting time
    If you want an exercise designed to calculate the cost of wasting time, for example, what it costs your business when someone spends an hour a week searching for lost paperwork, email me at

  5. Time Mgmt Exercise
    Try Melrose’s Set Your Objective exercise – good fun and makes the point well about prioritising!

  6. desert island material
    Hi ,

    I am putting together a time management full day training course and would like some ideas on exercises.

    Thank you


  7. Deset Island Time Management

    Hello Andy,

    I’m looking for some fun and dynmaic Time Management exercises to include into my Time Managment training.

    Would you mind sharing your Desrt Island exercise with me?

    Thanks for your help.


  8. Desert Island Exercise

    Hi andy,


    Although this comment is a little too late hope you could still email me a copy of this exercise at  Would really help me a lot in making my time management training become more effective.



  9. Time Management Exercise

    HiLooking for a time management exercise to do with new students 16-19 on a college induction week.

    Please email me if you have any and are willing to share:


    Thanking you in advanced

  10. Time Management Exercise

    Dear all

    I would also be interested in the dessert exercise for time management. Can anyone help me?