I run some time management courses and am finding them pretty boring and feel like I’m teaching granny to suck eggs!
Does anyone have anything I could use such as exercises/role plays or case studies
I would be forever in your debt!
Ginny Haynes
Ginny Haynes
Does anyone have anything I could use such as exercises/role plays or case studies
I would be forever in your debt!
Ginny Haynes
Ginny Haynes
3 Responses
what are you doing a tthe moment?
I have some exercises that delegates find interesting and valuable but I don’t know if you are doing them at present….
happy to share if you want to get in touch
time management workshop
Hi Ginny,
I have a workshop based on Stephen Covey’s material that some others have found useful. I can send it to you if you like.
All the best,
Get the group to do the work!
I recently ran a short time management session and we spent the first hour discussing ‘best practice’.
I broke them up into small groups and got each group to list out examples of good time management – either something they did or saw someone else do, something they read about or heard of on another course or from a book etc.
They shared their ideas and then the class picked one (or two) from each group and the group then had a few minutes to prepare a short presetnation on that method. I had supporting material available if necessary.
The session went well – though it required ‘facilitation’. I then followed up with other theory/comments/tools as necessary – and concluded with action plans etc.