Creative people are inexplicably stand out from the crowd. They can be bright and famous, with hundreds of ideas and friends. They can be modest and talented, surprisingly open to everything new. And with all the external extravaganza of life, it is very difficult for them to restore order in their affairs, to organize their efforts so as not to abandon the idea in the middle of the road. How to learn how to allocate time and complete feasible tasks?
To understand us helped Anna Kebets, organizational coach, head of the consulting company GoodWin Group.
Who is “creative”?
Read the Wikipedia definition! (laugh) These are people who love diversity and with pleasure wear bright clothes and notable accessories. These people easily light up with different ideas. Having received a new “toy” in hand, creative comrades immediately attract many people to “complicity”, throw a hundred ideas and … grab for something completely unrelated to what was planned from the very beginning.
They are very easy to switch from one to another, from the third to the tenth. Moved by interesting ideas and a huge amount of unrecognized creative people seldom realize things 100%, they get bored with the routine and the result stretched in time.
As a result, the mass of cases is multiplied – unfinished, though attractive by sense. And the deadlines are shamelessly … Sighing again, “Oh, again it did not work out”?
Creative people have a muse and order in constant conflict. To save inspiration and not get bogged down in everyday anguish or career battles, creative individuals can and should learn how to organize their time. They have great potential for this.
How to organize your time and catch everything?
1. Eat an elephant in pieces
This means that one large and complex business (ie, an elephant) should be divided into several small tasks (pieces) and gradually carried out (eat). Then you can easily cope with any tasks. It is desirable that one task can be “swallowed” at a time.
“Elephant” can begin to chew from the trunk and systematically move to the tail. And you can eat chaotically – today’s ear, tomorrow – a piece of leg. Everything depends on what task is before you. For example, if you make a site and its sections can be written in a spread, then the second option is closer to you. If for example, you go abroad, you first need to file a package of documents and get a visa, and only then collect a suitcase, pick up a dress for shoes. Only the first option works here: drawing up a plan and clearly following the points.
That in the process of “eating” you have continued interest in the matter, it is better to make small breaks between tasks.
2. Another swallowed slice
Creative personalities are people of a result. Not “processers.” Therefore, it is important that the task is divided into several small sub-tasks, each of which had its own visible result. It is critically important to get a quick result in order not to burn out.
Are you going to move? This “elephant” is simply huge. But if you paint on the items that need to be done in the first place (to collect unnecessary now children’s things in one bag, make-up – in another, the gadgets of the husband – in the third, to pull everything off the balcony, etc.) – it immediately shows that the process is in progress Apparently approaching the finale. Praise yourself for another swallowed slice.
3. Motivation – Leadership and Recognition
An informal person is inspired by people who recognize his services and support him. To move on, the creator simply needs someone who will constantly praise him. Moreover, you can praise even for false achievements – “artists” in life are averse to flattery. The same person, the “praiser”, Can be the controller of everything that you do.
It is recommended to create a notebook where you can clearly describe the strategy of all cases, a specific plan of tasks, mark time and difficulties on the way. Himself a controller.
4. Make of the principle
Often creative people are leaders and do not like to lose. They can be hooked with the phrase “But can you?”. And if you skillfully manipulate the theme of leadership and rivalry, they can easily be taken “to the weak” and they will bring the task to the end of the principle. For example, managers can use this little trick, knowing such a feature of their allegedly unassembled employee.
5. Delegate or not at all
Creative people are often confident that only they can fulfill the intended task better than others. Hence their inability to delegate and an attempt to pull everything out on their own. One must learn to accept the fact that some tasks can be transferred or abandoned altogether.
Refuse the illusions about your own omnipotence – a person is not able to pull out all the cases without helpers, especially if the work involves a lot of contacts of different kinds. Write down everything that you do, by minutes – so it’s easier to draw up an adequate plan with real terms of implementation: the article is two hours, the site template is 6 hours, the store is an hour, the briefing with the customer is half an hour.
Use task lists at work to understand who can delegate the task, so as not to drown in the flow of small businesses, and not drown another.
6. The plan, terms, control
Use a simple technique to determine the purpose – the SMART technique. Your goals should be clear, specific, positive, environmentally friendly (do not harm anyone), achievable, have a finite deadline.
At the end of each stage of the plan, determine a small gratitude. Be sure to write it down in the notebook. When it becomes difficult for you to keep track of time and done when an avalanche of affairs looms dangerously over you and you almost shout “I do not have time! I throw everything! “- open the notebook and assess how much you have already done, make thesis writing – it’s not easy but very profitable and helpful in organizing your life.
7. Rule of one lesson
Give yourself a task of 45 minutes. Like a regular lesson in school. Do not be distracted by anything. Only force majeure – the car is on fire, got into an accident, the child’s crying – require immediate attention. All the rest of the world can wait its turn 45 minutes – even a meeting with a large client can always be moved for this time.
If you managed to accomplish the task before – just check your plan, there certainly are things that you can do in the resulting “window”.
Remember: if the case can be finished in 5 minutes, finish it and only then take on a new one, even if this can be done in one minute.
Do not force yourself into a tight time frame, otherwise, the first torn deadline will demotivate, and you will abandon attempts to control yourself.
Anyone who started working on himself understands that the same solutions in the same situations give the same result, i.e. The same mistakes will be made. Want to get away from confusion and waste of time? Take your life under control. This means finding free time for yourself, supporting inspiration, developing the potential and at the same time easily managing everyday tasks, family affairs and urgent quirks of customers.
Creative people are inexplicably stand out from the crowd. They can be bright and famous, with hundreds of ideas and friends. They can be modest and talented, surprisingly open to everything new. And with all the external extravaganza of life, it is very difficult for them to restore order in their affairs, to organize their efforts so as not to abandon the idea in the middle of the road. How to learn how to allocate time and complete feasible tasks?
To understand us helped Anna Kebets, organizational coach, head of the consulting company GoodWin Group.
Who is "creative"?
Read the Wikipedia definition! (laugh) These are people who love diversity and with pleasure wear bright clothes and notable accessories. These people easily light up with different ideas. Having received a new "toy" in hand, creative comrades immediately attract many people to "complicity", throw a hundred ideas and ... grab for something completely unrelated to what was planned from the very beginning.
They are very easy to switch from one to another, from the third to the tenth. Moved by interesting ideas and a huge amount of unrecognized creative people seldom realize things 100%, they get bored with the routine and the result stretched in time.
As a result, the mass of cases is multiplied - unfinished, though attractive by sense. And the deadlines are shamelessly ... Sighing again, "Oh, again it did not work out"?
Creative people have a muse and order in constant conflict. To save inspiration and not get bogged down in everyday anguish or career battles, creative individuals can and should learn how to organize their time. They have great potential for this.
How to organize your time and catch everything?
1. Eat an elephant in pieces
This means that one large and complex business (ie, an elephant) should be divided into several small tasks (pieces) and gradually carried out (eat). Then you can easily cope with any tasks. It is desirable that one task can be "swallowed" at a time.
"Elephant" can begin to chew from the trunk and systematically move to the tail. And you can eat chaotically - today's ear, tomorrow - a piece of leg. Everything depends on what task is before you. For example, if you make a site and its sections can be written in a spread, then the second option is closer to you. If for example, you go abroad, you first need to file a package of documents and get a visa, and only then collect a suitcase, pick up a dress for shoes. Only the first option works here: drawing up a plan and clearly following the points.
That in the process of "eating" you have continued interest in the matter, it is better to make small breaks between tasks.
2. Another swallowed slice
Creative personalities are people of a result. Not "processers." Therefore, it is important that the task is divided into several small sub-tasks, each of which had its own visible result. It is critically important to get a quick result in order not to burn out.
Are you going to move? This "elephant" is simply huge. But if you paint on the items that need to be done in the first place (to collect unnecessary now children's things in one bag, make-up - in another, the gadgets of the husband - in the third, to pull everything off the balcony, etc.) - it immediately shows that the process is in progress Apparently approaching the finale. Praise yourself for another swallowed slice.
3. Motivation - Leadership and Recognition
An informal person is inspired by people who recognize his services and support him. To move on, the creator simply needs someone who will constantly praise him. Moreover, you can praise even for false achievements - "artists" in life are averse to flattery. The same person, the "praiser", Can be the controller of everything that you do.
It is recommended to create a notebook where you can clearly describe the strategy of all cases, a specific plan of tasks, mark time and difficulties on the way. Himself a controller.
4. Make of the principle
Often creative people are leaders and do not like to lose. They can be hooked with the phrase "But can you?". And if you skillfully manipulate the theme of leadership and rivalry, they can easily be taken "to the weak" and they will bring the task to the end of the principle. For example, managers can use this little trick, knowing such a feature of their allegedly unassembled employee.
5. Delegate or not at all
Creative people are often confident that only they can fulfill the intended task better than others. Hence their inability to delegate and an attempt to pull everything out on their own. One must learn to accept the fact that some tasks can be transferred or abandoned altogether.
Refuse the illusions about your own omnipotence - a person is not able to pull out all the cases without helpers, especially if the work involves a lot of contacts of different kinds. Write down everything that you do, by minutes - so it's easier to draw up an adequate plan with real terms of implementation: the article is two hours, the site template is 6 hours, the store is an hour, the briefing with the customer is half an hour.
Use task lists at work to understand who can delegate the task, so as not to drown in the flow of small businesses, and not drown another.
6. The plan, terms, control
Use a simple technique to determine the purpose - the SMART technique. Your goals should be clear, specific, positive, environmentally friendly (do not harm anyone), achievable, have a finite deadline.
At the end of each stage of the plan, determine a small gratitude. Be sure to write it down in the notebook. When it becomes difficult for you to keep track of time and done when an avalanche of affairs looms dangerously over you and you almost shout "I do not have time! I throw everything! "- open the notebook and assess how much you have already done, make thesis writing - it's not easy but very profitable and helpful in organizing your life.
7. Rule of one lesson
Give yourself a task of 45 minutes. Like a regular lesson in school. Do not be distracted by anything. Only force majeure - the car is on fire, got into an accident, the child's crying - require immediate attention. All the rest of the world can wait its turn 45 minutes - even a meeting with a large client can always be moved for this time.
If you managed to accomplish the task before - just check your plan, there certainly are things that you can do in the resulting "window".
Remember: if the case can be finished in 5 minutes, finish it and only then take on a new one, even if this can be done in one minute.
Do not force yourself into a tight time frame, otherwise, the first torn deadline will demotivate, and you will abandon attempts to control yourself.
Anyone who started working on himself understands that the same solutions in the same situations give the same result, i.e. The same mistakes will be made. Want to get away from confusion and waste of time? Take your life under control. This means finding free time for yourself, supporting inspiration, developing the potential and at the same time easily managing everyday tasks, family affairs and urgent quirks of customers.